/** * Message Definition */ var msg_read_permission_required = "You don\'t have privilege to access this page or this email has been logged in another machine."; var msg_session_permission = "This email has been logged in another machine."; var msg_new_free_order_mail_sent = "The new FREE TRIAL email has been sent successfully."; var msg_new_acc_mail_sent = "The new PAID account email has been sent successfully."; var msg_new_account_upgrade_mail_sent = "The account UPGRADE email has been sent successfully."; var msg_change_acc_mail_sent = "The account change email has been sent successfully."; var msg_change_acc_password_mail_sent = "The account change password email has been sent successfully."; var msg_password_minmax_required = "Your password must be between 6 and 40 characters."; var msg_password_length_minmax_required = "Password length must be between 8 and 40 characters."; var msg_password_minmax_required20 = "Your password must be between 6 and 20 characters."; var msg_account_mobile_unit_and_pin_require = "Both mobile number and PIN must be filled-out."; var msg_required_fromdate_todate = "From date must be a day before to date."; var msg_required_mobile_number_length = "Mobile number must be 10 digits."; var msg_required_mobile_number = "Mobile Unit Number is required and must be 10-20 digits mobile number."; var msg_required_mobile_number_admin_account = "Mobile Number must be 10-20 digits."; var msg_required_PIN_length = "PIN number must be 4-8 digits."; var msg_delete_account = "Are you sure you really want to delete this account?" + "
This account and all related information will be PERMANENTLY DELETED and UNABLE to restore."; var msg_deactivite_account = "Are you sure you really want to deactivate this account?"; var msg_activite_account = "Are you sure you really want to activate this account?"; var msg_warrning_discount_mobile_unit = "New mobile unit is less than the older." + " Some mobile users will be deleted from your." + " Are you sure you want to continue?"; var msg_warrning_discount_web_user = "New web user is less than the older." + " Some web users will be deleted from your." + " Are you sure you want to continue?"; var msg_website_name_auto_chante = "Your website name is "; var msg_website_name_auto_chante2 = ". Not "; var msg_website_name_auto_chante3 = " as you expected"; var msg_account_ready_send_confirm = "Are you sure you want to send new PAID account ready email ?"; var msg_account_send_free_order_confirm = "Are you sure you want to send new FREE TRIAL email ?"; var msg_account_send_upgrade_mail_confirm = "Are you sure you want to send account UPGRADE email ?"; var msg_account_change_send_confirm = "Are you sure you want to send the account change email ?"; var msg_account_change_password_send_confirm = "Are you sure you want to send the account change password email ?"; var msg_account_thirty_day_demo_mobile_unit = 'Accounts in 30-Day Free Trial mode can only have one mobile unit'; var msg_email_admin_exist_confirm = "This email is already used. Do you want to continue ?"; var msg_dulicate_email = "This email is already existed."; var msg_error_invalid_number = "Invalid number!"; var msg_error_websitename_cant_mdtadmin = "This \"website name\" is already used, please choose another one!"; var msg_error_workphone_only_number = "Workphone must contain only number!"; var msg_error_workphone_is_required_paid_account = "Workphone is required for a Paid account."; var msg_error_email_not_valid = "Email is invalid."; var msg_mail_to_not_valid = 'Email format is not valid.'; var msg_mail_subject_too_long = 'Email subject must be less than 1500 characters.'; var msg_error_websitename_not_valid = "Website/Account name can not contain space characters!"; var msg_error_websitename_not_valid2 = "Only characters and number are allowed for Website name!"; var msg_error_websitename_length = 'Website name must be less than or equal 20 characters.'; var msg_error_reseller_not_valid = "Only characters and number are allowed for reseller id!"; var msg_unknown_error = "There was an unknown error. Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact our technical support."; var msg_password_not_match = "Password and password confirmation do not match."; var msg_email_not_match = "Email and email confirmation do not match."; var msg_user_not_found = "This user is not found."; var msg_error_load_log = "Could not retrieve log list. Please try again in a moment."; var msg_warning_delete_form = "Are you sure you really want to delete this form ?"; var msg_form_already_add = "This form has already been added!"; var msg_add_draft_form = 'This is a Draft form. We can not add this form into the Main Project!'; var msg_form_does_not_exist = 'This form does not exist. Please refresh and try again!'; var msg_form_does_not_exist_none_refresh = 'This form does not exist!'; var msg_error_load_public_form = "Could not retrieve the public forms. Please try again in a moment."; var msg_save_success = "Data successfully saved!"; var msg_delete_success = "Data successfully deleted!"; var msg_removed_success = "Data successfully removed!"; var msg_invalid_format = " is invalid!"; var msg_conflict_email = "This email address is being used by another person, please enter another one."; var msg_conflict_email_in_account = "This email address is being used by another person in this account, please enter another one."; var msg_save_form_success = "Form successfully saved!"; var msg_maxlength_3000 = " must be less than 3000 characters!"; var msg_maxlength_1000 = " must be less than 1000 characters!"; var msg_maxlength_750 = " must be less than 750 characters!"; var msg_maxlength_500 = " must be less than 500 characters!"; var msg_maxlength_250 = " must be less than 250 characters!"; var msg_required = " is required!"; var msg_add_permission_required = "You don\'t have the privilege to add or edit a record."; var msg_edit_permission_required = "You don\'t have the privilege to edit the records."; var msg_delete_permission_required = "You don\'t have the privilege to delete the records."; var msg_print_permission_required = "You don\'t have the privilege to print the records."; var msg_Dispatch_permission_required = "You don\'t have the privilege for this feature."; var msg_not_empty_required = " can not be empty!"; var msg_future_date_required = " must be a future date."; var msg_duplicated_mobile_no = "This mobile number already exists. Please enter another one."; var msg_all_field_required = "All fields must be filled-out."; var msg_some_field_required = "All required fields must be filled-out."; var msg_email_exist = 'There\'s already an account associated with this email address.'; var msg_email_not_match_or_not_exist = 'Email is not valid or email confirmation does not match.'; var msg_email_not_valid = 'Email address is not valid.'; var msg_email_login_credentials = 'The login credentials have been sent.'; var msg_confirm_delete = "Are you sure you want to delete "; var msg_confirm_remove = "Are you sure you want to remove "; var msg_confirm_delete_all = "Are you sure you want to delete all selected rows?"; var msg_confirm_unlock = "Are you sure you want to unlock "; var msg_required_mobile_number_v1_0 = "Mobile number must be digits."; var msg_required_mobile_number_v1_1 = "Mobile Unit Number is required and must be a 10-20 digits number."; var msg_required_pin_number_length = "PIN number must be 4-8 digits."; var msg_required_mfa_account_pin_number_length = 'MFA account required pin 8 digits.'; var msg_required_deviceID_or_pnDeviceID = "Device ID or PN device ID is required."; var msg_required_safe_number = "Caution: This is not a safe number. Please use something more unique."; var msg_contact_inf_update_finished = "Your details have been updated successfully. If you updated your username and/or password, please ensure you use the new credentials in the future."; var msg_main_project_only_one = 'Do not allow to create a project named \"Main Project\"'; var msg_main_project_edit_only_one = 'Do not allow to rename a project name to \"Main Project\"'; var msg_project_name_contain_comma = 'Project name may not contain commas.'; var msg_project_form_warning_do_nothing = 'You have no action to save.';//'Please, sign or unsign forms to projects.'; var msg_web_group_manage_warning_do_nothing = 'You have no action to save.';//'Please, sign or unsign forms to projects.'; var msg_required_notification_email = "Please input Email."; var msg_no_data_export = "There is no data selected to export."; var msg_odk_key_problem = "Encountered a problem receiving key."; var msg_project_key_empty = 'Please select a Project to load data'; var msg_form_key_empty = 'Please select a Form to load data'; var msg_required_telephone_number = "Telephone number must be digits."; var msg_record_editting = "Please finish your current operation."; var msg_mobile_unit_mail_sender_not_found = 'Mobile unit is changed successfully.\r\nBut An error happened in sending the notification email. Please report this problem to our technical support.'; var msg_web_user_mail_sender_not_found = "Save successfully.\r\nBut the mail could not send to this user, because the mail sender had not found. Please, contact admin for more info."; var msg_web_user_send_mail_mail_sender_not_found = "The mail could not send to this user, because the mail sender had not found. Please, contact admin for more info."; var msg_cannot_send_mail = "Encountered a problem sending email."; var msg_custom_status_failed = "Sent status failed."; var msg_save_form_draft_success = "{FormName} has been saved as Draft."; var msg_save_form_published_success = "{FormName} has been saved as Published and added to the Main Project."; var msg_save_form_special_success = "{FormName} has been overwritten with your changes."; var msg_open_published_form_warning = 'This form has been “Published”. If you make changes you will need to save or publish the form using a different name.'; var msg_open_special_published_form_warning = 'Edit allows you to modify a form without having to rename it. You can add or hide items, but you cannot delete items, change data names or make other structual changes. Select Save when your changes are complete.'; var msg_save_form_name_conflict_error = 'Sorry, the form name "{FormName}" cannot be used since existing data are associated with this name. Please try a different name.'; var msg_save_form_name_conflict_warning = "A draft form named {FormName} already exists. Do you wish to overwrite the existing form?"; var msg_save_form_name_fail_unknown_warning = "Error in saving form. Please try again."; var msg_delete_form_success = '"{FormName}" has been deleted.'; var const_sign_in_title = 'Please sign in to your account'; var const_sign_in_title_not_doforms = 'Please sign in to your $1 account.'; var msg_error_load_print_data = "Can not load print data"; var msg_error_website_name_not_allow_keyword = " is used as a keyword so that Website Name can not contain it!\nPlease dont use it for Website Name."; var msg_error_problem_not_found = "Problem is not found."; var msg_error_resolve = "Encountered a problem in resolving."; var msg_error_dispatch_data = "Encountered a problem sending pending data. Please try again in a moment. If the problem persists, please contact technical support."; var msg_error_save_data = "Encountered a problem saving data. Please try again in a moment. If the problem persists, please contact technical support."; var msg_error_delete_data = "Encountered a problem deleting data. Please try again in a moment. If the problem persists, please contact technical support."; var msg_error_change_pos = "Encountered a problem changing the order. Please try again in a moment."; var msg_error_read_data = "Can not read data now. Please try again in a moment."; var msg_form_published = "This form has been published."; var msg_error_invalid_datetime = "Invalid date/time. Please input with format MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss."; var msg_accepted_already = "This item has been accepted already."; var msg_rejected_already = "This item has been rejected already."; var msg_error_try = "An error happened. Please try again in a moment."; var msg_error_check_try = "An error happened. Please check the data input and try again."; var msg_error_load_logo = "Can not load your logo. Please try again in a moment."; var msg_error_upload_logo = "Logo images must be smaller than 2000x2000 and smaller than 1 MB (320x72 is best). File format can be PNG, JPEG or GIF (PNG is best)."; var msg_select_records_del = "Please select records to delete."; var msg_select_records_export = "Please select records to export."; var msg_select_records_unlock = "Please select records to unlock."; var msg_select_records_dispatch = "Please select records to dispatch."; var msg_no_records_del = "There is no record selected to delete."; var msg_no_records_unlock = "There is no record selected to unlock."; var msg_invalid_up_file = "Can not upload file. Your file must be a csv or xls file."; var msg_error_upload_lookup_network_connection = "Error in uploading lookup data source.\nPlease check your Internet Connections and Network Policies."; var msg_error_upload_network_connection = "Error in uploading file.\nPlease check your Internet Connections and Network Policies."; var msg_warning_transfer_lookup_data = "Error in handling process of uploading data source to server.\nBut the data transferring is still continuing on server.$1\nPlease check the result upload data source later."; var msg_RPP_not_empty = "Rows per page can not be empty"; var msg_RPP_not_0 = "Rows per page must be greater than 0."; var msg_RPP_not_larger_200 = "Rows per page must be smaller than 200."; var msg_RPP_invalid = "Rows per page is not valid"; var msg_no_data_print = "There is no data to print."; var msg_no_data_email = "There is no data to send."; var msg_print_limit = "Please use the display settings function to reduce the number of columns in the report if you are having difficulty printing."; var msg_no_data_edit = "There is no data to edit."; var msg_no_data_delete = "There is no data to delete."; var msg_no_data_dispatch = "There is no data to dispatch."; var msg_inv_param = "Invalid parameters!"; var msg_upload_file_size_limit = "Upload file size can not be larger than 5MB."; var msg_upload_file_size_limit_excel_template = "Upload file size can not be larger than 5MB."; var msg_upload_file_size_limit_1 = "Upload file size can not be larger than 1MB."; var msg_upload_file_size_limit_10M = "Upload file size can not be larger than 10MB."; var msg_upload_file_size_limit_30M = "Upload file size can not be larger than 30MB."; var msg_upload_sound_format = "Can not upload, file type must be mid, mp3, ra, wav, wma, aac, aif, iff, m3u, mpa, qcp, amr, 3gpp"; var msg_upload_video_format = "Can not upload, file type must be 3gp, avi, flv, mov, mp4, mpg, rm, swf, wmv, 3g2, asf, asx, vob"; var msg_upload_picture_format = "Can not upload, file type must be bmp, gif, jpg, png, jpeg, tif."; var msg_upload_picture_format2 = "Can not upload, file type must be gif, jpg, png, jpeg"; var msg_upload_picture_format_PNG = "Can not upload, file type must be png."; var msg_data_deleted_try_F5 = 'This record can not be found or has been deleted. Please click "View" button or press F5 to refresh page.'; var msg_data_init_try_F5 = 'Could not re-initialize data! Please click "View" button or press F5 to refresh data.'; var msg_no_data_show_map = "There is no data to show map location."; var msg_no_gps = "There is no gps location for this record!"; var msg_gps_invalid = "The gps location for this record is invalid!"; //var msg_gps_not_exist = "Location field does not exist."; var msg_gps_not_exist = "There is no location data to map."; var msg_gps_not_display = "Can not display GPS Location for this record."; var msg_all_decimal_required = "All field must be decimal number."; //var msg_notice_type_required = 'Notice must be "Website" or "Mobile"'; var msg_notice_type_required = 'Please, select "Display to"'; var msg_error_read_big_data = "Could not retrieve data. Please try again with smaller number of rows per page."; //var msg_error_complex_form = "We are sorry, but the requested action cannot be completed because your doForms database is too large or too complex. If you have a Paid Account, please contact technical support if you would like assistance with a work-around (" + CONST_SUPPORT_MAIL_DOFORMS + ")."; //var msg_error_complex_form = "We\'re sorry, the selected data set is too large for the \"Filter\" function. Please use the \"Date Range\" control above to select a smaller data set and try again. Alternatively, you may export your data into a database or spreadsheet program and perform the filtering there. If you need help, please contact technical support"; var msg_error_complex_form = "We\'re sorry, the selected data set is too large. Please select a smaller date range, or select fewer columns to display using Settings - Display settings."; var msg_no_mobileunit_available = "You have no mobile unit available."; var msg_no_license = "There are no licenses available. The account administrator can purchase licenses by selecting My account > Add licenses."; var msg_no_license_for_mobile_user = "There are no licenses available for mobile user. The account administrator can purchase licenses by selecting My account > Add licenses."; var msg_mobileunit_warning_do_nothing = 'You have no action to save.';//'Please, sign or unsign mobile users to projects.'; var msg_mobileunit_timeout = 'The timeout error occurred, please reduce number of row per page and try again'; var msg_recommend_account_upgrade = "Please upgrade to higher account to get more available mobile users."; var msg_confirm_to_delete_data = "Are you sure you want to delete this data record?"; var msg_confirm_to_delete_dispatch = "Are you sure you want to delete this dispatch?"; var msg_confirm_to_pending_dispatch = "Are you sure you want to change this dispatch to Pending?"; var msg_confirm_to_sent_dispatch = "Are you sure you want to send this dispatch?"; var msg_confirm_dispatch_all_pending = "Do you wish to send ALL pending dispatches?"; var msg_reset_password_done = "Your password has been reset, and the new password has been emailed to you. Please check your inbox in a minute."; var msg_error_reset_password = "We couldn\'t reset your password for some reason. Please make sure that your user name is correct, and then try again in a bit."; var msg_account_info_update_sucess = "Your account information has been successfully updated."; var msg_project_not_exist = "This project is not existing."; var msg_form_not_exist = "This form is not existing."; var msg_updload_file_required = "Please choose a file to upload !"; var msg_cannot_send_mail_try = "Encountered a problem sending email. Please try again in a moment."; var msg_invalid_operation = "Invalid operation."; var msg_user_deleted_already = "This user has been deleted already."; var msg_select_form = "Please select a Form !"; var msg_duplicated_url = "This URL is already existing. Please enter another one."; var msg_logo_format = "Invalid file type. Only JPG, PNG or GIF files are accepted."; var msg_view_restrictions_format = "View restrictions must be one or more phone numbers (10-20 digits) and separated by spaces or commas."; var msg_default_project_not_in_project_list = "The selected project in the default dispatch form has been removed from the project list."; var msg_form_save_and_public = "Please save your form before make it public."; var msg_form_not_found = "Form is not found. Please make sure this form already exists."; var msg_form_wait_preview = "Form has been added to the queue and waiting for review."; var msg_save_form_no_fields = "You cannot save form with no fields."; var msg_no_data_preview = "There is no data to preview."; var msg_sorry_field_required = "Sorry, this answer is required."; var msg_invalid_required_nodefault = 'This question is identified as "Read Only" and "Required" but no "Default Value" set.' + 'It is not correct. Please go back to the form and correct it.'; var msg_greater_equal_required = "This field must be more than or equal "; var msg_less_equal_required = "This field must be less than or equal "; var msg_after_required = "This field must be after "; var msg_before_required = "This field must be before "; var msg_repeat_more_one = "One repeat is not recommended."; var msg_can_not_del = "Can not delete this item."; var msg_confirm_remove_all_skip_condition = "Are you sure you want to delete all skip conditions for this question?"; var msg_confirm_remove_all_relevance_condition = "Are you sure you want to delete all relevance conditions for this question?"; var msg_confirm_accept_public = "Are you sure you want to accept this form to public ?"; var msg_confirm_reject_public = "Are you sure you want to reject this form ?"; //var msg_confirm_delete_lookup_table = "This lookup table may have already been used in somewhere else.\n Are you sure you want to delete this lookup table ?"; var msg_confirm_delete_lookup_table = "This lookup table may have already be in use in one or more forms. \nDeleting this table will disable the lookup functions in those forms. \nAre you sure you want to delete this lookup table?"; var msg_confirm_unsaved_changes = "Are you sure? You will lose unsaved changes to the current form."; /*Message for build form validation*/ var msg_bf_required_error = "Please check required(*) field(s) in the properties."; //var msg_bf_required_fields_blank = "All required fields cannot be blank."; var msg_bf_required_fields_blank = msg_bf_required_error; //var msg_bf_ctrl_in_required_field_deleted = "All required fields cannot be blank. (The question using for this expression has been deleted.)"; var msg_bf_ctrl_in_required_field_deleted = msg_bf_required_error; //var msg_bf_sec_lbl_required = "Section label is required."; var msg_bf_sec_lbl_required = msg_bf_required_error; //var msg_bf_lbl_required = "Label is required."; var msg_bf_lbl_required = msg_bf_required_error; //var msg_bf_cap_txt_required = "Caption text is required"; var msg_bf_cap_txt_required = msg_bf_required_error; //var msg_bf_category_required = "Category is required"; var msg_bf_category_required = msg_bf_required_error; //var msg_bf_ctrl_name_required = "Questions name are required."; var msg_bf_ctrl_name_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_ctrl_name_not_valid = "Data name is not valid. The Data name must begin with a character."; var msg_bf_rep_count_not_valid = "Max repeats must be between $1 and $2."; var msg_bf_rep_table_row_count_not_valid = "Number rows must be between $1 and $2."; var msg_bf_group_empty = "You must have at least one question widget in a repeatable container."; var msg_bf_table_empty = "You must have at least one question widget in a table container."; //var msg_bf_rel_cand_all_required = "All fields are required in relevance conditions."; var msg_bf_rel_cand_all_required = msg_bf_required_error; //var msg_bf_rel_cand_ctrl_deleted = "All fields are required in relevance conditions.(The question using for this relevance has been deleted.)"; var msg_bf_rel_cand_ctrl_deleted = msg_bf_required_error; //var msg_bf_rel_cand_ctrl_move_down = "All fields are required in relevance conditions.(The question using for this relevance has been moved backwards or not in the same group.)"; var msg_bf_rel_cand_ctrl_move_down = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_rel_cand_ctrl_move_up = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_max_min_required = "Fields minimum/maximum are required."; var msg_bf_max_lt_min = "The minimum value should be less than or equal the maximum value."; var msg_bf_required_and_max_zero = "Can not create query with required and maximum length is 0."; var msg_bf_min_max_gt_500 = "Please input minimum and maximum less than 500."; var msg_bf_min_max_len_of_def_val = "Please input at least [$1] and less than [$2] characters into the default value."; var msg_bf_min_len_of_def_val = "Please input at least [$1] characters into the default value."; var msg_bf_max_len_of_def_val = "Please input less than [$1] characters into the default value."; var msg_bf_def_val_required = 'You may need to input the "Default value" if you check "read-only" property and enable the "Validate length"'; var msg_bf_num_def_val_required = 'You may need to input the "Default value" if you check "read-only" property and enable the "Validates range"'; var msg_bf_num_min_max_of_def_val = "Please input at least [$1] and less than [$2] into the default value."; var msg_bf_num_min_of_def_val = "Please input at least [$1] into the default value."; var msg_bf_num_max_of_def_val = "Please input less than [$1] into the default value."; var msg_bf_datetime_def_val_format = "The default value is not valid. Please input with format mm/dd/yyyy hh:MM:ss [AM/PM] or today."; var msg_bf_time_def_val_format = "The default value is not valid. Please input with format hh:MM:ss [AM/PM] or today."; var msg_bf_date_def_val_format = "The default value is not valid. Please input with format mm/dd/yyyy or today."; var msg_bf_datetime_min_format = "Field minimum is not valid. Please input with format mm/dd/yyyy hh:MM:ss [AM/PM] or today."; var msg_bf_time_min_format = "Field minimum is not valid. Please input with format hh:MM:ss [AM/PM] or today."; var msg_bf_date_min_format = "Field minimum is not valid. Please input with format mm/dd/yyyy or today."; var msg_bf_datetime_max_format = "Field maximum is not valid. Please input with format mm/dd/yyyy hh:MM:ss [AM/PM] or today."; var msg_bf_time_max_format = "Field maximum is not valid. Please input with format hh:MM:ss [AM/PM] or today."; var msg_bf_date_max_format = "Field maximum is not valid. Please input with format mm/dd/yyyy or today."; var msg_bf_mail_rep_mail_to_format = "Email address is not valid."; var msg_bf_mail_web_group_required = "Please select a web group."; var msg_bf_mail_web_users_required = "Please input web users."; var msg_bf_rel_cond_invalid = "Relevance condition is invalid"; //var msg_bf_data_src_required = "The data source is required."; var msg_bf_data_src_required = msg_bf_required_error; //var msg_bf_lookup_field_required = "The lookup field is required."; var msg_bf_lookup_field_required = msg_bf_required_error; //var msg_bf_lookup_all_field_required = "All fields are required in lookup question."; var msg_bf_lookup_all_field_required = msg_bf_required_error; //var msg_bf_option_required = "Property options are required."; var msg_bf_option_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_option_all_field_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_option_underlying_conflict = "More than one option with same underlying value."; var msg_bf_media_readonly_required = 'You can\'t select both "Read only in mobile app" and "Required in mobile app" for Media question'; var msg_bf_image_readonly_required = 'You can\'t select both "Read only in mobile app" and "Required in mobile app" for Image question'; var msg_bf_audio_readonly_required = 'You can\'t select both "Read only in mobile app" and "Required in mobile app" for Audio question'; var msg_bf_video_readonly_required = 'You can\'t select both "Read only in mobile app" and "Required in mobile app" for Video question'; var msg_bf_sketch_readonly_required = 'You can\'t select both "Read only in mobile app" and "Required in mobile app" for Sketch question'; var msg_bf_signature_readonly_required = 'You can\'t select both "Read only in mobile app" and "Required in mobile app" for Signature question'; var msg_bf_draw_readonly_required = 'You can\'t select both "Read only in mobile app" and "Required in mobile app" for Draw question'; var msg_bf_def_val_required_readonly_default = 'You may need to input the "Default value" if you check both "Read only in mobile app" and "Required in mobile app"'; //var msg_bf_skip_cond_all_required = "All fields are required in skip conditions."; var msg_bf_skip_cond_all_required = msg_bf_required_error; //var msg_bf_skip_cond_ctrl_deleted = "All fields are required in skip conditions.(The question using for this conditions has been deleted.)"; var msg_bf_skip_cond_ctrl_deleted = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_form_empty = "You can not save form with no question."; var msg_bf_form_validate_error = "There are errors in your form. These are displayed as red messages in the question canvas. Please review the entire form, correct these errors, and try again."; var msg_bf_form_validate_error_preview = msg_bf_form_validate_error; var msg_bf_form_empty_error_preview = "You can not preview form with no question."; var msg_bf_lookup_field_duplicate_error = "Can not add duplicate lookup field."; var msg_bf_lookup_destination_field_duplicate_error = "Can not add duplicate destination field."; var msg_bf_lookup_condition_field_duplicate_error = "Can not add duplicate Condition Answer."; var msg_bf_lookup_condition_datasource_diff_error = "This question and the Condition Field must have the same data source."; // Fix bug 0025079: Barcode-NFC Parsing : There is no warning message if Start Delimiter and End Delimiter have the same value var msg_bf_barcode_nfc_enable_parse_error = "Do not allow inputting the same value for Start Delimiter, Separation Delimiter and End Delimiter."; var msg_bf_currency_required = "Please choose a currency symbol."; var msg_mail_to_required = 'Please input the email report to.'; var msg_mail_content_required = 'Please input the optional message.'; var msg_mail_to_required2 = 'Please input the email to.'; var msg_sms_to_required = 'Please input the mobile number.'; var msg_sms_to_not_valid = 'Mobile number format is not valid.'; var msg_sms_message_max_length = 'Message can only be 290 characters max length.'; var msg_sms_fail = 'Send SMS failed. Please contact your administrator.'; var msg_select_send_to = 'Please select "Send to".'; var msg_mail_task_to_required = 'Please input the mail task to.'; var msg_mail_task_content_required = 'Please input the task instructions.'; /* Print View */ var msg_print_send_mail_success = "Sending email is successfullly. Please check your mailbox in a minute later."; var msg_print_send_mail_fail = "Encountered a problem sending email. Please try again."; var msg_print_send_email_task_success = "Email sent successfully."; /* Print View 1.4 */ var msg_print_create_map_fail = "Could not render the map data. Please try again."; var msg_print_page_setting_scale_required = 'Please input scale value'; var msg_print_page_setting_scale_range = 'The scale value should be in range [0..20]'; var msg_print_record_item_invalid = 'The print record item is invalid'; var msg_print_record_item_invalid_view_screen = 'The request printing data is invalid. Maybe it exists in the other account.'; var msg_print_record_item_excel_template_required = 'Sorry, you must select a Report Template before saving.'; var msg_report_setting_permission_required = "You don\'t have the privilege to show report settings."; var msg_dispatch_status_sent = 'This record has already been in "Sent" status.'; var msg_dispatch_status_scheduled = 'This record has already been in "Scheduled" status.'; var msg_dispatch_mobile_invalid = 'Can not find any mobile unit with this number.'; var msg_bf_num_min_max_out_of_range = "The $3 must be between >= $1 and <= $2"; var msg_dispatch_key_empty = 'Could not dispatch this record data. Please refresh data and try again!'; var msg_dispatch_mobile_empty = 'Dispatch mobile number must be assigned.'; var msg_dispatch_mobile_key_empty = 'Dispatch mobile key must be assigned.'; var msg_dispatch_mobile_unassigned = 'This mobile number is not assigned to current project.'; var msg_dispatch_mobile_locked = 'This record has been already locked.'; var msg_dispatch_sent_multi = 'This record has already been sent. Are you sure you wish to send it again?'; var msg_dispatch_import = 'Importing process is running under background. Please waits for some minute and refresh page to get new data.'; var msg_dispatch_import_invalid_format = 'This is not a valid {FileFormat} file'; var msg_dispatch_import_error = 'Could not import data with this file.'; var msg_dispatch_unlock_timeout_empty = 'Unlock timeout could not be empty.'; var msg_dispatch_unlock_timeout_invalid = 'Unlock timeout must be between 1 and 720.'; var msg_dispatch_sent_number = 'Number of pending records dispatched: '; var msg_dispatch_sent_number2 = 'Number of records dispatched: '; /*var msg_save_form_permission_required = "You don\'t have privilege to save form with paid questions.";*/ var msg_save_form_permission_required = "You don\'t have privilege to save form"; var msg_public_form_permission_required = "You don\'t have privilege to public form"; var msg_save_form_not_found_customer = "Not found customer."; //var msg_recorname_menu_disable = "Please save Form As Published first!"; var msg_recorname_menu_disable = "The current form must have at least one question."; var msg_recorname_field_notfound = "The following fields do not exists : "; var msg_error_osm = "Encountered a problem loading Open Street Map. Please try again with other browsers. If the problem persists, please contact technical support."; var msg_admin_message_edit_duplicate_email = "You should consider to manual update the BC system as well !"; var msg_error_export_setting = 'At least one option in "Column Headings" setting must be checked.'; var msg_error_nickname_format = 'Please input letters, numbers, space or underscores for nickname.'; var msg_error_nickname_length = 'Nickname must be less than or equal 255 characters.'; var msg_error_duplicate_project = 'Project already exists.'; var msg_error_change_same_name = 'New name must be different with old name.'; var err_support_unknown = 'Unknown error.'; var msg_warning_not_pending = 'There is not any valid pending records.'; var msg_lookup_warning = 'Uploading process is running under background.'; var msg_lookup_waiting = 'Uploading is being in progress.'; var msg_lookup_begin = ' - Uploading records...'; var msg_lookup_uploading = ' - Uploaded records: '; var msg_lookup_end = ' - Uploading completed.'; var msg_lookup_completed = 'Uploading is completed.'; var msg_lookup_failed = 'Could not upload this file! Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact our technical support.'; var msg_lookup_file_size_limit = "Upload file size can not be larger than 4MB."; var msg_lookup_csv_file_size_limit = "Upload file size can not be larger than 25MB."; var msg_lookup_small_xlsx_file_size_limit = "Upload xlsx file size can not be larger than 0.5MB."; var msg_lookup_xls_file_size_limit = "Upload file size can not be larger than 10MB."; var msg_lookup_xlsx_file_size_limit = "Upload file size can not be larger than 10MB."; var msg_lookup_error_preview_load_lookup = "Load lookup table fail."; var msg_number_employees_format = "Number employees must be zezo or positive integer."; var msg_lookup_warning_file_size_larger_limit = "Files larger than 4MB do not support complex formatting or formulas."; var msg_lookup_warning_xlsx_file_size_larger_limit = "Files larger than 0.5MB do not support complex formatting or formulas."; var msg_bulk_dispatch_failed = 'Could not load forms structure.'; var msg_bulk_dispatch_forms = 'Please selects a form to continue.'; var msg_bulk_dispatch_mobile = 'Mobile number is not selected.'; var msg_bulk_dispatch_success = 'Your bulk dispatch has been successfully processed.'; var msg_dispatch_policy = 'Please feel free to use our new dispatch and work order functionality at no cost through May 1. After that you will need to upgrade to a doForms-Dispatch account. Use the “Feedback” tab to tell us how you like it. The doForms Team.'; var msg_error_number_mobile_units_subtract_eq_1 = 'The "Number mobile users to SUBTRACT" must be set equal 1'; var msg_error_number_mobile_units_subtract_can_not = 'At least 1 mobile unit is left in account'; var msg_error_number_mobile_units_lt_subtract_mu = 'Value must be less than current number of mobile users. If you wish to add mobile users to your account, please use “Add Mobile users” option in the Account tab.'; var msg_error_number_mobile_units_subtract_gte_1 = 'The "Number mobile users to SUBTRACT" must be set more than or equal 1'; /* Export Excel Template */ var msg_error_export_excel_template_list = 'Error in request List excel templates'; var msg_error_export_excel_template_showemail = 'Error in showing email excel export templates'; var msg_warning_export_excel_template_file_ext = 'Please upload files with the valid extensions: xlsx, xltx, xlsm, xltm'; var msg_warning_export_excel_template_file_ext_2003 = 'Please upload files with the valid extensions: xlt, xls'; var msg_warning_export_excel_template_file_ext_new = 'A report template must be an Excel Workbook (*.xlsx). Use Save As in Excel to change your xls file to an xlsx file.'; var msg_title_export_excel_template_required = 'Please input the title.'; var msg_uploadcontent_export_excel_template_required = 'Please upload the Report Template content.'; var msg_warning_export_excel_template_duplicate_title = 'The title [$1] has existed in the system. Please choose a different title.'; var msg_empty_export_excel_template_list = 'There is no excel template item existed. Please upload at least one item.'; // Fwd: Text Revisions (03-Oct-2016) // This should say Settings not Options var msg_select_excel_template_report_required = 'Sorry, you must select a Report Template first.\nTo select a Report Template go to Settings > Report settings.'; var msg_select_excel_template_report_required_scheduler = 'Sorry, you must select a Report Template first.\nTo select a Report Template go to $1 > Settings > Report settings.'; /* Convert Excel to PDF */ var msg_error_in_creating_excel_template = 'Error in creating Report Template result.'; var msg_error_convert_excel2pdf = 'Error in convert report to PDF. Please try again later.'; /* Bulk PDF Printing */ var msg_bulk_pdf_no_select = "Please select records to export PDF."; var msg_warning_bulk_pdf_export = "Do you want to download all selected records ?"; var msg_warning_bulk_pdf_export_IE = "\nWith IE browser, all of the progress is slower than other browsers." var msg_error_bulk_pdf_export = "An error occur in export all PDF. Please try it again later."; /* Bulk Excel Template Printing */ var msg_bulk_excel_no_select = "Please select records to export Excel."; var msg_error_bulk_excel_export = "An error occur in export all Excel. Please try it again later."; var msg_no_data_export_excel = "There is no data to export excel."; var msg_error_bulk_pdf_convert = "These records can't be downloaded : "; /* Use Form in Lookup */ var msg_project_key_4_useform_empty = 'Please select a Project'; var msg_form_key_4_useform_empty = 'Please select a Form'; var msg_bf_add_more_max_table_control_error = 'Sorry, the Table widget can only display up to “$1” questions.'; /* Fixed length table */ var msg_error_init = "Could not initialize data for this table"; var msg_query_dead_line_exceeded_error = "The datastore operation timed out, or the data was temporarily unavailable. Are you sure you want to continue?"; var msg_subtrac_mobile_unit_error = "You must have at least $1 unused slot(s) in your mobile users tab before you can substract $1 mobile users. Please go to your mobile users tab and use the Row Menu > Delete function to free up at least $2 slot(s) prior to submitting this request." var msg_subtrac_web_user_error = "You must have at least $1 unused slot(s) in your web users tab before you can substract $1 web users. Please go to your web users tab and use the Row Menu > Delete function to free up at least $2 slot(s) prior to submitting this request." var msg_restore_not_found_account = "Account hasn't existed!"; var msg_restore_confirm = "Are you sure you want to restore this revision?"; var msg_bf_first_control_in_table_is_conditional_lu = 'By using the "Use Checklist" checkbox, the first question must be not a conditional lookup'; var msg_error_smartphone_branding_text_require = 'Smartphone Branding Text is required!'; var msg_error_max_call_per_hour_validate = "Max call per hour must be digits."; var msg_error_session_timed_out = "Your session has timed out. Please login again."; var mes_error_admin_client_log_add_required = "Field(s) are required : Mobile number and website name."; var mes_error_admin_client_log_add_website_not_found = "Website name not found."; var mes_error_admin_client_log_add_mobile_not_found = "Mobile number not found."; var msg_error_header_color_cant_same = 'The header background color and the header icon color may not be the same color.'; var msg_import_mobile_number = 'Please uses "Read mobile_number from file" or "Select mobile_number from list" option.'; /* Merchanding Account */ var msg_merchandizing_account_storeid = 'Store Id can not be empty.'; var msg_merchandizing_account_delete_confirm = 'Deleting this store will delete the record from Accounts table and Facings table. Please confirm that you wish to delete the store [Delete] [Cancel].'; /* Merchanding Setting */ var msg_merchandizing_setting_project_required = 'Please select a project.'; var msg_merchandizing_setting_form_required = 'Please select a form.'; var msg_merchandizing_setting_excel_tpl_required = 'Please select an Excel Template.'; var msg_merchandizing_setting_store_lookup_required = 'Please select at least one field in the Account table.'; var msg_merchandizing_setting_store_id_required = 'Please select at least one field in the Account table.'; var msg_merchandizing_setting_aisle_facings_required = 'Please select the aisle field.'; var msg_merchandizing_setting_account_form_change_warning = 'When you change new account table, \nall previous setting for [Accounts Store Lookup], \n[Accounts Store_ID], [Accounts Updates] will be reset.\n Do you want to save changes?'; var msg_merchandizing_setting_value_smaller_than_min_warning = 'Value of $1 can not be smaller than $2'; var msg_merchandizing_setting_value_larger_than_max_warning = 'Value of $1 can not be larger than $2'; var msg_merchandizing_setting_value_outofrange_warning = 'Value of $1 must be between $2 and $3'; var msg_merchandizing_setting_length_smaller_than_min_warning = 'Length of $1 can not be smaller than $2'; var msg_merchandizing_setting_length_larger_than_max_warning = 'Length of $1 can not be larger than $2'; var msg_merchandizing_setting_length_outofrange_warning = 'Length of $1 must be between $2 and $3'; // Error when do not choose Account var msg_merchandizing_setting_choose_account_warning = 'Sorry, you must specify an Accounts Table first.'; // Error when user has older settings and remove Project-Form Account var msg_merchandizing_setting_account_invalid_warning = msg_merchandizing_setting_choose_account_warning; /* Merchandizing Account Printing */ var msg_merchandizing_account_printing_no_info = 'There is no information for printing.'; var msg_merchandizing_account_printing_no_excel = 'Sorry, you must select an Excel Template first.\nTo select an Excel Template go to Settings > Account Tab Print Template.'; var msg_merchandizing_account_printing_no_form = 'There is no form for printing.'; /* Webservice Log Report */ var msg_error_input_account = 'Please enter Account.'; var msg_merchandizing_store_id_required = 'Please input StoreID.'; var msg_merchandizing_facings_no_aisle_value = 'You are choosing a text field as aisle field and there is no any aisle value. \nPlease add at least one aisle value.'; var msg_merchandizing_facings_no_paste_data = 'There is no data for pasting.'; var msg_merchandizing_facings_not_found_store_id = 'Not found StoreID with current index. Please search again.'; var msg_merchandizing_facings_printing_no_info = msg_merchandizing_account_printing_no_info; var msg_merchandizing_facings_printing_no_form = msg_merchandizing_account_printing_no_form; var msg_merchandizing_facings_printing_no_excel = 'Sorry, you must select an Excel Template first.\nTo select an Excel Template go to Settings > Facings Tab Print Template.'; var msg_merchandizing_facings_no_form = 'Sorry, you must select the Facings Table first.\nTo select the Facings Table go to Settings > Facings Table.'; var msg_merchandizing_facings_no_aisle = 'Please select the aisle field.'; var msg_merchandizing_facings_can_not_edit = "Can't edit empty Facings."; var msg_bf_storeid_field_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_aislecolumn_field_required = msg_bf_required_error; /* Merchanding Importing */ var msg_mer_importing_storeid_auto = 'Merchandising setting info is not valid for this option.'; var msg_mer_importing_storeid_required = 'Store_ID does not existed in this upload file'; var msg_mer_importing_storeid_duplicated = 'The import file contains duplicate records. Please correct and try again'; var msg_mer_importing_facings_storeid = 'The import file contains stores that are not in the Accounts table. Please correct and try again'; var msg_not_match = " do not match."; var msg_required_mobile_number_2 = " is required and must be 10-20 digits mobile number."; var msg_warning_delete_reseller = "Are you sure you really want to delete this reseller ?"; var msg_warning_delete_partner = "Are you sure you really want to delete this partner ?"; var msg_required_discount_limit = "Reseller Discount must be in range of 0-65."; var msg_password_minmax_required2 = " must be between 6 and 40 characters."; var msg_password_blank = " could not content blank in begin or end."; var msg_password_not_content = " could not content ' or \" character."; var msg_mer_importing_storeid = 'The import file contains duplicate records with the same Store_ID. Please select an action: '; var msg_mer_importing_storeid_cancel = '[Cancel so I can correct the import data and try again later]'; var msg_mer_importing_storeid_continue_override = '[Continue and allow overwrite of records with same Store_ID]'; var msg_mer_importing_storeid_continue_skip = '[Continue but skip the duplicate records with same Store_ID]'; var msg_mer_importing_storeid_confirm_override = 'Are you sure that you wish to allow overwrite of records with same Store_ID ?'; var msg_mer_importing_storeid_confirm_skip = 'Are you sure that you wish to skip the duplicate records with same Store_ID ?'; var msg_url_not_valid = 'Hyperlink format is not valid.'; var msg_mobile_unit_not_valid = "Mobile users number is not valid."; var msg_mobile_unit_positive = "Number of mobile users must be positive."; var msg_new_mobile_unit_not_valid_max = "Could not create more than 50 mobile users for new account."; var msg_edit_mobile_unit_not_valid_max = "Could not increase or decrease more than 50 mobile users for an account."; var msg_edit_mobile_unit_not_valid_current = "Number of licenses to remove must be less than current mobile user licenses."; var msg_new_web_users_not_valid_max = "Could not create more than 50 web users for new account."; var msg_edit_web_user_not_valid_max = "Could not increase or decrease more than 50 web users for an account."; var msg_edit_web_user_not_valid_current = "Number of licenses to remove must be less than current web user licenses."; var msg_edit_licenses_not_valid_current = "Number of licenses to remove cannot be greater than the available licenses."; var msg_total_licenses_below_plan_licenses_min = "- Total number of licenses can not below $PlanLicenseMin."; var msg_licenses_must_multiplier_of_plan_order_min = "- Number of licenses must be multiplier of $PlanOrderMin."; var msg_request_cancel_account = "Are you trying to cancel your account?"; var msg_edit_licenses_have_1_license_remaining = "You have 1 billable license remaining."; var msg_web_app_max_value = "The quantity of packages must be between 1 and 1000"; var msg_bf_act_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_hintlink_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_error_billing_amount = "Billing amount must be a decimal number."; var msg_error_billing_discount = "Billing discount must be a decimal number."; var msg_error_reseller_not_found = "Reseller not found."; var msg_error_customer_not_found = "Customer not found."; var msg_error_reseller_key_not_found = "Customer key not found."; var msg_limit_tolist_warning = "Entry must be a list selection."; var msg_bf_ctrl_deprecated = "This control was deprecated."; // Lookup Conditional LimitToList var msg_lookup_limittolist_warning = '$1 : Entry must be a list selection'; var msg_bf_ctrl_cal_date_add_date_err = 'Could not add a Date:Time to another Date:Time.'; var msg_bf_options_not_the_same_in_scorecard = 'The answer options must be the same for all questions of the Questionaire widget.'; var msg_trackingpoint_server_error = 'Encountered a problem in loading the tracking points. Please try again in a moment. If the problem persists, please contact technical support.'; var msg_fv_validate_warning = 'Value of "$1" can not be $2 $3 than $4'; var msg_fv_value_smaller_than_min_warning = 'Value of "$1" can not be smaller than $2'; var msg_fv_value_larger_than_max_warning = 'Value of "$1" can not be larger than $2'; var msg_fv_value_outofrange_warning = 'Value of "$1" must be between $2 and $3'; var msg_fv_length_smaller_than_min_warning = 'Length of "$1" can not be smaller than $2'; var msg_fv_length_larger_than_max_warning = 'Length of "$1" can not be larger than $2'; var msg_fv_length_outofrange_warning = 'Length of "$1" must be between $2 and $3'; var msg_fv_length_larger_than_max_warning2 = 'The max amount of characters for this field is "$1"'; var msg_fv_email_not_valid = '$1 : Please enter a valid email address'; var msg_fv_field_required = "Sorry, this answer is required."; var msg_recurring_status_warning = "Could not send record with 'Recurring' status"; var msg_recancelled_status_error = "Could not recancelled record with status" + " different 'Sent', 'Received', 'Viewed'."; var msg_recancelled_dispatch_to_different_user = "Do you want to send a copy of this dispatch to a different user?"; var msg_warning_project_form_unchecked = "You are about to remove a form with collected data from a project. Previously collected data for this form will not be available after clicking Save. Do you wish to continue?"; var lbl_sign_in = 'Sign in'; var lbl_sign_in_now = 'Sign in now'; var lbl_not_signed_in = 'Not signed in.' var lbl_request_access = 'Request access'; var lbl_request_access_all_field = 'Request access (all fields required)'; var lbl_forgot_your_password = 'Forgot your password?'; var lbl_never_mind_have_acc = 'Never mind, I have an account.'; var lbl_never_mind_remember = 'Never mind, I remembered it.'; var lbl_reset_password = 'Reset password'; var lbl_reset_password_conf = 'Reset password confirmation'; var lbl_reseller_id_not_found = 'Reseller ID not found.'; var lbl_partner_id_not_found = 'Partner ID not found.'; var lbl_enterprise_id_not_found = 'Enterprise ID not found.';//for amp login var lbl_account_not_found = 'Account not found.'; var lbl_thank_for_request_acc = 'Thank you for your account request. You will receive a Welcome Email when your account has been activated. Please contact your doForms Administrator with any account related question.'; var lbl_acc_req_conf = 'Account request confirmation'; var lbl_could_not_create_acc = 'Could not create an account with those credentials. Please try again.'; var lbl_input_email = 'Please input email.'; var lbl_input_old_pass = 'Please input old password.'; var lbl_input_new_pass = 'Please input new password.'; var lbl_input_pass = 'Please input password.'; var lbl_invalid_email_pass = 'Invalid email or password.'; var lbl_invalid_old_pass = 'Invalid old password.'; var lbl_invalid_pass = 'Invalid password.'; var lbl_enter_acc = 'Please enter account.' var lbl_acc_not_active = 'Your account has been deactivated. Please contact ' + CONST_SUPPORT_MAIL_DOFORMS + ' to have it reactivated.'; var lbl_acc_denied = 'Your account is denied.'; var lbl_acc_logged = 'This email address/password is currently in use. All users are required to have their own email address and password to access the system. Please contact your system administrator.'; var lbl_acc_logged_none = 'There is not any users logged in.'; var lbl_admin_logout_message = 'You have been logged out by the administrator of this account.'; var lbl_user_logout_message = 'Another user has logged in with your user ID and password. Your session has been terminated.
Please refer to the doForms EULA at ' + CONST_WWW_DOFORMS_COM_DOMAIN + ''; var lbl_could_not_login = 'Could not log you in with those credentials. Please try again.'; var lbl_could_not_login_network_error = 'An error occurred. Please refresh your browser.'; var lbl_pass_send_to_mail = 'A password reset link has been emailed. Please check your inbox.'; var lbl_logged_in = 'logged in.'; var lbl_log_out = 'Log out'; var lbl_account_account_rejected = 'Account has been rejected.'; var lbl_account_rejected_can_login_new_portal = 'Please log in at '; var lbl_to_get_start = 'Get Started'; var lbl_drag_ques_from_toolbar = 'Drag a tool from the toolbar into the center section and configure it using the parameters on the right.'; var lbl_click_to_select = 'Click on the question to select it and view and edit its details here'; var lbl_avlbl_paid_only = 'Available for paid accounts only - please upgrade'; var lbl_chk_wh_are_you = 'checking who you are...'; var lbl_etfmcutlauc = 'Exiting the form may cause you to lose any unsaved changes.'; var lbl_project_name = 'Project name'; var lbl_desc = 'Description'; var lbl_associate_forms = 'Associated forms'; var lbl_create_date = 'Create date'; var lbl_last_modified = 'Last modified'; var lbl_active = 'Active'; var lbl_these_record = 'these records ?'; var lbl_conf_dlg = 'Confirmation Dialog'; var lbl_is_not_valid = ' is not valid.'; var lbl_10_20_dig = ' must be 10-20 digit.'; var lbl_4_dig = ' must be 4 digit.'; var lbl_6_20_char = ' must be between 6 and 20 characters.'; var lbl_mobile_existed = 'Mobile number $1 has already been existed.'; var lbl_email_existed = 'The email $1 already exists.'; var lbl_alert = 'Alert'; var lbl_not_int = ' is not a valid integer Number.'; var lbl_not_dec = ' is not a valid decimal Number.'; var lbl_19_char = ' max length is 19 characters.'; var lbl_max_300_char = ' max length is 300 characters.'; var lbl_min_max_err = ' must be between $1 and $2.'; var lbl_min_err = ' can not be smaller than $1'; var lbl_max_err = ' can not be larger than $1'; var lbl_dig_only = ' must be digits only.'; var lbl_user = 'User'; var lbl_first_name = 'First name'; var lbl_last_name = 'Last name'; var lbl_tel = 'Telephone'; var lbl_email = 'Email'; var lbl_last_login = 'Last login'; var lbl_pwd = 'Password'; var lbl_priv = 'Privileges'; var lbl_could_not_init = 'Could not initialize $1 with the URL: $2'; var lbl_empty = 'Empty'; var lbl_length_min_max_err = ' length must be between $1 and $2'; var lbl_loading = 'loading.....'; var lbl_please_choose_frm = 'Please choose a form !'; var lbl_could_not_open_form = 'Could not open the form. Please try again in a moment.'; var lbl_set_cash_co2_tree_zero = 'Resetting the form count will set all the cumulative cash, CO2 and tree saving values to zero. The savings will then start accruing as new forms are received. Are you sure that you want to reset the form count? This action is not reversible'; var lbl_warning = 'Warning'; var lbl_anoqof = 'Average number of questions on a form printed on one sheet of letter size office paper can not be zero !'; var lbl_anolsop = 'Average number of letter size office paper sheets produced from one tree can not be zero !'; var lbl_select_prj = 'Select a project'; var lbl_get_start = 'To get started ...'; var lbl_no_public_form = 'No public form found.'; var lbl_could_not_search = 'Could not search in this time. Please try again in a moment.'; var lbl_avlbl_for_paid = 'Available in paid accounts only - please upgrade'; var lbl_avlbl_for_admin = 'Available for admin accounts only'; var lbl_please_finish_operation = 'Please finish your current operation.'; var lbl_account = 'Account'; var lbl_top_bar_plan = 'Plan'; var lbl_top_bar_package = 'Package'; var lbl_top_bar_sales = 'Sales'; var lbl_top_bar_reseller = 'Reseller'; var lbl_signout = 'Sign out'; var lbl_help = 'Help'; var lbl_cannot_change_acc = 'Can not change account'; var lbl_dis_pri_monthly = 'Monthly - $14.95 per month per mobile unit'; var lbl_dis_pri_yearly = 'Yearly - $149.95 per year per mobile unit'; var lbl_pri_monthly = 'Monthly - $9.95 per month per mobile unit'; var lbl_pri_yearly = 'Yearly - $99.95 per year per mobile unit'; var lbl_mobile = 'Mobile'; var lbl_device = 'Device'; var lbl_digit = 'digit'; var lbl_mobile_number = 'Mobile Unit Number'; var lbl_optional = '(optional)'; var lbl_numeric = 'Numeric'; var lbl_mobile_pin = 'Mobile PIN'; var lbl_mobile_empty = 'Mobile number can not be empty.'; var lbl_noti_email_not_valid = 'Notification email is not valid.'; var lbl_pls_enter_email = 'Please enter your email address'; var lbl_email_dif_confemail = 'Email address and its confirmation do not match.'; var lbl_pwd_not_match = 'Password and its confirmation do not match.'; var lbl_prj_gt_500_char = 'Project name and description must be less than 500 character.'; var lbl_pls_choose_frm_key = 'Please chose the form key'; var lbl_nick_invalid_sym = 'Nickname can\'t contain \"%\" symbol'; var lbl_donot_privilege = 'You don\'t have privilege for change this mobile unit information.'; var lbl_mobile_num_exist = 'There\'s already a mobile unit associated with this mobile number.'; var lbl_could_not_change_mobile_inf = 'Could not change mobile unit information. Please try again in a moment.'; var lbl_donot_privilege_chg_acc_inf = 'You don\'t have privilege for change this account information.'; var lbl_acc_with_email_exist = 'There\'s already an account associated with this email address.'; var lbl_could_not_save_chg = 'Could not save the change. Please try again in a moment.'; var lbl_pwd_does_not_match = 'Password does not match.'; var lbl_could_not_add_use = 'Could not add user. Please try again in a moment.'; var lbl_upload_logo = 'Upload Custom Logo'; var lbl_no_rep_label = '[no repeatable section label yet]'; var lbl_no_table_label = '[no table label yet]'; var lbl_no_ques_label = '[no questionnaire label yet]'; var lbl_no_page_name = '[no page name yet]'; var lbl_no_label = '[no label yet]'; var lbl_no_caption_text = '[no caption text yet]'; var lbl_capture_image = 'Capture image'; var lbl_capture_audio = 'Capture audio'; var lbl_capture_video = 'Capture video'; var lbl_capture_barcode = 'Capture barcode'; var lbl_capture_nfc = 'Capture NFC'; var lbl_capture_media = 'Capture media'; var lbl_draw_sign = 'Draw signature'; var lbl_draw_sketch = 'Draw sketch'; var lbl_draw = 'Draw'; var lbl_equal = 'equal'; var lbl_not_equal = 'not equal'; var lbl_lt = 'less than'; var lbl_lte = 'less than or equal'; var lbl_gt = 'greater than'; var lbl_gte = 'greater than or equal'; var lbl_const = 'Constant'; var lbl_space = 'Space'; var lbl_sum = 'Sum'; var lbl_sel_question = '- Select a question -'; var lbl_sel_page = '- Select a page -'; var lbl_caption_txt = 'Caption'; var lbl_ques_cap_des = '';//'To pad spaces before or after Caption use HTML tag “ ” to represent each blank space (e.g., “     ” would represent 3 blank spaces)'; var lbl_add_help_des = '';//'Additional help for this question. Use
to insert line breaks and “ ” to insert extra character spaces'; var lbl_hint = 'Hint'; var lbl_data_name_des = '';//'The data name as shown in the column headings.'; var lbl_default_val = 'Default value'; var lbl_default_val_des = '';//'The value of this field as presented at first.'; var lbl_read_only = 'Read only in mobile app'; var lbl_read_only_des = 'Whether this field can be edited in the mobile app, web app, and View Data tab'; var lbl_required = 'Required'; var lbl_required_des = 'Whether this field must be filled in before continuing.'; // The alternative label/message for Required, change to "Mobile Required" var lbl_required_alternative_value = 'Required in mobile app'; var lbl_required_des_alternative_value = 'Whether this field must be filled-in when completing the form in the mobile app or web app'; // The Dispatch Require (same control as Mobile Require) var lbl_dispatch_control_required = 'Required when dispatching'; var lbl_dispatch_control_required_des = 'Whether this field must be filled-in when dispatching the form'; var lbl_skip = 'Skip'; var lbl_skip_des = 'Skip from this question when the following condition is true:'; var lbl_relevance = 'Relevance'; var lbl_relevance_des = 'Show this question (or container) when the following condition is true:'; var lbl_constraint = 'Constraint'; var lbl_constraint_des = 'Specify expressions to determine if the answer is valid.'; var lbl_const_msg = 'Constraint message'; var lbl_const_msg_des = 'Specify display message if the field constraint is not valid.'; var lbl_inst_dest = 'Instance destination'; var lbl_inst_dest_des = 'Specify a custom XPath expression at which to store the result.'; var lbl_hide_in_web = 'Hide in View Data and Dispatch tab'; var lbl_hide_in_mobile = 'Hide in mobile app'; var lbl_length = 'Length'; var lbl_length_des = 'Validates character length of user input.'; var lbl_skip_cond = 'Skip conditions'; var lbl_rel_cond = 'Relevance conditions'; var lbl_use_curr_sym = 'Use currency symbol'; var lbl_curr_sym = 'Currency symbol'; var lbl_range = 'Range'; var lbl_range_des = 'Validates range of user input.'; var lbl_range_gps_des = 'Validates range of GPS input.'; var lbl_number_type = 'Number type'; var lbl_number_type_des = 'Type of number accepted. (Integer limited to 19 digits)'; var lbl_auto_stamp = 'Auto-stamp'; var lbl_auto_stamp_dt_des = 'Whether the Date Time "Now" value will be collected automatically with no user intervention.'; var lbl_auto_stamp_gps_des = 'Whether the GPS location will be collected automatically with no user intervention.'; var lbl_military_time = 'Military-time'; var lbl_kind = 'Kind'; var lbl_cal_kind = 'Calculation type'; var lbl_type_of_date = 'Type of date.'; var lbl_media_type = 'Media type'; var lbl_media_type_des = 'The type of media to capture.'; var lbl_type_of_barcode = 'Type of Barcode.'; var lbl_page_name = 'Page name'; var lbl_page_name_des = 'Text name for the page to appear in the mobile app navigation (20 characters max)'; var lbl_data_name = 'Data name'; var lbl_auto_return = 'Automatically return to form view at the end of the page if using question view'; var lbl_label = 'Label'; var lbl_label_des = 'The label caption as presented to the user.'; var lbl_name_des = 'The data name of this label.'; var lbl_hint_link_des = 'Add an image to the label.'; var lbl_img_justify = 'Justification'; var lbl_img_cap_justify = 'Image/Caption Justification'; var lbl_btn_justify = 'Justification'; var lbl_dis_in_mobile = 'Display in mobile app'; var lbl_dis_in_report = 'Display in reports'; var lbl_data_name_action_des = 'The data name of this action button.'; var lbl_upload_action_img = 'Upload an action image.'; var lbl_action_btn_text = 'Button text'; var lbl_img_action_des = 'Select a action to take place when control is clicked'; var lbl_sel_action_for_ctrl = '- Select an action for control click -'; var lbl_sel_action_for_btn = '- Select an action for button click -'; var lbl_sel_action_for_img = '- Select an action for image click -'; var lbl_action_param = 'Action param'; var lbl_ios_app_scheme = 'iOS app URL scheme'; var lbl_ios_app_scheme_des = 'Enter the “URL scheme” of the iOS app to be launched when control clicked.'; var lbl_dest_ques = 'Destination question'; var lbl_dest_ques_des = 'Select the question to jump to when image or button is clicked.'; var lbl_img_action_param_des_ques_flg = 'Execute autostamp questions between current and destination questions.'; var lbl_dest_page = 'Destination page'; var lbl_dest_page_des = 'Select the page to jump to when image or button is clicked.'; var lbl_required_act_des = 'Select if the action is required at this step.'; var lbl_data_name_app_des = 'The data name of this approval.'; var lbl_type_cal_field = 'Type of calculation field.'; var lbl_decimal_place = 'Decimal place'; var lbl_decimal_place_des = 'The number of digits to the right of the decimal point.'; var lbl_exp = 'Expression'; var lbl_exp_des = 'The expression for this control.'; var lbl_limit_to_list = 'Limit to list'; var lbl_limit_to_list_des = 'Check if you wish to limit answer entry to a lookup list selection only. Will also force the destination fields to always match.'; var lbl_sort_lookup_list = 'Sort lookup list alpha-numerically'; var lbl_sort_lookup_list_des = 'Check if you want to sort your lookup field alpha-numerically. Numbers are sorted first, followed by letters.'; var lbl_disp_Mobile = 'Display capture barcode button'; var lbl_disp_Mobile_des = 'Check this if your Lookup Field is a barcode that will be scanned'; var lbl_search_und_val = 'Choose-one destination fields'; var lbl_search_und_val_des = 'Check this if values in the lookup are choose-one "underlying value". Uncheck if values in the lookup are choose-one "text as displayed to user".'; var lbl_use_dis_only = 'Use lookup in website Dispatch tab only'; var lbl_use_dis_only_des = 'Check to have this lookup question display in the website Dispatch tab only (and not in the View Data tab and mobile app).'; var lbl_use_view_only = 'Use lookup in website View data tab only'; var lbl_use_view_only_des = 'Check to have this lookup question display in the website Data view tab only (and not in the Dispatch tab and mobile app).'; // Using for property [Do not use lookup in Dispatch tab] var lbl_not_use_dispatch_tab_custom = 'Do not use lookup in Dispatch tab'; var lbl_not_use_dispatch_tab_custom_des = 'Check this option to improve speed if this widget is NOT being used in the Dispatch tab.'; var lbl_use_cond_lookup = 'Use as input for conditional lookups only'; var lbl_use_cond_lookup_des = 'Check this if option to improve speed if this widget is only being used to support conditional lookups later in your form. Uncheck if you want full lookup functionality.'; var lbl_kind_des = 'Type of lookup field.'; var lbl_data_src = 'Data source'; var lbl_data_src_des = 'The data source for this lookup table.'; var lbl_lookup_field = 'Lookup field'; var lbl_lookup_field_des = 'The column in the data source that will be searched.'; var lbl_lookup_cond_fields = 'Lookup conditions'; var lbl_dest_field = 'Destination fields'; var lbl_category = 'Category'; var lbl_category_des = 'The category of this question.'; var lbl_option = 'Answers'; var lbl_sec_label = 'Section label'; var lbl_sec_label_des = 'The section label as presented to the user (one or two words)'; var lbl_group_name_des = 'The data name of this section.'; var lbl_group_loop = 'Max repeats'; var lbl_group_loop_des = 'Maximum number of repeats for this section.'; var lbl_repeat_transition_text = 'Repeat transition text'; var lbl_repeat_transition_text_des = 'This text will be displayed at the end of each loop (300 characters max)'; var lbl_repeat_transition_text_val = "This question ends the section. Do you wish to repeat?" var lbl_ctrl_desc = 'TABLET ONLY'; var lbl_ctrl_desc_des = 'Note that this widget will be rendered similarly to a repeatable section on non-tablet UI devices.'; var lbl_score_ctrl_desc = 'TABLET ONLY'; var lbl_ques_label = 'Questionnaire label'; var lbl_score_name_des = 'The data name of this table.'; var lbl_table_loop = 'Number of rows displayed in table.'; var lbl_use_required_row = 'Required rows'; var lbl_use_chk_lst = 'Use checklist'; var lbl_use_chk_lst_des = 'Use this option if the first question in the Table is a Lookup and you wish to display all the rows in a checklist format. Be sure the "Number Rows" value above equals or exceeds the number of rows in the Lookup table.'; var lbl_hide_row = 'Hide rows'; var lbl_hide_row_des = 'Use this option to hide rows that contain a specified alpha-numeric value. (This option using for facings table only)'; var lbl_hide_flg = 'Hide flag'; var lbl_hide_flg_des = 'Enter an alpha-numeric “hide_flag” or leave blank if you want a blank/null value to be the hide_flag'; var lbl_equally_space_col = 'Equally space columns'; var lbl_equally_space_col_des = 'Use this option to make columns equal width. Otherwise column widths will be controlled by the length of the question caption text.'; var lbl_android_only = 'ANDROID ONLY'; var lbl_store_id = 'StoreID'; var lbl_store_id_des_ = 'The Data_Name of the field that will specify the StoreID.'; var lbl_aisle_col = 'Aisle column'; var lbl_aisle_col_des = 'The column in the data source that will contains the Aisle values.'; var lbl_aisle_val = 'Aisle value'; var lbl_aisle_val_des = 'The aisle value displayed.'; var lbl_rules = 'Rules'; var lbl_rules_des = 'Specify the rules that decide how the form will branch.'; var lbl_use_save_form_as = 'Use the "Save form as" option to save a previously published form under a different name.'; var lbl_pls_select_form = 'Please select a form to open.'; var lbl_table_name = 'Lookup name'; var lbl_col_name = 'Column names'; var lbl_edit_xls_temp = 'Edit Report Template'; var lbl_add_xls_temp = 'Add Report Template'; var lbl_upl_xls_file = 'Upload Report Template'; // Fix customer's ticket : Do not change the button Upload Report Template var lbl_upl_oth_xls_file = 'Replace Report Template'; var lbl_select_prj_first = 'Please select a project first'; var lbl_select_form = 'Select a form'; var lbl_imp_data_acc = 'Import data to accounts table'; var lbl_imp_data_fac = 'Import data to facings table'; var lbl_exp_data_acc = 'Export data from accounts table'; var lbl_exp_data_fac = 'Export data from facings table'; var lbl_enter_store_id = 'enter a store_id'; var lbl_1_1_rec = '1 of 1 records '; var lbl_total_rec = 'Total records : '; var lbl_total_empty_rec = 'Total empty records : '; var lbl_total_dup_rec = 'Total duplicate records : $1 records as following : '; var lbl_action = 'Action'; var lbl_action_auto_run_trigger = 'Trigger'; // CO-2254 // CO-2743 var lbl_action_select_a_trigger = '- Select a trigger -'; // CO-2254 var lbl_form_name = 'Form name'; var lbl_pin = 'PIN'; var lbl_nickname = 'Nickname'; var lbl_email_opt = 'Email (optional)'; var lbl_device_id_requied = 'MFA device ID'; var lbl_device_id_last = 'Last device ID'; var lbl_device_id_reset_date = 'Reset date'; var lbl_work_group = 'Mobile Group'; var lbl_mobile_app = 'Mobile App'; var lbl_mobile_os = 'Mobile OS'; var lbl_frm_upd = 'Form Update'; var lbl_web_login = 'Web login'; var lbl_added = 'Added'; var lbl_notes = 'Notes'; var lbl_device_model = 'Device Model'; var lbl_carrier_network = 'Network'; var lbl_default_project = 'Default project'; var lbl_authorization_code = 'Authorization code'; var lbl_pre = 'Previous'; var lbl_next = 'Next'; var lbl_status = 'Status'; var lbl_all_field_required = 'All fields are required.'; var lbl_max_500_char = 'Maximum is 500 characters for First name, Last name and Email!'; var lbl_play_video_des = 'Enter the full URL of the video to be played when image is clicked.'; var lbl_video_url = 'URL of video'; var lbl_page_open_des = 'Enter the full URL of the web page to be displayed when image is clicked.'; var lbl_page_url = 'URL of web page'; var lbl_launch_proc_des = 'Enter the "name" of the Android app to be launched when control is clicked'; var lbl_launch_proc = 'Android app name'; var lbl_send_status_des = 'Enter the status text to be sent when image is clicked.'; var lbl_send_status = 'Status text'; var lbl_sel_or_upd_image = '';//'Select or upload an action button image'; var lbl_remove_option = 'Remove option'; var lbl_add_ans = 'Add answer'; var lbl_no_media = 'no media'; var lbl_media_error = 'media error'; var lbl_no_gps = 'no gps'; var lbl_gps_error = 'gps error'; var lbl_rem_exp = 'Remove expression'; var lbl_rem_cond = 'Remove condition'; var lbl_rem_field = 'Remove field'; var lvl_avlbl_for_upgrade = ' Please upgrade to use this control.'; var lbl_avlbl_for_disp = 'Available in dispatch accounts only - please upgrade'; var lbl_avlbl_for_disp_1 = 'Please upgrade to use dispatch'; var lbl_avlbl_for_disp_2 = 'Please upgrade to use dispatch scheduler'; var lbl_avlbl_for_disp_3 = 'Please upgrade to use build reports'; var lbl_save_cur_form = 'Save the current form.'; var lbl_use_to_capture = 'Use to capture a picture. (Video or audio available with paid accounts only.)'; var lbl_inputText_tip = 'Enter short or long text (letters, numbers, special characters).'; var lbl_inputNumeric_tip = 'Enter a number (decimal or integer).'; var lbl_inputDate_tip = 'Enter a date, time or datetime.'; var lbl_inputLocation_tip = 'Capture a GPS location.'; var lbl_inputImage_tip = 'Capture or select a picture.'; var lbl_inputAudio_tip = 'Capture an audio recording.'; var lbl_inputVideo_tip = 'Capture a video.'; var lbl_inputMedia_tip = 'Use to capture a picture, video or audio.'; var lbl_inputSketch_tip = 'Draw a sketch.'; var lbl_inputSignature_tip = 'Capture a signature.'; var lbl_inputDraw_tip = 'Use to draw a sketch or signature.'; var lbl_inputBarcode_tip = 'Scan a barcode.'; var lbl_inputNFC_tip = 'Scan an NFC tag.'; var lbl_inputPageBreak_tip = 'Show a page break.'; var lbl_inputLabel_tip = 'Show a label.'; var lbl_inputAction_tip = 'Run an action.'; var lbl_inputInstruction_tip = 'Use to show an instruction.'; var lbl_inputSaveAndSend_tip = 'Use to save and send form.'; var lbl_inputEmailReport_tip = 'Email the completed form.'; var lbl_inputApproval_tip = 'Approve a form after it is completed.'; var lbl_inputCalculate_tip = 'Calculate a value.'; var lbl_inputLookup_tip = 'Select a value from a lookup table.'; var lbl_inputFacingTable_tip = 'Use for facings table.'; var lbl_group_tip = 'Repeat questions multiple times.'; var lbl_ctrlTable_tip = 'Repeat questions and display them in a table format.'; var lbl_ctrlScoreTable_tip = 'Answer questions in a questionnaire format.'; var lbl_inputSelectOne_tip = 'Choose one answer from a list of options.'; var lbl_inputScoreOne_tip = 'Choose answers with a value that can be calculated and displayed in a Score Summary.'; var lbl_inputSelectMany_tip = 'Choose one or more answer from a list of options.'; var lbl_mnu_new_form_tip = 'Start a new form.'; var lbl_mnu_open_form_tip = 'Open a saved form.'; var lbl_mnu_fv_open_form_tip = 'Open a form for input data.'; var lbl_mnu_open_pub_form_tip = 'Open a published form for limited editing - can be saved using same name.'; var lbl_mnu_save_from_as_tip = 'Use to rename/duplicate a form or change its publication status.'; var lbl_mnu_save_from_as_draft_tip = 'Save the current form as Draft.'; var lbl_mnu_save_from_as_pub_tip = 'Forms with "public" status are deployable and shared with outside users.'; //var lbl_mnu_save_from_as_pri_tip = 'Forms with "private" status are deployable and shared with users inside this account only.'; var lbl_mnu_save_from_as_pri_tip = 'Publish the current form to your mobile devices.'; var lbl_mnu_del_form_tip = 'Permanently delete the current form from your account.'; var lbl_mnu_exp_xml_tip = 'Export the current form to a WC3 XForms XML format.'; var lbl_exp_json_tip = 'Export the current form to a JSON format.'; var lbl_mnu_pre_smart_phone_tip = 'Preview form with smart phone skin.'; var lbl_mnu_pre_blackberry_tip = 'Preview form with blackberry skin.'; var lbl_mnu_record_name_tip = 'Make record names list.'; var lbl_complex_password_and_user_lock_tip = 'Please contact ' + CONST_SUPPORT_MAIL_DOFORMS + ' to have it enabled.'; var lbl_plesae_enter_value = 'Please enter $1'; var lbl_please_enter_valid_value = 'Please enter a valid $1'; var lbl_please_select_value = 'Please select $1'; var lbl_cannot_empty = '$1 must be a number and cannot be empty.'; var lbl_email_add = 'Email address'; var lbl_company = 'Company'; var lbl_org_type = 'Organization type'; var lbl_mum_emp = 'Number of employees'; var lbl_primary_use = 'Primary use'; var lbl_acc_type = 'Account type'; var lbl_mum_mobile = 'Number of mobile users'; var lbl_billing_type = 'Billing type'; var lbl_bil_phone_no = 'Billing phone number'; var lbl_billing_address = 'Billing address'; var lbl_billing_state = 'Billing state'; var lbl_billing_zip = 'Billing zip'; var lbl_billing_country = 'Billing country'; var lbl_card_name = 'Card name'; var lbl_card_type = 'Card type'; var lbl_card_number = 'Card number'; var lbl_card_expiry_month = 'Card expiry month'; var lbl_card_expiry_year = 'Card expiry year'; var lbl_card_CCV = 'Card CCV'; var lbl_pls_sel_term_of_use = 'Please select "End User License Agreement"'; var lbl_par_monthly = ' - $$1 per month per mobile unit'; var lbl_par_yearly = ' - $$2 per year per mobile unit'; var lbl_accept_null_value = 'Evaluate blank (null) condition values'; var pri_manage = 'Manage'; var pri_read = 'Read'; var pri_edit = 'Edit'; var pri_admin = 'Admin'; var pri_deny = 'Deny'; var sts_pending = 'Pending'; var sts_sent = 'Sent'; var sts_schedule = 'Scheduled'; var sts_received = 'Received'; var sts_viewed = 'Viewed'; var sts_rejected = 'Rejected'; var sts_completed = 'Completed'; var sts_recurring = 'Recurring'; var sts_emailed = 'Emailed'; var sts_opened = 'Opened'; var sts_Locked = 'Locked'; var mdi_kind_image = 'Image'; var mdi_kind_sketch = 'Sketch'; var mdi_kind_signature = 'Signature'; var mdi_kind_audio = 'Audio'; var mdi_kind_video = 'Video'; var mdi_kind_inputImage = 'inputImage'; var mdi_kind_inputSketch = 'inputSketch'; var mdi_kind_inputSignature = 'inputSignature'; var mdi_kind_inputAudio = 'inputAudio'; var mdi_kind_inputVideo = 'inputVideo'; var mdi_kind_inputMedia = 'inputMedia'; var err_email_not_found = 'Email not found.'; var err_not_reset_pass = 'We couldn\'t reset your password for some reason. Please make sure that your user name is correct and please try again.'; var err_email_not_match = 'The email address you typed do not match.'; var err_pass_not_match = 'The passwords you typed do not match.'; var err_invalid_mail = 'The email address you typed is not valid.'; var err_email_in_use = 'The email address you typed is already in use.'; var err_more_than_one_ques_name = 'More than one data name "$1".'; var err_data_name_syntax = 'Syntax error. Don\'t use keyword "$1" for data name.'; var err_category_syntax = 'Syntax error. Don\'t use keyword "$1" for category.'; var err_form_has_deleted = 'The form you selected could not be found or has been deleted.'; var err_project_form_not_valid = 'This form link is no longer available.'; var err_form_name_not_alw_char = 'Form name is not allowed to contain some special characters : \\ / : * ? " > < | '; var err_could_not_save = 'Could not save the form. Please try again in a moment.'; var err_donot_have_priv = 'You don\'t have privilege for this page.'; var err_could_not_open_form = 'Could not open form. Please try again in a moment.'; var msg_project_timeout = 'The timeout error occurred, please reduce number of row per page and try again'; var web_app_const_sign_in_title = 'Please sign in to the web client'; var lbl_expand_page_wa = 'Expand page in Web App'; var lbl_show_as_hhhhhmm = 'Display time values as hh:mm'; var lbl_show_text_as_mobile = 'Show text as string on mobile'; var lbl_mobile_text_align = 'Mobile text align'; var lbl_jump_over_chklst_qv = 'Jump over checklist column in Question View'; var lbl_display_chklst_col_qv = 'Display checklist column name in Question View'; var lbl_score_table_col_comment = 'Comment'; var lbl_allow_img_sel = 'Allow selection from device gallery'; var lbl_ctrlGrid_tip = 'Display questions in a grid layout.'; var lbl_grid_ctrl_desc = 'TABLET ONLY'; var lbl_grid_ctrl_desc_des = 'Note that this widget will be rendered similarly to a repeatable section on non-tablet UI devices.'; var lbl_grid_label = 'Grid label'; var lbl_group_number_row = 'Number of rows'; var lbl_grid_number_col = 'Number of columns'; var lbl_grid_number_col_desc = 'Number of columns displayed in grid.'; var lbl_grid_label_des = 'The grid label as presented to the user (one or two words)'; var lbl_no_grid_label = '[no layout grid label yet]'; var msg_bf_grid_empty = "You must have at least one question widget in a grid container."; var msg_bf_scord_table_empty = "You must have at least one question widget in a questionnaire container."; var msg_bf_grid_col_count_not_valid = "Number of columns must be between $1 and $2."; var lbl_append_commnet_field = 'Append comment field'; var lbl_hide_in_report = 'Hide in reports'; var lbl_table_label = 'Table label'; var lbl_disp_nfc_btn = 'Display scan NFC button (Android Only)'; var lbl_disp_nfc_btn_des = 'Check this if your Lookup Field is a NFC that will be scanned'; var msg_confirm_fv_unsaved_changes = "You will lose unsaved changes to the current form. Do you wish to continue?"; var msg_confirm_fv_submit_success = 'Your form has been successfully submitted.'; var msg_confirm_fill_and_send_fv_submit_success = 'Your form has been successfully sent.'; var msg_confirm_fv_save_success = 'Your form has been successfully saved.'; var msg_confirm_fv_save_rejected = 'Your form has been successfully rejected.'; var msg_confirm_fv_save_recalled = 'Your form has been successfully recalled.'; var msg_confirm_fv_sent_success = 'Your form has been successfully sent.'; var msg_confirm_fv_forward_success = 'Your form has been forwarded.'; var msg_confirm_fv_email_success = 'Your email has been sent'; var msg_confirm_fv_save_incomplete = 'Form saved as incomplete.'; var msg_warning_delete_group_item = "Are you sure you want to delete section \"$1\" and all of its sub-sections?"; var lbl_number_decimal_type_des = 'Type of number accepted. (Decimal limited to 300 digits)'; var lbl_kind_integer = 'Integer'; var lbl_kind_decimal = 'Decimal'; var lbl_currency_none = 'None'; var lbl_kind_date = 'Date'; var lbl_kind_time = 'Time'; var lbl_kind_datetime = 'Date:Time'; var lbl_kind_number = 'Number'; var lbl_kind_string = 'String'; var lbl_justify_center = 'Center'; var lbl_justify_left = 'Left'; var lbl_justify_right = 'Right'; var lbl_advanced = 'Advanced'; var msg_confirm_delete_this_ques = 'this question ?'; var msg_confirm_delete_this_kw = 'this keyword ?'; var msg_confirm_delete_this_lang = 'this language ?'; var msg_confirm_delete_this_row = 'this row ?'; var msg_confirm_delete_this_prj = 'this project ?'; var msg_confirm_delete_this_frm = 'this form ?'; var msg_confirm_delete_this_mobile = 'this Mobile Unit ?'; var msg_confirm_delete_this_user = 'this User ?'; var msg_confirm_delete_this_service = 'this service ?'; var msg_confirm_delete_this_share = 'this share ?'; var msg_confirm_delete_this_notice = 'this notice ?'; var msg_properties = 'Properties'; var msg_untitled_form = 'Untitled Form'; var msg_type_draft = 'Draft'; var msg_type_public = 'Public'; var msg_type_published = 'Published'; var lbl_btn_now = 'Now'; var lbl_mnu_view_map = 'View Map'; var lbl_enter_button_text = 'Enter button text'; var lbl_use_image = 'Use Image'; var lbl_check_update = 'Check for updates'; var lbl_action_jump_to_ques = 'Jump to question'; var lbl_action_jump_to_page = 'Jump to page'; var lbl_action_play_video = 'Open video'; var lbl_action_open_web_page = 'Open web page'; var lbl_action_lanch_program = 'Open program'; var lbl_action_send_status = 'Send dispatch status'; var lbl_action_save_and_send = 'Save, send, close form'; var lbl_capture_location = 'Capture location'; var lbl_location_min_error = 'Minimum error'; var lbl_location_max_error = 'Maximum error'; var lbl_when_a_question_is_completed = 'When a question is completed'; // CO-2254 var lbl_trigger_question = 'Trigger question'; // CO-2254 //var lbl_undefined = 'Undefined'; var lbl_undefined = ''; var lbl_answer = 'Answer'; var lbl_date_jan = 'Jan'; var lbl_date_feb = 'Feb'; var lbl_date_mar = 'Mar'; var lbl_date_apr = 'Apr'; var lbl_date_may = 'May'; var lbl_date_jun = 'Jun'; var lbl_date_jul = 'Jul'; var lbl_date_aug = 'Aug'; var lbl_date_sep = 'Sep'; var lbl_date_oct = 'Oct'; var lbl_date_nov = 'Nov'; var lbl_date_dec = 'Dec'; var lbl_kind_string = 'String'; var lbl_draw_type = 'Draw Type'; var lbl_draw_type_des = 'The type of draw.'; var lbl_count = 'Count'; var lbl_android_only_add = ' - Android ONLY'; var lbl_btn_save = 'Save'; var lbl_btn_cancel = 'Cancel'; var lbl_btn_save_change = 'Save Changes'; var lbl_btn_save_add_store = 'Add Store'; var lbl_btn_save_duplicate_store = 'Duplicate Store'; var lbl_btn_save_delete_store = 'Delete Store'; var lbl_btn_search = 'Search'; var lbl_btn_add_user = 'Add user'; var lbl_main_project = 'Main Project'; var lbl_apply = 'Apply'; var lbl_clear = 'Clear'; var lbl_hide = 'Hide'; var msg_acc_mng_available_admin_only = 'Account management functions are available to your account administrator and manager only'; var lbl_btn_save_send = 'Save & Send'; var lbl_btn_save_schedule = 'Save & Schedule'; var lbl_select_email = '-- Select Email --'; var lbl_select_nickname = '-- Select Nickname --'; var lbl_opt_select = 'Select...'; var lbl_btn_print = 'Print'; var lbl_btn_edit = 'Edit'; var lbl_btn_prev = '<< Prev'; var lbl_btn_next = 'Next >>'; var lbl_btn_export = 'Export'; var lbl_btn_import = 'Import'; var lbl_btn_import_users = 'Import users'; var lbl_btn_export = 'Export CSV'; var lbl_btn_mobile_unit_dont_check_for_deleted_licenses = 'Don\'t check for deleted licenses'; var lbl_header_title = 'Title'; var lbl_update_lookup_table = 'Update lookup data'; var lbl_append_another_file = 'Append another file to this table'; var lbl_add_lookup_table = 'Add lookup data'; var msg_web_app_save_file_error = 'Error occur in download file.'; var lbl_header_webservice_page = 'Manage > Integrations > Web services'; var lbl_header_shares_page = 'Manage > Integrations > Shares'; var lbl_turn_on = 'Turn on'; var lbl_turn_off = 'Turn off'; var lbl_state_off = 'off'; var lbl_state_on = 'on'; var msg_fv_required_error = 'Please check required(*) field(s) in the form.'; var lbl_contact_us = 'contact us'; var lbl_suport_text_doforms = 'If you encounter problems, please go to '; var lbl_suport_link_doforms = CONST_SUPPORT_DOFORMS + '/hc/en-us'; var lbl_btn_change_website_logo = 'Change Website Logo'; var lbl_digit1 = 'digit'; var msg_bf_required_hide_mobile_or_web = 'You may not check both “Required in mobile app” and “Hide in mobile app”'; var msg_enter_exp_code = 'Please enter an exception code :'; var msg_exp_code_err = 'Invalid exception code.'; var msg_error_convert_excel2pdf_smartart = 'We are sorry. Your report template contains Excel "SmartArt" which is not supported. \nPlease remove any SmartArt form your report template.'; var msg_error_convert_excel2pdf_upload_fail = 'We are sorry. The size of your PDF file is in excess of our 10MB limit. \nYou may wish to try producing this report in Excel format instead of PDF. \nAlternatively you may wish to reduce the number of graphics and pictures included \nin your Custom Report Template.'; var msg_email_report_to = 'Email report to:'; var msg_optional_message = 'Optional Message:'; var lbl_pending_text = 'pending'; var lbl_approved_text = 'approved'; var lbl_rejected_text = 'rejected'; var lbl_btn_upload = 'Upload'; var lbl_btn_view = 'View'; var lbl_btn_delete = 'Delete'; var lbl_btn_browse = 'Browse'; var lbl_mnu_tracking_map = 'Tracking Map'; var msg_error_in_creating_excel_template = 'Error in creating Excel Template. Please try again later.' var msg_info_excel_template_gui_preview = 'Previews are not available for custom reports. Please select "Email" or "Download" to create the custom report. Then open the file on your desktop.'; var lbl_spin_step = 'Step'; var lbl_spin_step_des = 'Increment/Decrement the value'; var warrning_change_tab = 'You have not saved your changes yet. Do you want to save these changes ?'; var lbl_action_launch_google_map = 'Navigate with GPS'; var warrning_remove_form = 'Please select a form.'; var warrning_remove_report = 'Please select a report.'; var lbl_google_map_opt = 'Input type'; var lbl_google_map_opt_des = 'Select the format of the destination input'; var lbl_sel_map_opt = '- Select -'; var lbl_action_map_address = 'Address'; var lbl_action_map_latlong = 'GPS Location'; var lbl_google_map_add_opt = 'Directions action'; var lbl_google_map_opt_add_des = 'Select the format of the Google Maps output'; var lbl_action_map_add_center = 'Open map of location'; var lbl_action_map_add_dir = 'Open directions to location'; var lbl_google_map_lat_long_opt = 'Output type'; var lbl_google_map_opt_lat_long_des = 'Select the format of the Google Maps output'; var lbl_sel_map_lat_long_opt = '- Select -'; var lbl_action_map_lat_long_center = 'Center map on lat/lon'; var lbl_action_map_lat_long_dir = 'Get directions from current position to lat/lon'; var lbl_action_map_lat_long_location = 'Location question'; var lbl_google_map_lat_long_param_opt = 'Location question'; var lbl_google_map_opt_lat_long_param_des = 'Select a relevant question'; var lbl_sel_map_lat_long_param_opt = '- Select -'; var lbl_sel_map_add_opt = '- Select -'; var msg_bf_act_param_map_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_act_param_map_add_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_act_param_map_lat_long_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_act_param_map_lat_long_param_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_error_excel_2003_internal_process = 'We are sorry. Your report template might contain some features/formats of Excel 97-2003 which are not supported. Please save your report template with Excel 2007 or later, and try again. If the problem persists, please contact our technical support.'; var msg_error_excel_internal_process = 'Error in creating Excel Report, please contact our technical support.'; var msg_warning_delete_excel_template = 'Are you sure to delete current report template?'; var lbl_btn_remove = 'Remove'; var lbl_mnu_report_template = 'Create report template from current form.'; var msg_invalid_up_file_custom = "Can not upload file. \nYour file must be a CSV or an Excel file (xlt,xls,xlsx,xlsm,xltx,xltm)."; var lbl_display_page_wa = 'Display page break in Web App'; var war_30_day_demo_mode_check = 'Please select "I agree to the doForms End User License Agreement"'; var msg_30_day_demo_mode_upgrade_success = 'Successful! Your account is in 30-Day Demo Mode!'; var err_30_day_demo_mode_already_demo = 'Your account is already in 30-Day Demo mode!'; var lbl_dispay_kb_portrait_mode = 'Display keyboard in portrait mode'; var lbl_dispay_kb_landscape_mode = 'Display keyboard in landscape'; var lbl_show_as_simple_dropdown = 'Show as simple dropdown'; var lbl_google_map_input_source_param_opt = 'Input source'; var lbl_google_map_input_source_param_des = 'Select an Input source'; var lbl_sel_map_input_source_param_opt = '- Select -'; var lbl_action_map_input_src_lookup = 'Lookup widget'; var lbl_action_map_input_src_text = 'Text widget'; var lbl_action_map_input_src_location = 'Location widget'; var msg_bf_act_param_map_input_source_param_required = msg_bf_required_error; var lbl_text_size = 'Text size'; var lbl_wrap_text = 'Wrap text'; var lbl_text_size_xsmall = 'XSmall'; var lbl_text_size_small = 'Small'; var lbl_text_size_medium = 'Medium'; var lbl_text_size_large = 'Large'; var lbl_text_size_xlarge = 'XLarge'; var msg_save_form_success_cannot_add_to_prj = 'Form successfully saved but can not add to project tab please manually add this form.'; var msg_show_industry_template_added_to_account = '$1 Template(s) to Added to Account'; var msg_input_industry_template_number_required = 'Please input template name or number.'; var msg_select_industry_template_at_least_required = 'Please choose at least one industry template to add.'; var msg_finish_adding_industry_template = 'The selected industry template has been added.'; var msg_finish_updating_industry_template = 'The selected industry template has been updated.'; var msg_warning_delete_industry_template_admin = 'Are you sure to delete selected industry template ?'; var msg_warning_delete_industry_value_admin = 'Are you sure to delete selected industry ?'; var msg_warning_delete_language_value_admin = 'Are you sure to delete selected language ?'; var msg_warning_delete_keyword_value_admin = 'Are you sure to delete selected keyword ?'; var msg_error_duplicate_industry_form_number = 'The form number has been existed. Please choose a different name.'; var msg_warning_notice_change_to_add_industry_template = 'Are you sure to add new industry template. All current data will be cleared ?'; var msg_warning_notice_cancel_progress_industry_template = 'Are you sure to cancel progress. All current data will be cleared ?'; var msg_contact_with_admin = 'Please contact your system administrator.'; var msg_all_select_value_combobox = 'All'; var msg_input_industry_template_value_required = 'Please input industry value.'; var msg_duplicate_industry_value_info = 'The input industry value has been existed.'; var msg_input_language_template_value_required = 'Please input language value.'; var msg_input_keyword_template_value_required = 'Please input keyword value.'; var msg_input_keyword_template_value_invalid = "The keyword can't contain character ,"; var msg_duplicate_language_value_info = 'The input language value has been existed.'; var msg_duplicate_keyword_value_info = 'The input keyword value has been existed.'; var msg_error_form_number_industry_template_not_valid = 'Only accept character A-Z, a-z, 0-9,- and _ for form ID.'; var msg_rename_duplicate_form_for_industry_templates = '- $1 is renamed to $2'; var msg_ps_email_subject_custom_text_input_required = 'Please input the custom text.'; var msg_ps_custom_report_quality_required = 'Please input the Custom Report PDF quality.'; var msg_ps_custom_report_quality_range = 'The Custom Report PDF quality should be in range [1..100].'; var msg_ps_custom_report_desired_ppi_required = "Please input the PDF's pixel per inch."; var msg_ps_custom_report_desired_ppi_range = "The PDF's pixel per inch should be in range [1..500]."; var msg_ps_custom_report_jpeg_quality_required = "Please input the PDF's JPEG quality."; var msg_ps_custom_report_jpeg_quality_range = "The PDF's JPEG quality should be in range [0..100]."; var msg_ps_standard_report_setting_field_required = 'Please select at least one field for Standard Report.'; var msg_system_maintenance_alert = 'Please forgive us. We are in the process of performing urgent maintenance to enhance system performance. During this time your mydoForms website will be in READ-ONLY mode. You will not be able to add, edit or delete data. We expect this maintenance to be completed by 12:00 AM GMT.'; var msg_formsManage_warning_do_nothing = 'Please, choose forms to delete.'; var msg_form_delete_confirm = 'Are you sure you want to delete this form? This action will delete the form and its all of its data.'; var msg_forms_delete_confirm = 'Are you sure you want to delete these forms? This action will delete the forms and its all their data.'; var lbl_form_state = 'Form type'; var msg_upload_file_size_limit_import_mobile_unit = "Upload file size can not be larger than 1MB."; var msg_duplicate_header_import_mobile_unit = "Can't choose duplicate header."; var msg_no_available_slot_4_import_mobile_unit = 'No available slot for import mobile users. Please add more mobile users'; var msg_duplicate_header_4_import_mobile_unit = 'Duplicate header in import mobile unit file.'; var msg_invalid_file_4_import_mobile_unit = 'Could not import data with this file.'; var msg_select_mb_number_4_import_mobile_unit = 'Please select mobile number column header.'; var msg_select_pin_4_import_mobile_unit = 'Please select PIN column header.'; var msg_select_email_4_import_mobile_unit = 'Please select email column header.'; var msg_information_update_import_mobile_unit_status = 'Process update information MobileUnits'; var msg_information_import_mobile_unit_status_new = 'Imported records : #1 of #2'; var msg_information_import_mobile_unit_empty_mobile_number = 'Empty mobile number'; var msg_information_import_mobile_unit_invalid_mobile_number = 'Invalid mobile number'; var msg_information_import_mobile_unit_notsafe_mobile_number = 'Not safe mobile number'; var msg_information_import_mobile_unit_duplicate_mobile_number = 'Duplicate mobile number'; var msg_information_import_mobile_unit_empty_pin = 'Empty PIN'; var msg_information_import_mobile_unit_invalid_pin = 'Invalid PIN'; var msg_information_import_mobile_unit_empty_ntf_email = 'Empty notification email'; var msg_information_import_mobile_unit_invalid_ntf_email = 'Invalid notification email'; var msg_information_import_mobile_unit_invalid_nickname = 'Invalid nick name'; var msg_information_import_mobile_send_mail_fail = 'Send email notification fail'; var msg_information_import_mobile_unknown_error = 'Unknown error'; var msg_information_import_mobile_finish_progress = 'Finish import progress : '; var msg_information_import_mobile_total_process_item = 'Total processed items : '; var msg_information_import_mobile_total_failure_item = 'Total failure items : '; var msg_information_import_mobile_total_success_item = 'Total success items : '; var msg_warning_import_mobile_available_slot_not_enough = 'Warning : Available slots for Mobile Unit is not enough ($1/$2)'; var msg_total_process_import_mobile_items = 'Total of item rows will be processed : $1.'; var msg_information_no_available_mobile_unit = 'The import progress has been stopped because there is no more Mobile users available'; var msg_warning_import_mobile_unit_excel_file_ext = 'Please upload files with the valid extensions: xls, xlt, xlsx, xltx, xlsm, xltm, csv'; var msg_error_load_dashboard_data = "Encountered a problem loading data."; var msg_fv_this_answer = 'this answer'; var err_over_web_app_credit = 'We are sorry! There are currently no Web App submission credits remaining' +' for this account. Please contact the account administrator and ask them to replenish the' +' credit balance.'; var msg_missing_param = "Please, select all required field."; var msg_invalid_web_app_numner = "Invalid Credits number."; var msg_fv_email_not_valid2 = 'Please enter a valid email address'; var lbl_action_credit_card_payment = 'Credit Card Payment'; var lbl_ccp_transaction_amount = 'Transaction Amount'; var lbl_ccp_transaction_amount_des = ''; var lbl_ccp_transaction_amount_opt = '- Select -'; var lbl_ccp_transaction_description = 'Transaction Description'; var lbl_ccp_transaction_description_des = ''; var lbl_ccp_transaction_description_opt = '- Select -'; var lbl_ccp_curr = 'Currency'; var lbl_ccp_receipt_email = 'Recipient Email Address'; var lbl_ccp_receipt_email_des = ''; var lbl_action_send_and_continue = 'Save, send, reload form'; var lbl_ccp_receipt_email_opt = '- Select -'; var lbl_inputNumbering_tip = 'Generate a unique number.'; var msg_fv_lookup_accept_number_only = 'Please input characters 0-9'; var lbl_variable_repeats = 'Variable repeats '; var lbl_variable_repeats_des = 'Check if you wish to display a variable number of repeats'; var lbl_num_rep_source = 'Number of repeats value source'; var lbl_num_rep_source_des = 'Select a widget that will contain a value for the number of repeats'; var lbl_all_rep_required = 'All repeats must be answered'; var lbl_display_rep_count = 'Display repeat count'; var msg_bf_rep_val_source_required = msg_bf_required_error; var lbl_variable_number_row = 'Variable row number'; var lbl_variable_number_row_des = 'Number entered must <= number of row'; var lbl_num_row_source = 'Point to a numeric field'; var lbl_num_row_source_des = 'Select a widget that will contain a value for the number of rows displayed'; var lbl_all_row_required = 'All rows must be answered'; var lbl_display_row_count = 'Display row number'; var msg_bf_row_val_source_required = msg_bf_required_error; var lbl_table_number_row = 'Number of rows'; var msg_not_found = ' not found!'; //duocpv update bccrm id var msg_update_bccrmid = 'Are you really want to update this CRM ID?'; var msg_update_bccrm_success = 'Update CRM ID successfully.'; var msg_error_bcws = 'Has an error when system calls bc webservice.'; var msg_update_bccrmids_patch = 'Are you really want to update all of CRM IDs?'; var msg_update_cuspro_patch = 'Are you really want to update some properties of customer?'; var msg_access_db = 'Has an error when accessing database.'; var msg_update_bccrmids_patch_result = 'Number of accounts was needed to update CRM ID: {0}.'; var msg_update_cuspro_patch_result = 'Number of accounts was needed to update some propeties: {0}.'; var msg_not_accepted_update_bccrmid = 'This Account are not accepted to update CRM ID.'; var msg_update_invoice_history = 'Are you really want to update this invoice history?'; var msg_update_bccrmid_before = 'You need update the CRM ID before.'; var msg_update_invoice_history_patch = 'Are you really want to update all of invoice histories?'; var msg_update_invoice_history_patch_result = 'Number of accounts was needed to update invoice history: {0}.'; var msg_account_not_exist_bc = "This account does not exist on BC."; var msg_not_accepted_update_invoice_history = 'This Account are not accepted to update invoice history.'; var msg_update_invoice_history_success = 'Update invoice history successfully.'; var lbl_auto_stamp_trigger_1 = 'When the auto-stamp question is selected (assuming it is not hidden)'; var lbl_auto_stamp_trigger_2 = 'When a specified question is answered for the first time'; var lbl_auto_stamp_trigger_4 = 'When a specified page is displayed for the first time'; var lbl_auto_stamp_trigger_8 = 'When the form is opened for the first time'; var lbl_auto_stamp_trigger_16 = 'When the form is saved as complete'; var lbl_auto_stamp_trigger_32 = 'When an action button jumps over the auto-stamp question'; var lbl_auto_stamp_trigger_2_ques = 'Question trigger'; var lbl_auto_stamp_trigger_4_page = 'Page trigger'; var lbl_utilizing_full_scr = 'Fit to screen width'; var lbl_utilizing_full_scr_des = 'If possible, make all columns fit within the width of the screen.'; var msg_bf_auto_stamp_trigger_qes_required = msg_bf_required_error; var lbl_inputTrends_tip = 'Display trends in numeric answers across multiple forms.'; var lbl_number_of_prior_val = 'Number of values'; var lbl_number_of_prior_val_des = 'Number of prior values displayed in trends table'; var lbl_trending_date_val = 'Trending date'; var lbl_trending_date_val_des = 'Select the date field to be used to select prior values'; var lbl_key_field_filter_val = 'Key field filter'; var lbl_key_field_filter_val_des = 'Select a key field to filter the data by'; var msg_bf_number_of_prior_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_trending_date_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_key_field_filter_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_number_of_prior_not_valid = 'Number of prior must be between $1 and $2.'; var lbl_grid_equally_space_col_des = 'Use this option to make columns equal width. Otherwise, column width will be controlled by the length of the top row caption text.'; //duocpv add to delete account queue var msg_add_to_del_confirm = "Are you really want to add to delete accounts queue?"; var msg_approve_add_to_del_confirm = "Are you really want to approve to delete accounts queue?"; var msg_add_to_del_queue_confirm = "Are you really want to add to delete accounts queue?"; var msg_approve_no_choose = "Please, select customer(s) to approve."; var msg_add_del_queue_no_choose = "Please, select customer(s) to add to delete queue."; var msg_disapprove_add_to_del_confirm = "Are you really want to disapprove from delete accounts queue?"; var msg_add_to_del_success = "Add to delete accounts queue successfully."; var msg_approve_to_del_success = "Approve to delete accounts queue successfully."; var msg_add_to_del_queues_success = "Add to delete accounts queue successfully."; var msg_disapprove_to_del_success = "Disapprove from delete accounts queue successfully."; var msg_user_can_not_approve = "You don\'t have privilege to approve."; var msg_account_not_deactivate_add_to_del = "Account hasn't been deactivated yet."; var msg_deactivate_not_enought_time_add_to_del = "Deactivating account is not enough 30 days."; var msg_not_accepted_add_to_del = "Record was not accepted to add to delete accounts queue."; var msg_not_accepted_approve_to_del = "Record was not accepted to approve to delete accounts queue."; var msg_not_accepted_disapprove_to_del = "Record was not accepted to disapprove from delete accounts queue."; var msg_required_all_repeat = 'The repeatable section $1 must be completed with $2 rows of data before saving the form as Complete.'; var msg_warning_change_repeat_count = 'Caution: Changing this value will cause a related Variable Repeatable Section/Variable Row Number in this form to be cleared and recreated. Any existing data in that existing section will be deleted. Do you wish to continue?'; var lbl_trending_date_default = 'Date_Created'; var lbl_auto_stamp_trigger = 'Auto stamp trigger'; var lbl_auto_stamp_trigger_des = ''; var lbl_auto_stamp_select_opt = '- Select -'; var lbl_inputScoreSummary_tip = 'Show a summary of Score by Category entries.'; var lbl_dis_trends_btn = 'Display trends buttons'; var lbl_score_summary_pos_err = 'More than one Score Summary is not allowed and Score Summary must be placed under all the Score questions!'; //duocpv add to export excel of reseller var msg_field_required = "{0} is required."; var msg_confirm_insert_begin_rh='Are you really want to insert the begining reseller history records?'; var msg_confirm_update_rh='Are you really want to update the reseller history records'; var msg_insert_begin_rs_success = 'Insert successfully. Number of records was insered: {0}.'; var msg_update_rs_success = 'Update successfully. Number of records was insered: {0}.\n Number of records was updated: {1}'; var msg_billable_unit_not_valid = "Billable Units number is not valid."; var msg_billable_users_not_valid = "Billable users or Support user number is not valid."; var lbl_inputScoreSummary_tip = 'Show a summary of Score by Category answers.'; var msg_error_project_form_empty = "Please select Project and Form!";//project_key_4_useform_empty var msg_form_msg_available_admin_only = 'Form management functions are available to your account administrator and manager only'; var msg_project_msg_available_admin_only = 'Project management functions are available to your account administrator and manager only'; var msg_mobileunit_msg_available_admin_only = 'Mobile unit management functions are available to your account administrator and manager only'; var msg_webuser_msg_available_admin_only = 'Web user management functions are available to your account administrator and manager only'; var msg_webapp_mng_available_admin_only = 'Web App management functions are available to your account administrator and manager only'; var msg_print_report_fail_need_to_resize_image = 'Sorry ... We experienced a problem creating your report. In most cases,\nsuch problems are due to a report exceeding a 15MB file size maximum. \nTo avoid this, open your form in the View Data tab, then go to Options > Report Settings \nand scroll down to "Resize Image" and select one of the image reduction options.'; var msg_pr_backend_cant_create_std_pdf = 'Error in create standard pdf. Please try again.'; var msg_pr_backend_cant_create_excel_tmpl_notfound = 'The custom report template has been deleted. \nPlease use another template.'; var msg_pr_backend_cant_create_excel = 'The creating of excel template fail.'; var msg_pr_backend_cant_download_facings_records = "These records can't be downloaded (with aisle value) : "; var lbl_android_webapp_only = 'ANDROID & WEB APP ONLY'; var msg_bf_following_val_invalid = 'The value of field "to the following" is invalid (not support character \' and ").'; var msg_bf_skip_warning = 'Warning: This form contains Skip logic that is not supported in older versions of the mobile apps (Android 2.8 or older; iOS 2.4 or older). Please make sure that your mobile users have upgraded their mobile apps to the newest versions. If this is not possible, then consider using Relevance instead of Skip logic.'; var msg_backup_processing_failed = 'Backup processing failed.'; var msg_backup_infinity_loop = 'Backup processing is canceled.'; var msg_slidename = "Slide name"; var msg_image = "Image"; // Fix bug 0019544: Title of repeat dialog displays incorrect when content as inputted on "Repeat transition text" is empty var msg_warning_add_group_item = "Do you wish to repeat?"; //var msg_warning_add_group_item = lbl_repeat_transition_text_val; var msg_lookup_required_warning = 'Select an item from the list to complete lookup answer.'; var msg_warning_please_input_trend_value = 'Please input a value to show trend'; var msg_warning_no_trend_data = 'Sorry...There is no trend data to be downloaded'; var msg_update_cusprofile_patch = 'Are you really want to update all customer profiles?'; var msg_update_order_cusprofile_patch = 'Are you really want to update all order customer profiles?'; var msg_warning_no_score_ques = "There is no Score question."; var lbl_inputForward_tip = 'Forward the form to a mobile number or email address.'; var lbl_inputSecureForward_tip = 'Forward the form to an email address securely.'; // Fix bug 0019599: Wrong text in Questionnaire var lbl_score_name_des_questionaire = 'The data name of this questionnaire.'; // Fix bug 0019591: Wrong text in Grid (Data name) var lbl_score_name_des_grid = 'The data name of this grid.'; // Fix bug 0019593: Wrong text of data name of Auto-number var lbl_data_name_des_autonumber = lbl_data_name_des; var msg_form_deploy_existed = "This form already existed."; // The hint of field ScoreSummary var lbl_data_name_des_scoresummary = '';//'The data name of this Score Summary.'; var msg_warning_preview = 'There are errors in your form. You may preview the form with errors, but it may not display properly. We recommend that you correct the errors before previewing.'; var msg_warning_maxium_length_email_alias_value = 'The Email Alias Value is over 500 characters.'; var lbl_email_from_alias_description_value = '“From” email address will display as “$1 <$2>”'; //var msg_warning_save_version_change = 'WARNING:  This form was previously saved for version 2.x of the doForms mobile app.  If you edit this form it will be saved in a 3.x compatible mode.  This means that after saving, this from may not operate correctly on devices with 2.x of the doForms mobile app.'; var msg_trigger_ques_ref_err = 'Wrong specified question'; var msg_no_location_select_yet = 'No location selected. OK to close?'; var lbl_is_search_field = 'Searchable field'; var lbl_is_search_field_des = 'Up to 100 searchable fields per form'; // Tooltip for menu/icons on Build Forms var lbl_msg_add_industry_template_tooltip = 'Add a form template to your account from our library of industry templates.'; var lbl_msg_insert_form_tooltip = 'Insert an existing form into the currently opened form.'; var lbl_msg_preview_form_wa_tooltip = 'Preview the form in the Web App.'; // Tooltip for icons in View/Dispatch var lbl_msg_pdf_all_selected_tooltip = 'Generate the PDF report for the selected forms.'; var lbl_msg_excel_all_selected_tooltip = 'Generate the Excel report for the selected forms.'; var lbl_msg_list_view_tooltip = 'View form records in a list.'; var lbl_msg_map_view_tooltip = 'View location fields from the current query on a map.'; var lbl_msg_pdf_dispatch_all_selected_tooltip = 'Generate the PDF report for the selected dispatch records.'; var lbl_msg_dispatch_excel_all_selected_tooltip = 'Generate the Excel report for the selected dispatch records.'; /*var lbl_msg_map_view_tooltip = 'Show all data records in the “Current Query” on a map.';*/ //var lbl_msg_map_dispatch_tooltip = 'Show tracking location of mobile devices.'; var lbl_msg_map_dispatch_tooltip = 'View GPS tracks on a map.'; var lbl_dsp_android_only = 'DISPATCH ACCOUNTS'; var lbl_parse = 'Parse'; var lbl_parse_des = 'Allows parsing of scanned data into one or more destination fields'; var lbl_parse_enable = 'Enable'; var lbl_parse_start_delimiter = 'Start Delimiter'; var lbl_parse_separation_delimiter = 'Separation Delimiter'; var lbl_parse_end_delimiter = 'End Delimiter'; var lbl_30_day_demo_alert = 'Your free 30-Day Dispatch Demo will expire in XX days.'; var msg_mobile_icon_format = "Invalid file type. Only JPG, PNG, JPEG, GIF files are accepted."; var msg_image_invalid = "Invalid image."; var msg_wrong_image_size = "The icon images must be EXACTLY 320 pixel wide and 72 pixels tall."; var msg_icon_text_gt_30_char = 'Icon text must be equal to or less than 30 characters'; //var msg_lookup_limit_warning = 'Note: Lookup tables are truncated in Preview mode to just the first 25 lines.'; var lbl_number_of_line = 'Number of lines'; var lbl_number_of_line_des = 'Determine the height of the text box in terms of number of lines'; var msg_max_lookup_record_count_warning = 'This form contains large lookups and may take several minutes to load. '; var lbl_show_button = '$1'; var msg_title_success = 'Alert'; var lbl_auto_type = 'Type'; var lbl_auto_type_collected = 'Generated'; var lbl_auto_type_received = 'Submitted'; var lbl_auto_prefix = 'Prefix'; var lbl_auto_prefix_des = ''; var lbl_auto_start_value = 'Start value'; var lbl_auto_start_value_des = ''; var lbl_is_reset_numbering = 'Reset numbering in all forms using this prefix'; var lbl_is_reset_numbering_des = ''; var msg_confirm_fv_dispatch_UI_Plus_save = 'Your form has been saved successfully. This dispatch will appear as pending and will not be sent to the mobile device until you re-open and send it.'; var msg_confirm_fv_dispatch_UI_save = 'Dispatch has been saved as Pending.'; var msg_confirm_fv_dispatch_UI_save2 = 'Dispatch has been saved successfully.'; var msg_confirm_fv_dispatch_UI_sent = 'Dispatch has been sent successfully.'; var msg_confirm_fv_dispatch_UI_emailed = 'Your dispatch has been emailed successfully.'; var msg_confirm_fv_dispatch_UI_sms = 'Your dispatch SMS has been sent successfully.'; var msg_confirm_fv_dispatch_UI_scheduled = 'Your dispatch has been saved successfully. This dispatch will appear as scheduled, and will be sent at the scheduled time.'; var msg_custom_welcome_text_4_account_required = 'Please input the Welcome Text.'; var msg_bf_rel_cand_ctrl_not_same_kind = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_upload_img_resolution_fail = 'The icon images must be EXACTLY $1 pixel wide and $2 pixels tall.'; var lbl_show_in_drop_down = '$1'; // CO-1313 Remove 'Show “$1”'; var lbl_selected_function = 'Selected Function: $1'; var msg_datetime_setting_confirm = 'There are unsaved changes. Do you wish to save them?'; var msg_unsave_confirm = 'There are unsaved changes. Do you wish to save them?'; var msg_explain = 'Explain'; var lbl_text_ctrl = 'Text'; var lbl_numeric_ctrl = 'Numeric'; var lbl_trends_ctrl = 'Trends'; var lbl_counter_ctrl = 'Counter'; var lbl_select_many_ctrl = 'Select Multiple'; var lbl_score_one_ctrl = 'Score by Category'; var lbl_select_one_ctrl = 'Choose One'; var lbl_lookup_ctrl = 'Data Lookup'; var lbl_calculate_ctrl = 'Calculation'; var lbl_approval_ctrl = 'Approval'; var lbl_email_report_ctrl = 'Email'; var lbl_action_ctrl = 'Action Button'; var lbl_numbering_ctrl = 'Auto-number'; var lbl_score_summary_ctrl = 'Score Summary'; var lbl_label_ctrl = 'Label'; var lbl_page_break_ctrl = 'Page'; var lbl_forward_ctrl = 'Forward'; var lbl_nfc_ctrl = 'NFC'; var lbl_barcode_ctrl = 'Barcode'; var lbl_draw_ctrl = 'Draw'; var lbl_signature_ctrl = 'Signature'; var lbl_sketch_ctrl = 'Sketch'; var lbl_video_ctrl = 'Video'; var lbl_audio_ctrl = 'Audio'; var lbl_image_ctrl = 'Image'; var lbl_location_ctrl = 'GPS Location'; var lbl_date_ctrl = 'Date/Time'; var lbl_grid_ctrl = 'Layout Grid'; var lbl_score_table_ctrl = 'Questionnaire'; var lbl_table_ctrl = 'Table'; var lbl_group_ctrl = 'Repeatable'; // The message label for Library Skin Templates var lbl_install_form_status_4lib_skin_tmpl = 'Installing form #1'; var lbl_finish_install_form_draft_4lib_skin_tmpl = '#1 doForms were added successfully to your account!'; var lbl_finish_install_form_pblsh_4lib_skin_tmpl = '#1 doForms were added and published successfully!'; var lbl_finish_install_form_draft_4lib_skin_tmpl_single = '1 doForm was added successfully to your account!'; var lbl_finish_install_form_pblsh_4lib_skin_tmpl_single = '1 doForm was added and published successfully!'; var lbl_in_use_form_notice_4lib_skin_tmpl = 'Sorry, the form name “#1” is already in use. The form will be renamed to “#2”'; var lbl_reset_to_null = 'Reset'; var lbl_reset_to_null_des = 'Reset will clear the forward-to destination and will turn on the send email function after the form has been forwarded to recipient.'; var msg_upload_file_width_height_industry_image = 'The image must be EXACTLY 100 pixel wide and 100 pixels tall.'; var lbl_search_wild_card = 'Wild-card search'; var lbl_search_wild_card_des = ''; var msg_form_icon_format = 'Invalid file type. Only JPG, PNG, JPEG, GIF files are accepted.'; var lbl_action_flint_app = 'Payment'; var lbl_fa_transaction_subtotal_opt = '- Select -'; var lbl_fa_transaction_subtotal = 'Transaction Subtotal'; var lbl_fa_transaction_subtotal_des = ''; var lbl_fa_transaction_memo = 'Transaction Memo'; var lbl_fa_transaction_memo_des = ''; var lbl_fa_transaction_memo_opt = '- Select -'; var lbl_fa_tax = 'Transaction Tax'; var lbl_fa_tax_des = ''; var lbl_fa_tax_opt = '- Select -'; var lbl_fa_receipt_email = 'Recipient Email Address'; var lbl_fa_receipt_email_des = ''; var lbl_fa_receipt_email_opt = '- Select -'; var lbl_fa_return_url = 'Return Url'; var lbl_fa_return_url_des = ''; var lbl_fa_result = 'Result'; var lbl_fa_result_des = ''; var lbl_fa_result_opt = '- Select -'; var lbl_fa_result_trxid = 'Transaction ID (returned)'; var lbl_fa_result_trxid_des = ''; var lbl_fa_result_trxid_opt = '- Select -'; var lbl_fa_result_amount = 'Amount Paid (returned)'; var lbl_fa_result_amount_des = ''; var lbl_fa_result_amount_opt = '- Select -'; var lbl_fa_name = 'Customer Name'; var lbl_fa_name_des = ''; var lbl_fa_name_opt = '- Select -'; var lbl_fa_phone = 'Customer Phone'; var lbl_fa_phone_des = ''; var lbl_fa_phone_opt = '- Select -'; var msg_record_encrypted = 'This record has been encrypted.'; var msg_record_encrypted_all_selected_download = 'All selected records have been encrypted.'; var lbl_inputPayment_tip = 'Capture a payment.'; var lbl_payment_ctrl = 'Payment'; var msg_confirm_session_expired = "Your doForms session has expired."; var msg_confirm_session_will_expire = "Your doForms session will automatically expire in $1 minute(s) if no activity occurs."; var lbl_dispatch_read_only = 'Read only when dispatching'; var lbl_dispatch_read_only_des = 'Whether this field can be edited in the Dispatch tab or not.'; var lbl_payment_ctrl_signup = 'FLINT US PAYMENTS ONLY'; var msg_signup = 'Sign-up'; var msg_subtract_supports_unit = 'Support Units in your account will firstly be subtracted. ' + 'You have to pay for the remaining Billable Units (if any). For any questions, ' + 'please contact ' + CONST_SUPPORT_MAIL_DOFORMS + '.'; var msg_admin_submission_report_warning = 'Do you really want to export all Customer form submissions?'; var msg_error_no_account_selected = 'Please select an account.'; var msg_bf_def_val_disp_required_readonly_default = 'You may need to input the "Default value" if you check both "Read only when dispatching" and "Required when dispatching"'; var msg_bf_disp_media_readonly_required = 'You can\'t select both "Read only when dispatching" and "Required when dispatching" for Media question'; var msg_bf_disp_image_readonly_required = 'You can\'t select both "Read only when dispatching" and "Required when dispatching" for Image question'; var msg_bf_disp_audio_readonly_required = 'You can\'t select both "Read only when dispatching" and "Required when dispatching" for Audio question'; var msg_bf_disp_video_readonly_required = 'You can\'t select both "Read only when dispatching" and "Required when dispatching" for Video question'; var msg_bf_disp_sketch_readonly_required = 'You can\'t select both "Read only when dispatching" and "Required when dispatching" for Sketch question'; var msg_bf_disp_signature_readonly_required = 'You can\'t select both "Read only when dispatching" and "Required when dispatching" for Signature question'; var msg_bf_disp_draw_readonly_required = 'You can\'t select both "Read only when dispatching" and "Required when dispatching" for Draw question'; var lbl_report_setting_build_forms = 'Report format (Secure)'; var lbl_report_setting_build_forms_settings = 'Settings'; var lbl_report_setting_build_forms_settings_new = 'Report settings'; // Apply changes : Email Report Changes REVIEW 02-17-15 MJ.PPTX, slide 08 var lbl_report_setting_build_forms_standard_msg = 'Standard Report Template'; // Apply changes : Email Report Changes REVIEW 02-17-15 MJ.PPTX, slide 09 // PCA-406: Report Settings [] show buttons and check boxes in PDF same as PDF //var lbl_report_setting_build_forms_title_caption = 'Email Report Settings'; //var lbl_report_setting_general_title_caption = 'View Data Report Settings'; var lbl_report_setting_build_forms_title_caption = 'Report settings'; var lbl_report_setting_general_title_caption = 'Report settings'; var lbl_resize_image_hints_tip_report_settings = 'Resizing an image will lower the resolution of the image passed to Excel. You will still be able to set the physical image size in Excel by setting the cell size. For forms with a lot of pictures it is reccomended that you use Pictures with lower resolutions to keep the size of the PDF down.'; var msg_bf_barcode_nfc_parse_delimiter_error = "Do not allow inputting character '&' in delimiter."; var msg_bf_required_dsp_hide_web = 'You may not check both "Required when dispatching" and "Hide in View Data and Dispatch"'; var lbl_action_exit_without_conf = 'Close form'; var lbl_action_close_and_reload = 'Close, reload form'; var lbl_phone_number = 'Contact number'; var msg_upload_file_invalid_excel_template_2007 = "Please upload the file excel template 2007 or later."; //var msg_save_form_special_change_email_widget_warning = 'The Email Report widget in your form has been upgraded. Please check the Report Settings property in the widget to ensure they are set as desired… $1Explain$2'; var msg_save_form_special_change_email_widget_warning = 'The Email Report widget in your form has been upgraded. Please check the Report Settings property in the widget to ensure they are set as desired.'; var msg_reseller_rep_mail_not_valid = 'Reseller Rep Email is not valid.'; var msg_bf_required_dsp_hide_mobile = 'You may not check both "Required when dispatching" and "Hide in mobile app"'; var msg_datetime_format = '\'{value}\' is not valid {kind} ({format})'; var err_pass_recover_email_not_found = 'Sorry, we cannot find a matching account. Please check the Email entered and try again. If you continue having problems, please contact us at ' + CONST_SUPPORT_MAIL_DOFORMS + '.'; var msg_bf_min_and_max_zero = "Can not create control with minimum value and maximum value is 0."; var lbl_show_additional_gps_inf = "Show additional GPS information"; var msg_choose_excel_template_build_form_required = 'Please select a Report Template.'; var lbl_label_comment_field = 'Comment label'; var lbl_description_comment_field = 'The comment label as presented to the user'; var lbl_turn_off_email = "Turn off email"; var lbl_turn_off_email_des = ""; var lbl_reset_turn_off_email = "Reset"; var lbl_reset_turn_off_email_des = "Reset will clear the forward-to destination and will turn on the send email function after the form has been forwarded to recipient."; var lbl_replace_space_with_html_tag_nbsp = 'Replace space with HTML tag “ ”'; var lbl_column_weight_custom4container_nbsp = 'Column weight'; var lbl_column_weight_with_format = 'You must have a setting for each column separated by the | symbol and all numbers must equal 100. Ex. 3 column grid 40|40|20'; var msg_bf_column_weight_container_num_cols_invalid = 'The column weight format is not valid (about number of columns).'; var msg_bf_column_weight_container_not_number_invalid = 'The column weight format is not valid (one of percent value is not number or negative number).'; var msg_bf_column_weight_container_total_percent_invalid = 'The column weight format is not valid (total percent is not equal 100).'; var lbl_upload_media_invalid = "Your image file is invalid."; var lbl_remove_space_above = "Remove space above"; var lbl_remove_space_above_des = ""; var lbl_remove_space_below = "Remove space below"; var lbl_remove_space_below_des = ""; var lbl_label_shading = 'Label style'; var lbl_label_shading_des = ''; var lbl_label_shading_lines = 'Border'; var lbl_label_shading_shaded = 'Background '; var lbl_label_shading_nolinesorshading = 'No border or background'; var lbl_line_color = 'Border color'; var lbl_line_color_des = ''; var lbl_text_color = 'Text color'; var lbl_text_color_des = ''; var lbl_shaded_color = 'Background color'; var lbl_shaded_color_des = ''; var lbl_shaded_text_color = 'Text color'; var lbl_shaded_text_color_des = ''; var lbl_no_lines_text_color = 'Text color'; var lbl_no_lines_text_color_des = ''; var lbl_shading_kind = 'Shaded'; var lbl_shading_kind_des = ''; var lbl_shaded_opt_top = 'Top row only'; var lbl_shaded_opt_every_other_row = 'Every other row'; var lbl_shaded_opt_first_col = 'First column only'; var lbl_shaded_opt_every_other_col = 'Every other column'; var lbl_location_show_lat = 'Show latitude'; var lbl_location_show_lat_des = ''; var lbl_location_show_lon = 'Show longitude'; var lbl_location_show_lon_des = ''; var lbl_location_show_acc = 'Show accuracy'; var lbl_location_show_acc_des = ''; var lbl_location_show_alt = 'Show altitude'; var lbl_location_show_alt_des = ''; var lbl_location_promt_after = 'Prompt user after'; var lbl_location_zoom_level = 'Zoom level'; var lbl_location_zoom_level_des = 'Use this value in all requests to mapbox for static GPS maps.'; var lbl_location_promt_after_des = ''; var lbl_location_max_error_des = ''; var lbl_action_save_and_exit = 'Save as incomplete'; var lbl_action_save_and_load_form = 'Save, send, load selected form'; var lbl_form_load = 'Pick a form to load'; var lbl_form_load_des = ''; var lbl_form_load_select_opt = '- Select -'; var lbl_mobile_unit_businessunit_storenumber = 'Business unit/ Store number'; var msg_confirm_delete_item_state_region = "Are you sure you want to delete this item ?"; var msg_info_input_key_or_value_st_required = "Please input value of key/value."; var msg_info_duplicate_key_or_value_st = "You can't add duplicate key or value."; var msg_info_input_country_name_st_required = "Please input the country name."; var msg_info_input_list_of_region_st_required = "Please input the list of regions."; var msg_warning_delete_state_region_main_list_admin = 'Are you sure to delete selected state/region ?'; var msg_warning_notice_change_to_add_state_region = 'Are you sure to add new state/region. All current data will be cleared ?'; var msg_invalid_up_file_custom_state_region = "Can not upload file. \nYour file must be an Excel file (xlt,xls,xlsx,xlsm,xltx,xltm)."; var lbl_grid_type = 'Grid type'; var lbl_grid_type_des = ''; var lbl_grid_type_normal = '
No captions
'; var lbl_grid_type_caption_based = 'Caption based'; var lbl_grid_type_row = '
Captions on top
'; var lbl_grid_type_column = '
Captions on the side
'; var msg_bf_grid_not_accept_label = 'Not accept label widget in grid type "Caption row based" and "Caption column based".'; var msg_bf_grid_col_count_not_valid_2 = 'Number of columns must be an even number.'; var lbl_apperance = 'Appearance'; var lbl_apperance_des = ''; var lbl_apperance_info = 'You can set your defaults in the options under form settings'; var lbl_col_type_equally = 'Equally space columns'; var lbl_col_type_caption_length = 'Use caption length'; var lbl_col_type_adjust_col_width = 'Adjust column width'; var lbl_utilizing_full_scr_new = 'Fit to screen'; var lbl_utilizing_full_scr_new_des = 'If possible, make all columns fit within the width of the screen.'; var lbl_repeatable_type = 'Repeatable type'; var lbl_repeatable_type_down = 'Down'; var lbl_repeatable_type_across = 'Across'; var lbl_read_only_group = 'Read only'; var lbl_read_only_group_des = ''; var lbl_read_only_grp = 'In mobile app'; var lbl_read_only_grp_des = ''; var lbl_dispatch_read_only_grp = 'When dispatching'; var lbl_dispatch_read_only_grp_des = ''; var lbl_read_only_info = 'Read only in mobile or when dispatching'; var lbl_required_group = 'Required'; var lbl_required_group_des = ''; var lbl_required_info = 'Required in mobile or when dispatching'; var lbl_required_grp = 'In mobile app'; var lbl_required_grp_des = ''; var lbl_dispatch_control_required_grp = 'When dispatching'; var lbl_dispatch_control_required_grp_des = ''; var lbl_remove_space_group = 'Remove space'; var lbl_remove_space_group_des = ''; var lbl_remove_space_info = ''; var lbl_remove_space_above_grp = 'Above'; var lbl_remove_space_above_grp_des = ''; var lbl_remove_space_below_grp = 'Below'; var lbl_remove_space_below_grp_des = ''; var lbl_hide_mobile_web_group = 'Hide' var lbl_hide_mobile_web_group_des = ''; var lbl_hide_mobile_web_group_info = ''; var lbl_hide_in_web_grp = 'In View Data and Dispatch tab'; var lbl_hide_in_mobile_grp = 'In mobile app' var lbl_hide_in_report_grp = 'In reports' var lbl_hide_in_pdf = 'Hide in PDF and Print'; var lbl_hide_in_pdf_grp = 'Print'; var lbl_display_type = 'Display'; var lbl_display_type_down = 'Down'; var lbl_display_type_across = 'Across'; var lbl_ignore_requird_in_forward = 'Ignore required fields in forward'; var msg_bf_questionnaire_question_number_check = 'The value of Question should be a number.'; var msg_bf_questionnaire_answer_number_check = 'The value of Answer should be a number.'; var msg_bf_questionnaire_comment_number_check = 'The value of Comment should be a number.'; var msg_bf_questionnaire_answer_num_cols_invalid_sc = 'The question format is not valid (about number of columns).'; var msg_bf_questionnaire_answer_not_number_invalid_sc = 'The column weight format is not valid (one of percent value is not number or negative number).'; var msg_bf_questionnaire_total_percent_invalid_sc = 'Total percent of Question + Answer should be 100.'; var msg_bf_questionnaire_total_percent_invalid_sc_cmt = 'Total percent of Question + Answer + Comment should be 100.'; var lbl_location_max_error_des_qtip = 'Lowering this number will improve position accuracy but may increase GPS acquisition time significantly. Please remember that accuracy is based on line of sight to the sky. So use a higher number if requesting GPS in buildings and other areas with obstructions.'; var msg_save_form_published_success_to_prj = "{FormName} has been saved as Published and added to the {ProjectName}."; var lbl_auto_stamp_allow_edit = 'Allow edit'; var lbl_use_calendar_view = 'Use calendar view'; var lbl_auto_stamp_allow_edit_des = ''; var lbl_show_skip_condition = 'Jump to'; var lbl_show_skip_condition_des = ''; var lbl_show_skip_condition_msg_info = ''; var lbl_show_relevance_condition = 'Only display this question if'; var lbl_show_relevance_condition_des = ''; var lbl_show_relevance_condition_msg_info = ''; var lbl_display_type_simple_dropdown = 'Simple dropdown'; var lbl_action_group = 'Actions & Logic'; var lbl_action_group_des = ''; var lbl_show_option_msg_info = ''; var lbl_default_msg_info = 'The value of this field as presented at first.'; var lbl_advanced_options = 'Advanced options'; var lbl_advanced_options_des = ""; var lbl_type = 'Type'; var lbl_dropdown_text = 'Dropdown text'; var lbl_display_kb = 'Display keyboard'; var lbl_dispay_kb_portrait_mode_grp = 'Portrait mode'; var lbl_dispay_kb_landscape_mode_grp = 'Landscape mode'; var lbl_display_kb_des = ''; var lbl_dispatch = 'Restrict data on'; var lbl_dispatch_des = ''; var lbl_use_dis_only_grp = 'Dispatch'; var lbl_use_view_only_grp = 'View data'; var lbl_not_use_dispatch_tab_custom_grp = 'Mobile'; var lbl_display = 'Display'; var lbl_display_des = 'Android only for NFC button'; var lbl_disp_Mobile_grp = 'Barcode button'; var lbl_disp_nfc_btn_grp = 'NFC button'; var lbl_other = 'Other'; var lbl_waiting = 'Please wait....'; var lbl_kind_button = "Button"; var lbl_kind_image = "Image"; var msg_fv_forward_mobile_empty = 'Please select mobile unit to forward.'; var lbl_image_text = 'Image text'; var lbl_enter_image_text = ''; var msg_duplicated_workgroup = "This web group already exists. Please enter another one."; var msg_workgroup_name_blank = "Web group cannot be blank."; var msg_datagroup_name_blank = "Data group cannot be blank."; var msg_workgroup_save_warning = 'Do you want to save changes?'; var lbl_action_group_des_for_number_text = 'Tip - Use the layout grid to improve how items appear on the screen.'; var lbl_mobile_nickname = 'Nickname'; var lbl_mobile_mobile_id = 'Mobile ID'; var lbl_device_mobile_id = 'Device ID'; var msg_mobilegroup_name_blank = "Mobile group cannot be blank."; var msg_email_address_name_blank = "Email address cannot be blank."; var lbl_ctrlButtonGrid_tip = 'Display multiple Action Buttons in a grid.'; var lbl_is_btn_grid_type = 'Is Button Grid'; var lbl_button_grid_ctrl = 'Button Grid'; var lbl_is_ignore_grid = 'If screen is smaller than'; var lbl_is_ignore_grid_msg_info = 'Ignore grid on devices with small screens'; var lbl_min_screen_size = 'Inches diagonally'; var msg_bf_screen_size_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_view_record_name_empty = 'This form does not have record name'; var lbl_is_caption_on_top = 'Caption on top'; var lbl_is_ignore_across = 'Ignore across if screen smaller than'; var lbl_is_ignore_across_msg_info = 'Ignore across on devices with small screens'; var msg_webuser_select_roles = 'Must select at least one role'; var lbl_btn_clear = 'Clear'; var lbl_integer_limit = '(Integer limited to 19 digits)'; var msg_gps_not_retrieve_gps = 'Cannot retrieve GPS'; var lbl_sel_page_top = 'Top'; var lbl_sel_page_prev = 'Previous'; var lbl_sel_page_next = 'Next'; var lbl_sel_page_bottom = 'Bottom'; var lbl_sel_page_first = 'First'; var lbl_sel_page_last = 'Last'; var lbl_is_today = 'Set field equal to current datetimedate/time'; var lbl_20_char_max = '(20 characters max)'; var lbl_meters = '(meters)'; var lbl_seconds = '(seconds)'; var lbl_support_ctrl = 'Tools supported'; var msg_page_num_empty = 'Page num can not be empty.'; var msg_page_num_invalid = 'Page No. must be less than {total}'; var msg_confirm_fv_preview_submit_success = 'Thank you! Your form has been successfully submitted.'; var msg_bf_def_val_required_readonly_aut = 'You can\'t select both "Read only in mobile app" and "Required in mobile app" with receive type'; var msg_bf_def_val_disp_required_readonly_aut = 'You can\'t select both "Read only when dispatching" and "Required when dispatching" with receive type'; var msf_form_does_not_exist = 'Sorry, unable to load form because this form does not exist'; var msg_email_placeholder = 'Type email here. Separate by ;'; var msg_save_as_draft = 'Save form as'; var msg_save_as_public = 'Publish form as'; var lbl_dispay_kb_first = 'Display keyboard first'; var lbl_dispay_kb_first_grp = 'Keyboard first'; var msg_preview_switch_screen_confirm = 'Do you want to save changes ?'; var lbl_forward_default_des = 'Forward form to an email address or mobile number'; var lbl_image_size_by = 'Size by'; var lbl_image_size_by_image = 'Image size'; var lbl_image_size_by_fit = 'Fit to container'; var lbl_get_start_videos = 'Getting Started Videos'; var lbl_watch_video = 'Watch Video '; var lbl_video_5_thinks = '5 Things you Need to Know'; var lbl_video_buit_it_one = 'Build it Once, Use it Everywhere'; var lbl_video_how_to_buit = 'How to Build Your First Form'; var lbl_video_conver_paper_form = 'How to Convert a Paper Form'; var lbl_video_make_form_beauti = 'Make Your Form Beautiful'; var lbl_no_button_grid_label = '[no button grid label yet]'; var msg_save_form_type_conflict_warning = "Your form has been published by {UpdateUser}. Please use Open Special if you want to make changes!"; var msg_save_form_date_conflict_warning = "Your form has been updated by {UpdateUser}. Do you wish to overwrite the existing form ?"; var lbl_action_print = 'Print web'; var msg_wc_no_notices = 'There aren’t any notices'; var lbl_default_image = 'Image'; var lbl_default_image_max_sizemax = '(1 MB maximum size)'; var lbl_report_data_source = 'Pick a form'; var lbl_data_src_table = 'Table'; var lbl_data_src_input = 'Inputs'; var lbl_report_header_grid = 'Report header'; var lbl_report_hdr_center_text = 'Center text'; var lbl_report_hdr_line_two = 'Line two'; var lbl_report_display_date = 'Date'; var lbl_report_display_time = 'Time'; var lbl_report_display_date_time = 'Date & Time'; var lbl_report_display_page = 'Page #'; var lbl_report_display_report_name = 'Report Name'; var lbl_report_display_author_name = 'Author Name'; var lbl_report_orientation = 'Orientation'; var lbl_report_orientation_landscape = 'Landscape'; var lbl_report_orientation_portrait = 'Portrait'; var lbl_report_paper = 'Paper size'; var lbl_report_paper_letter = 'Letter'; var lbl_report_paper_legal = 'Legal'; var lbl_report_data_filter = 'Data filter'; var lbl_report_filter_field = 'Filter field' var lbl_report_filter_cond = ''; var err_more_than_datasource = 'Sorry, You can not add more than one pick a form.'; var err_more_than_header_grid = 'Sorry, You can not add more than one report header.'; var err_more_than_footer_grid = 'Sorry, You can not add more than one report footer.'; var err_more_than_email_schedule = 'Sorry, You can not add more than one email schedule.'; var err_more_than_break_point_data = 'Sorry, You can not add more than one report data.'; var lbl_report_break = "Group by"; var lbl_report_break_point = "Break point"; var lbl_report_break_point_show_col_header = "Show column headers on each table"; var lbl_report_break_point_sort = "Sort"; var lbl_report_sort_asc = "Ascending"; var lbl_report_sort_desc = "Descending"; var lbl_report_break_point_data = "Report data"; var lbl_col_type_adjust_col_width_des = "You must have a setting for each column separated by the | symbol and all numbers must equal 100. Ex. 3 column grid 40|40|20"; var lbl_report_footer_grid = "Report footer"; var lbl_report_email_schedule = "Email schedule"; var lbl_report_frequency = "Report frequency"; var lbl_report_once = "Once"; var lbl_report_daily = "Daily"; var lbl_report_weekly = "Weekly"; var lbl_report_monthly = "Monthly"; var lbl_report_yearly = "Yearly"; var lbl_report_subject_line = "Subject line"; var lbl_forward_report_to = "Assign report to"; var lbl_report_file_type = "As"; var lbl_report_pdf = "PDF"; var lbl_report_excel = "Excel spreadsheet"; var lbl_report_filter_join_and = 'And'; var lbl_report_filter_join_or = 'Or'; var lbl_save_cur_report = 'Save the current report.'; var msg_untitled_report = 'Untitled Report'; var msg_bf_report_validate_error = "There are errors in your report. These are displayed as red messages in the question canvas. Please review the entire report, correct these errors, and try again."; var msg_save_report_type_conflict_warning = "Your report been published by {UpdateUser}. Please use Open Special if you want to make changes!"; var msg_save_report_date_conflict_warning = "Your report has been updated by {UpdateUser}. Do you wish to overwrite the existing report ?"; var msg_save_report_draft_success = "{ReportName} has been saved as Draft."; var msg_save_report_special_success = "{ReportName} has been overwritten with your changes."; var msg_save_report_published_success = "{ReportName} has been saved as Published."; var err_report_name_not_alw_char = 'Report name is not allowed to contain some special characters : \\ / : * ? " > < | '; var msg_save_report_name_fail_unknown_warning = "Error in saving report. Please try again."; var msg_save_report_name_conflict_warning = "A draft report named {ReportName} already exists. Do you wish to overwrite the existing report?"; var lbl_report_filter_note = "Note: Add additional Data filters as needed."; var lbl_report_date_filter_yesterday = "Yesterday"; var lbl_report_date_filter_today = "Today"; var lbl_report_date_filter_this_week = "This week"; var lbl_report_date_filter_last_week = "Last week"; var lbl_report_date_filter_this_month = "This month"; var lbl_report_date_filter_last_month = "Last month"; var lbl_report_date_filter_custom = "Custom"; var lbl_report_date_range_note = "Date range may not exceed 31 days"; var lbl_data_src_date = "Date"; var lbl_exceed_maximum_number_row = 'This exceeds the maximum number of rows permitted.'; var lbl_send_report_as_web_link = 'Send report as a web link (for large pdfs)'; var lbl_send_report_as_web_link_des = ''; var lbl_report_data_element = 'Data element'; var lbl_data_src_form = 'Form'; var lbl_data_src_project = 'Project'; var lbl_report_data_element_footer = 'Footers'; var lbl_report_data_element_footer_break = 'Group by'; var lbl_report_data_element_footer_report = 'Report'; var lbl_report_data_element_footer_type = 'Footer type'; var lbl_report_data_element_footer_type_sum = 'Sum'; var lbl_report_data_element_footer_type_counter = 'Counter'; var err_could_not_open_report = 'Could not open report. Please try again in a moment.'; var lbl_report_data_element_col_name = 'Column name'; var lbl_data_src_date_hint = 'Form must have at least one date.'; var lbl_validate = 'Compare'; var msg_bf_condition_range_required = 'Please select validate condition.'; var msg_bf_field_range_required = 'Please select validate field.'; var msg_bf_report_empty = "You can not public report with no question."; var msg_bf_report_project_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_report_no_data_source = "You can not public report with no data source question."; var lbl_last_entered_value = 'Last entered value'; var msg_download_lookup_useform = 'Form exports are not allowed through this option.'; var msg_bf_report_data_source_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_report_ds_table_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_report_ds_date_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_report_filter_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_report_filter_cond_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_report_break_point_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_report_break_data_col_weight_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_report_no_email_schedule = "You cannot publish a report without an email schedule."; var msg_open_published_report_warning = 'This report has been “Published”. If you make changes you will need to save or publish the report using a different name.'; var lbl_use_save_report_as = 'Use the "Save report as" option to save a previously published report under a different name.'; var msg_confirm_report_unsaved_changes = "Are you sure? You will lose unsaved changes to the current report."; var msg_confirm_delete_this_report = 'this report ?'; var msg_confirm_delete_selected_reports = 'Do you really want to delete the selected report(s)?'; var msg_delete_report_success = '"{ReportName}" has been deleted.'; var err_report_has_deleted = 'The report you selected could not be found or has been deleted.'; var lbl_is_empty = 'empty'; var lbl_not_is_empty = 'not empty'; var lbl_report_date_filter = 'Please pick a date period'; var lbl_could_not_open_report = 'Could not open the report. Please try again in a moment.'; var lbl_report_not_found = 'No report found'; var lbl_report_img_justify = 'Image Justification'; var lbl_report_font_size = 'Font size'; var msg_save_report_name_conflict_error = 'Sorry, the report name "{ReportName}" cannot be used since existing data are associated with this name. Please try a different name.'; var msg_save_report_permission_required = 'You don\'t have privilege to save report'; var lbl_report_data_sort_field = 'Sort field'; var lbl_report_data_sort_kind = 'Sort'; var lbl_date_advance_format = 'Advanced format'; var err_do_not_web_app_credit = 'You do not have any credits left.'; var lbl_webapp_credit = 'Credits'; var lbl_email_report_setting = 'Email report settings'; var lbl_email_report_setting_des = 'This report is scheduled to include data from "$1"'; var msg_bf_email_report_data_required = msg_bf_required_error; var err_report_data_range_invalid = 'Report date range is required and date range must be <= 31 days'; var lbl_show_report_audit = 'Show dialog report audit'; var msg_error_in_get_hyperlink_report_writer = 'The Report Writer may be deleted or not created.'; var lbl_wc_could_not_login = 'Sorry, we cannot find a matching account Please check the Mobile Number and PIN entered and try again. If you continue having problems, please contact your organization’s group administrator.'; var lbl_input_mobile_number = 'Please enter the 10-20 digits Mobile Number.'; var lbl_input_mobile_pin = 'Please enter the 4-8 digits PIN.'; var msg_dispatch_loaded_success = 'Successfully loaded $1 of $2 record(s)'; var msg_download_report_templates_fail = 'Error in dowloading report template. Please try again.'; var msg_not_dispatch_record = 'This is not dispatched record'; var msg_dispatch_status_update_done = 'Status has been updated successfully'; var lbl_col_type = 'Columns type'; var lbl_one_time_signature_capture = 'Allow edit'; var lbl_size_options = 'Size options'; var lbl_size_options_small = 'Small'; var lbl_size_options_large = 'Large'; var msg_error_select_past_date = 'Can’t select date/time in the past needs to be a future date/time from $1'; var msg_invalid_form_project = 'Please select a Project and Form'; var lbl_payment_coming_soon = 'Updated payment option coming soon!'; var err_cannot_add_email_schedule = 'You can not add an email scheduler widget until date is specified as part of the Pick The Form widget'; var lbl_disp_clear_btn = 'Clear button'; var lbl_on_clear = 'On clear'; var lbl_report_one_date = 'Date'; var lbl_report_one_time = 'Time'; var lbl_report_other_date = 'Starting'; var lbl_report_other_time = 'Time of Day'; var lbl_allow_edit_option = 'Allow edit'; var lbl_show_list_matching = 'Display first matching record if only one found'; var msg_bf_day_in_1_to_31 = 'Day of the month cannot be less than 1 or greater than 31'; var lbl_kb_icon_grp = 'Keyboard icon'; var lbl_kb_icon_portrait_mode = 'Portrait'; var lbl_kb_icon_lanscape_mode = 'Landscape'; var lbl_open_kb_grp = 'Open keyboard on click'; var lbl_open_kb_portrait_mode = 'Portrait'; var lbl_open_kb_lanscape_mode = 'Landscape'; var msg_data_source_form_change_warning = 'Data filter, group by, report data will be change if you change this value. Are you sure you want to change?'; var msg_bf_advance_format_required = msg_bf_required_error; var lbl_lock_header_group = 'Lock'; var lbl_lock_header_group_des = ''; var lbl_lock_first_row = 'First row'; var lbl_lock_first_row_des = ''; var lbl_lock_first_column = 'First column'; var lbl_lock_first_column_des = ''; var lbl_action_save_form = 'Save form'; var lbl_sendas_web_link_hints_tip_report_settings = 'This setting is for customers who are experiencing issues running very large reports. When clicked, this setting sends the PDF or Excel reports as an embedded link in an email rather than as an attachment. This allows large reports to be executed without experiencing any timeout issues. The report must be a minimum size of 10MB to send as a link.'; var lbl_report_time_zone = "Time zone"; var lbl_report_time_zone_dst = "Apply daylight savings time"; var lbl_hour_format_error = 'To display military time, please check the Military-time option.'; var lbl_show_decimal_value = 'Show decimal value'; var lbl_table_adjust_width = 'Screen size';//'Select a value greater than 100% to expand your table beyond the screen. Ex. 200% would give you a table twice the width of the screen.'; var lbl_grid_adjust_width = 'Screen size';//'Select a value greater than 100% to expand your grid beyond the screen. Ex. 200% would give you a grid twice the width of the screen.'; var lbl_table_column_weight_with_format = 'You must have a setting for each column separated by the | symbol and all numbers must equal 100. Ex. 3 table columns 40|40|20.'; var lbl_grid_column_weight_with_format = 'You must have a setting for each column separated by the | symbol and all numbers must equal 100. Ex. 3 column grid 40|40|20.'; var lbl_pod_ctrl = 'POD'; var lbl_pod_label = 'POD label'; var lbl_pod_number_row = 'Number of rows'; var lbl_no_pod_label = '[no pod label yet]'; var lbl_ctrlPOD_tip = 'Capture a Proof Of Delivery.'; var lbl_pod_header_group = 'Options'; var lbl_pod_header_group_des = ''; var lbl_pod_show_damaged = 'Show damaged column'; var lbl_pod_show_damaged_des = ''; var lbl_pod_show_deliver = 'Show deliver button'; var lbl_pod_show_deliver_des = ''; var lbl_scan_not_found_msg = 'Scan not found message'; var lbl_scan_not_found_msg_des = ''; var lbl_pod_show_osd_report = 'Show OSD report'; var lbl_pod_show_osd_report_des = ''; var lbl_pod_show_delivered_report = 'Show delivered/pickup table'; var lbl_pod_show_delivered_report_des = ''; var lbl_scanned_not_found_transition_text_val = 'Item not on manifest'; var lbl_to_get_start_report = 'Get Started'; var lbl_to_get_start_report_des = 'Watch the Report Builder Video and read the Report Builder user guide to get started building a report. Click the Pick a Form tool from the toolbar to begin creating your report.'; var lbl_to_get_start_report_doc = 'Documentation'; var lbl_to_get_start_report_user_guide = 'User Guide'; var lbl_to_get_start_report_video = 'Report Builder Video'; var lbl_to_get_start_report_watch_video = 'Watch Video'; var lbl_to_get_start_report_comment_header = '*Please read before creating a report!*'; var lbl_to_get_start_report_comment = 'Each report that is executed will deduct a credit from your doForms account. To view available credits, please reference the upper right hand corner of your doForms portal. To purchase additional web credits please go to the "My Account" tab and select the option to purchase credits.

If you have reports that are scheduled in the future they will not execute if you run out of credits. All reports require at least 1 credit to execute.'; var lbl_data_src_mobileid = 'Mobile ID'; var lbl_data_src_mobileid_daily = 'Mobile ID Daily'; var lbl_manifest = 'Manifest'; var lbl_manifest_type = 'Type'; var lbl_manifest_pickup = 'Pickup'; var lbl_manifest_delivery = 'Delivery'; var lbl_manifest_method = 'Method'; var lbl_manifest_m_button = 'Button'; var lbl_manifest_m_scan = 'Barcode scan'; var lbl_manifest_m_read = 'Read NFC'; var lbl_manifest_allow_delivery = 'Allow delivery'; var lbl_manifest_allow_pickup = 'Allow pickup'; var lbl_pod_show_reject = 'Show rejected column'; var lbl_pod_show_reject_des = ''; var lbl_pod_show_qty_delivery = 'Show Qty delivered'; var lbl_pod_show_qty_delivery_des = ''; var lbl_cannot_read_transition_text_val = 'Item not on manifest'; var lbl_pod_show_actual = 'Show actual column'; var lbl_pod_show_actual_des = ''; var lbl_lu_max_rows = 'Max records'; var lbl_lu_max_rows_gt_5000_err = 'Please input max records <= 5000'; var lbl_pod_show_comment = 'Append comment column'; var lbl_pod_show_comment_des = ''; var lbl_manifest_stop_type = 'Manifest type'; var lbl_manifest_stop_type_single = 'Single'; var lbl_manifest_stop_type_multi = 'Multi'; var lbl_manifest_stop_type_none = 'None'; var lbl_pod_sort = 'Sort'; var lbl_pod_sort_column = 'Sort column'; var lbl_sel_column = 'Select a column'; var lbl_damaged_confirm_msg = 'This item is damaged. Do you want to $1?'; var err_dest_ques_not_exist = 'The destination question does not exist'; var lbl_osd_report_type_down = 'Display down'; var lbl_osd_report_type_across = 'Display across'; var lbl_manifest_item_per_row_single = 'Single'; var lbl_manifest_item_per_row_multi = 'Multi'; var lbl_pod_item_per_row = 'Items per row'; var lbl_action_save_as_complete = 'Save as complete'; var lbl_continue_scan = 'Continue scanning?'; var lbl_continue_read = 'Continue reading?'; var lbl_not_in_manifest = 'This item is not in manifest. Do you want to $1?'; var lbl_pod_allow_edit = 'Allow edit'; var lbl_pod_allow_edit_des = ''; var lbl_pod_damaged_count_ques = 'How many items were damaged?'; var lbl_pod_rejected_count_ques = 'How many items were rejected?'; var lbl_pod_already_scan = 'This item has already been scanned'; var lbl_pod_already_read = 'This item has already been read'; var lbl_pod_requires_sign = 'Requires signature'; var lbl_pod_requires_sign_des = ''; var lbl_pod_requires_sign_cus = 'Customer'; var lbl_pod_requires_sign_cus_des = ''; var lbl_pod_requires_sign_carrier = 'Carrier'; var lbl_pod_requires_sign_carrier_des = ''; var lbl_pod_requires_sign_allow_edit = 'Allow edit in view data'; var lbl_pod_requires_sign_allow_edit_des = ''; var lbl_pod_stop_filter_ques = 'Stop number'; var lbl_pod_data_source = 'Data source'; var lbl_pod_ds_manifest = 'Manifest'; var lbl_pod_ds_interform = 'Inter form'; var lbl_pod_ds_form = 'Form'; var lbl_pod_ds_none = 'None'; var lbl_pod_inter_form = 'Source'; var lbl_pod_form = 'Manifest'; var lbl_pod_form_prj = 'Project'; var lbl_sel_project = 'Select a project'; var lbl_pod_form_frm = 'Form'; var lbl_sel_form = 'Select a form'; var lbl_pod_form_id = 'ID'; var lbl_sel_id = 'Select an id'; var lbl_pod_form_pod = 'POD'; var lbl_pod_prompt = 'Prompt user after'; var lbl_pod_prompt_des = ''; var lbl_pod_allow_damaged = 'Allow damaged option'; var lbl_pod_allow_rejected = 'Allow rejected option'; var lbl_pod_already_scan = 'This item has already been scanned.'; var lbl_pod_already_read = 'This item has already been read.'; var lbl_pod_all_rejected = 'All boxes are rejected so the item can not be delivered.'; var lbl_pod_already_scan_rejected = 'This item has already been scanned and rejected.'; var lbl_pod_already_read_rejected = 'This item has already been read and rejected.'; var lbl_pod_actual_zero = 'There is no boxes available'; var lbl_pod_only_boxes_available = 'There is only $1 boxes available'; var lbl_pod_allow_damaged_delivery = 'Allow delivery of damaged items'; var lbl_pod_status_deliver = 'Delivered'; var lbl_pod_status_picked_up = 'Picked up'; var lbl_pod_status_damaged = 'Damaged'; var lbl_pod_status_over = 'Over'; var lbl_pod_not_allow_damaged = 'You are not allowed to deliver a damaged item'; var msg_dis_to_email_subject_type_required = "Please, select email subject"; var msg_dis_to_email_message_type_required = "Please, select email message"; var msg_dis_to_email_option_type_required = "Please, select email option"; var msg_fill_and_send_form_link_title = "Please click the copy button below to copy the link." + " You may now email this link or use it as a hyperlink."; var lbl_justification_group = 'Justification'; var lbl_justification_group_des = ''; var lbl_justification_caption = 'Caption'; var lbl_day_of_month = 'Day'; var lbl_day_name = 'Day'; var lbl_month_name = 'Month'; var lbl_month_number = 'Month'; var lbl_justification_hint = 'Hint'; var lbl_justification_image = 'Image'; var lbl_justification_answer = 'Answer'; var lbl_fit_label_image = 'Fit image to screen'; var lbl_vertical_captions = 'Use vertical captions'; var lbel_caption_heigh = 'Max caption height'; var msg_info_input_required = 'Please input value of field "$1".'; var msg_info_duplicate_device_name = "You can't add duplicate device name."; var msg_confirm_delete_item_device = "Are you sure you want to delete this item ?"; var msg_warning_notice_change_to_add_devices = 'Are you sure to cancel all changed. All current data will be reset?'; var msg_save_permission_required = "You don\'t have the privilege to save data."; // Fwd: Text Revisions (03-Oct-2016) // This should say later not larger var msg_cant_choose_dispatch_time_before_present = "Schedule date time must be later than current date time."; var msg_plus_email_project_form_empty = 'Dispatch to email settings are form specific so please select a project and a form from below to change the settings.'; var msg_plus_error_weekly = 'Please checks 1 day in week at least.'; // Fwd: Text Revisions (03-Oct-2016) // This should say later not larger var msg_dispatch_schedule_time_invalid_04 = 'Deliver date must be greater than the current date.'; var msg_dispatch_schedule_time_invalid_03 = 'Deliver date can be no more than 30 days greater than today\'s date.'; var msg_dispatch_schedule_time_invalid_01 = 'Schedule date must be greater than the current date.'; var msg_dispatch_schedule_time_invalid_02 = 'Dispatch schedule time must be assigned.'; var msg_plus_error_schedule_date = 'Schedule date must be greater than the current date.'; var msg_plus_error_Delivery_date = 'Deliver date must be greater than the current date.'; var msg_plus_error_schedule_date_empty = 'Schedule date can not be empty.'; var msg_plus_error_Delivery_date_empty = 'Deliver date can not be empty.'; var msg_plus_error_mobile = 'Mobile group or mobile number must be selected.'; var msg_plus_error_date = 'Schedule date can not be empty.'; var msg_plus_error_start_time = 'Start time can not be empty.'; var msg_plus_error_start_time_invalid = 'Start time is invalid.'; var msg_plus_error_duration = 'Duration can not be empty.'; var msg_plus_error_repeat_every_empty = '$1 date can not be empty.'; var msg_plus_error_repeat_every = '$1 date must be greater than or equal to the current date.'; var msg_plus_error_interval = '$1 interval must be positive number.'; var msg_plus_error_dailyAfter = '$1 after must be between 0 and 100.'; var msg_plus_error_dailyOn = '$1 on date must be larger than schedule date.'; var msg_plus_error_dailyOn_within = '$1 on date is only within 3 months from schedule date.'; var msg_plus_error_repeat = 'Repeat every can not be empty.'; var msg_email_exist_dis_to_email = "This email address is already in your address book. Please enter a new email address."; var msg_error_no_selected = 'Please select $1.'; var lbl_sort_type_asc = 'ASC'; var lbl_sort_type_desc = 'DESC'; var lbl_sort_order = 'Sort order'; var lbl_restrict_view_new = 'View data new'; var lbl_restrict_view_Edit = 'View data edit'; var lbl_restrict_view_save_n_send = 'View data fill & send'; var lbl_restrict_dispatch_new = 'Dispatch new'; var lbl_restrict_dispatch_Edit = 'Dispatch edit'; var lbl_restrict_mobile = 'Mobile'; var lbl_restrict_webapp = 'Web App'; var lbl_new_payment_ctrl = 'Payment'; var msg_invalid_credit = '"$1" Sorry this answer is invalid! Please enter at least 15 digits.'; var lbl_remove_aswer_border = 'Remove border around answer'; var msg_invalid_credit_lfc = 'Sorry, Sorry this answer is invalid! Please enter at least 15 digits.'; var lbl_is_applied_table = 'If screen is smaller than';//'Expand table if screen smaller than'; var lbl_msg_select_date_time_field = '(Select a date/time field)'; var lbl_view_edit_grp = 'View data edit'; var lbl_view_new_grp = 'View data new'; var lbl_fill_and_send_grp = 'View data fill & send'; var lbl_dispatch_edit_grp = 'Dispatch edit'; var lbl_dispatch_new_grp = 'Dispatch new'; var lbl_mobile_grp = 'Mobile'; var lbl_webapp_grp = 'Web App'; var lbl_show_now_btn = 'Show now button'; var msg_bf_required_hide_webapp = 'You may need to input the “Default value” if you check both “Required in webapp” and “Hide in webapp”'; var msg_bf_required_hide_mobile = 'You may need to input the “Default value” if you check both “Required in mobile” and “Hide in mobile”'; var msg_bf_required_hide_dispatch_new = 'You may need to input the “Default value” if you check both “Required in dispatch new” and “Hide in dispatch new”'; var msg_bf_required_hide_dispatch_edit = 'You may need to input the “Default value” if you check both “Required in dispatch edit” and “Hide in dispatch edit”'; var msg_bf_required_hide_fill_send = 'You may need to input the “Default value” if you check both “Required in fill and send” and “Hide in fill and send”'; var msg_bf_required_hide_dispatch_to_email = 'You may need to input the “Default value” if you check both “Required in dispatch to email” and “Hide in dispatch to email”'; var msg_bf_required_hide_view_new = 'You may need to input the “Default value” if you check both “Required in view data new” and “Hide in view data new”'; var msg_bf_required_hide_view_edit = 'You may need to input the “Default value” if you check both “Required in view data edit” and “Hide in view data edit”'; var msg_bf_required_readonly_webapp = 'You may need to input the “Default value” if you check both “Required in webapp” and “Read only in webapp”'; var msg_bf_required_readonly_mobile = 'You may need to input the “Default value” if you check both “Required in mobile” and “Read only in mobile”'; var msg_bf_required_readonly_dispatch_new = 'You may need to input the “Default value” if you check both “Required in dispatch new” and “Read only in dispatch new”'; var msg_bf_required_readonly_dispatch_edit = 'You may need to input the “Default value” if you check both “Required in dispatch edit” and “Read only in dispatch edit”'; var msg_bf_required_readonly_fill_send = 'You may need to input the “Default value” if you check both “Required in fill and send” and “Read only in fill and send”'; var msg_bf_required_readonly_dispatch_to_email = 'You may need to input the “Default value” if you check both “Required in dispatch to email” and “Read only in dispatch to email”'; var msg_bf_required_readonly_view_new = 'You may need to input the “Default value” if you check both “Required in view data new” and “Read only in view data new”'; var msg_bf_required_readonly_view_edit = 'You may need to input the “Default value” if you check both “Required in view data edit” and “Read only in view data edit”'; var lbl_new_payment_ctrl = 'Payment'; var msg_bf_ltl_restrict_webapp = 'You can not check three option “Limit to list”, “Restrict data on web app” and “Required in web app”'; var msg_bf_ltl_restrict_mobile = 'You can not check three option “Limit to list”, “Restrict data on mobile” and “Required in mobile”'; var msg_bf_ltl_restrict_dispatch_new = 'You can not check three option “Limit to list”, “Restrict data on dispatch new” and “Required in dispatch new”'; var msg_bf_ltl_restrict_dispatch_edit = 'You can not check three option “Limit to list”, “Restrict data on dispatch edit” and “Required in dispatch edit”'; var msg_bf_ltl_restrict_fill_send = 'You can not check three option “Limit to list”, “Restrict data on fill and send” and “Required in fill and send”'; var msg_bf_ltl_restrict_dispatch_to_email = 'You can not check three option “Limit to list”, “Restrict data on dispatch to email” and “Required in dispatch to email”'; var msg_bf_ltl_restrict_view_new = 'You can not check three option “Limit to list”, “Restrict data on view data new” and “Required in view data new”'; var msg_bf_ltl_restrict_view_edit = 'You can not check three option “Limit to list”, “Restrict data on view data edit” and “Required in view data edit”'; var lbl_show_if_then_else_condition = 'If, Then, Else'; var lbl_if_then_else_cond = 'If, Then, Else'; var lbl_show_seconds = 'Show seconds'; var lbl_minute_interval = 'Interval'; var msg_bf_interval_range_error = 'Minute interval must be in range of 1-60.'; var lbl_gps_show_decimal = 'Coordinates in decimals'; //var msg_dispatch_scheduler_info = 'Scheduler is a new feature being offered free of charge to all dispatch customers until Nov 15, 2016. All accounts that signed up for service after Oct 1, 2015 and pay for web portal access will continue to have access to scheduler. All accounts established prior to Oct 1, 2015 that wish to use scheduler after Nov 15, 2016 will be required to upgrade all web users based on the current pricing plan.'; var msg_dispatch_scheduler_info = 'As of 11/15/16 the Scheduler functionality is no longer a free trial and is now a paid product which requires every web user in your account to be a paid license. If you’re seeing this message it’s because you currently have free web users in your account which you are not billed for. If you would like to upgrade these users to be paid web users and gain access to scheduler please contact your doForms representative or call the billing department at the doForms office at 908-505-9020.'; var lbl_dispatch_to_email_grp = 'Dispatch to email'; var lbl_call = 'Auto dial'; var lbl_action_mobile_number = 'Mobile number'; var lbl_table_adjust_width_if_smaller = 'Select a percentage greater than 100% below to expand your table only if the devices screen size is smaller than the specified inches above. EX: 200% would give you the table twice the width of the screen.'; var lbl_grid_adjust_width_if_smaller = 'Select a percentage greater than 100% below to expand your grid only if the devices screen size is smaller than the specified inches above. EX: 200% would give you the grid twice the width of the screen.'; var lbl_grid_type_stacked = '
'; var lbl_grid_type_expand = '
'; var lbl_form_links_grp = 'Form links'; var msg_bf_ltl_restrict_form_links = 'You can not check three option “Limit to list”, “Restrict data on form links” and “Required in form links”'; var msg_bf_required_readonly_form_links = 'You may need to input the “Default value” if you check both “Required in form links and “Read only in form links'; var lbl_open_web_page_question = 'Question'; var msg_dispatch_scheduler_timeline_value_invalid = 'The start time should be less than end time.'; var msg_dispatch_ui_action_button = 'Please click the {1} button at the top of the form to {1} your dispatch'; var lbl_is_make_empty_column = 'Make empty column'; var lbl_empty_column = 'Empty column'; var lbl_use_interval = 'Use minute interval'; var lbl_select_opt = '- Select -'; var lbl_minute_interval_1 = '1 minute'; var lbl_minute_interval_2 = '2 minute'; var lbl_minute_interval_3 = '3 minute'; var lbl_minute_interval_4 = '4 minute'; var lbl_minute_interval_5 = '5 minutes'; var lbl_minute_interval_6 = '6 minute'; var lbl_minute_interval_10 = '10 minute'; var lbl_minute_interval_15 = '15 minutes'; var lbl_minute_interval_30 = '30 minutes'; var lbl_payment_type = 'Method'; var lbl_payment_type_manual = 'XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-1234'; var lbl_payment_type_automated = ''; var lbl_payment_vendor_group = 'Payment vendor'; var lbl_propay = 'ProPay'; var lbl_paypro_amount = 'Amount'; var lbl_paypro_currency = 'Currency'; var lbl_paypro_invoice = 'Invoice number'; var lbl_paypro_email = 'Customer email'; var msg_bf_paypro_required = msg_bf_required_error; var lbl_paypro_amount_opt = '- Select -'; var lbl_paypro_invoice_opt = '- Select -'; var lbl_paypro_email_opt = '- Select -'; var lbl_propay_note = '* Available for U.S. customers only.'; var lbl_propay_note_2 = '** Click here to sign up for a ProPay account.'; var lbl_remove_today_btn = 'Remove today button'; var lbl_remove_now_btn = 'Remove now button'; var lbl_remove_seconds = 'Remove seconds'; var lbl_mobile_number_opt = '- Select -'; var lbl_stacked_explan = 'The stacked setting will remove your fields from the grid layout and stack them one by one on top of each other. If you would like to expand the grid layout past the screen size then please select the “Expand” setting above.'; var lbl_5_tips_for_build = '5 Tips for Building Better Mobile Forms'; var lbl_kind_percent = 'Percent'; var lbl_format_group = 'Format'; var lbl_social_format = 'Use social security format'; var lbl_phone_no_format = 'Use phone number format'; var lbl_phone_1 = '(000) 000-0000'; var lbl_phone_2 = '1-000-000-0000'; var lbl_phone_3 = '000.000.0000'; var lbl_phone_4 = '+1-000-000-0000'; var lbl_txt_custom_format = 'Use custom format'; var lbl_txt_custom_format_descr = 'Example: #####A (5 numbers and 1 letter)'; var lbl_txt_custom_format_error = 'Custom format is invalid!'; var lbl_txt_custom_format_error_default_val = 'Default value format is invalid!'; // CO-2680 var lbl_txt_custom_format_show_format = 'Show format string'; // CO-2680 var lbl_is_allow_uncheck = 'Allow deselect'; var lbl_show_advance_toolbar = 'Show advanced toolbar'; var lbl_use_percent = 'Use percent'; var lbl_summary_for_category = 'Category'; var lbl_could_not_insert_form = 'Could not insert the form. Please try again in a moment.'; var lbl_status_ctrl_opt = '- Select -'; var lbl_negative_group = 'Negative number'; var lbl_negative_red = 'Red text'; var lbl_negative_brackets = 'Brackets()'; // Minimum Length: 8 characters var msg_complex_password_minmax_required = "Your password must be between $1 and 40 characters, must contain at least 1 UPPER and 1 lower case character, and must contain at least 1 special character (!,@,#,$,%,&)."; // Case Sensitive: at least 1 UPPER case and 1 lower case character var msg_complex_password_case_sensitive_required = "Your password must have at least 1 UPPER case and 1 lower case character."; // Special Character: at least 1 special character (!,@,#,$,%,&) var msg_complex_password_special_chars_required = "Your password must have at least 1 special character (!,@,#,$,%,&)."; var lbl_fill_and_send_edit_grp = 'View data fill & send edit'; var msg_bf_required_hide_fill_send_edit = 'You may need to input the “Default value” if you check both “Required in fill and send edit” and “Hide in fill and send edit”'; var msg_bf_ltl_restrict_fill_send_edit = 'You can not check three option “Limit to list”, “Restrict data on fill and send edit” and “Required in fill and send edit”'; var msg_bf_required_readonly_fill_send_edit = 'You may need to input the “Default value” if you check both “Required in fill and send edit” and “Read only in fill and send edit”'; var lbl_restrict_view_save_n_send_edit = 'View data fill & send edit'; var msg_user_lockout_locked = 'Incorrect Password. You have been locked out of your account for {1} minutes.'; var msg_user_lockout_attempt = 'Incorrect Password. You have {1} more attempts before your account will be locked.'; var lbl_fw_c_email_subject = 'Custom email subject (not secure)'; var lbl_fw_c_email_subject_des = 'Enter a custome email subject for forms that are forwarded to an email address.'; var lbl_fw_c_email_body = 'Custom email body (not secure)'; var lbl_fw_c_email_body_des = 'Enter a custome email body message for forms that are forwarded to an email address.'; var lbl_other_ques = 'Other question'; var msg_bf_paste_error = 'Can not paste the selected controls to this location.'; var lbl_opwp_type = 'Enter a website url'; var msg_select_lookup_items_del = "Please select lookup items to delete."; var msg_confirm_to_delete_lookup_items = "Are you sure you want to delete the selected lookup items ?"; var msg_error_in_delete_lookup_items = "Error occurred in deleting lookup items."; var msg_turn_off_selection_outline = 'Turn off selection outline'; var lbl_new = 'New'; var lbl_edit = 'Edit'; var lbl_to_email = 'To email'; var lbl_fill_and_send_grp_txt = 'Fill & Send'; var lbl_users_grp = 'Users'; var lbl_fill_and_send = 'Fill and send'; var lbl_web_client = 'Web client'; var lbl_embedded_form = 'Embedded forms'; var lbl_reply_to_sender = 'Return to sender'; var msg_violator_block = 'This system is under user violation and no emails will be sent from this device until the problem is rectified.'; var msg_upload_file_width_height_error = 'The width/height of the wallpaper can not greater than 1000px'; var msg_manage_lookup_standard_gui = 'Manage lookup data'; var msg_manage_lookup_advanced_gui = 'Manage advanced lookup data'; var lbl_add_advanced_lookup_table = 'Add advanced lookup data'; var msg_select_field_for_advanced_lk_required = 'Please select at least one column name.'; var lbl_update_lookup_advanced_table = 'Update advanced lookup data'; var msg_input_lookup_name_required = 'Please input the lookup name.'; var msg_not_using_advanced_lookup_for_account = 'The advanced data is not activated for this account.'; var lbl_fw_to_email_grp = 'Forward to email'; var msg_billing_amount_required = '($1) field can not be empty'; var msg_mobipick_invalid_year = 'Year must be 4 characters'; var msg_mobipick_invalid_month1 = 'Month must be 3 characters'; var msg_mobipick_invalid_month2 = 'Month is invalid'; var msg_mobipick_invalid_date = 'Date is invalid'; var msg_mobipick_invalid_hour_apm = 'Hour must be between 1 and 12.'; var msg_mobipick_invalid_hour_military = 'Hour must be between 0 and 23.'; var msg_mobipick_invalid_minute = 'Minute must be between 0 and 59.'; var msg_mobipick_invalid_second = 'Second must be between 0 and 59.'; var lbl_lock_mumeric_keyboard = 'Display numeric keyboard'; var lbl_gray_caption_text = 'Gray caption text'; var lbl_action_onclick = 'OnClick'; var lbl_value_to_set = 'Value set for destination question'; var msg_bf_onclick_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_open_form_in_sent = 'Caution: Opening a form in the sent section and submitting it again will NOT update the original record but will instead create a new submission.'; var msg_delete_records = 'Are you sure you want to delete $1 record(s)?'; var msg_my_form_only_empty = 'You do not own any forms.'; var lbl_bulk_signature_option = 'Allow bulk signature'; var lbl_allow_manual_entry = 'Allow manual entry'; var lbl_show_button_text = ''; var lbl_show_button_nfc_icon = ''; var lbl_show_button_barcode_icon = ''; var lbl_btn_type = 'Button type'; var mdi_kind_image_2 = 'Image 2'; var msg_propay_success = '
$1 paid by credit card.
'; var msg_error_store_number_only_number = "Store number only number!"; var msg_error_date_of_birth_format = "Date of birth format is not valid."; var lbl_propay_note_3 = '
Click here to sign up for a ProPay account.
'; var lbl_send_to_payment = 'Send to payment system'; var lbl_return_from_payment = 'Returned from payment system'; var lbl_paypro_amount_charged = 'Amount charged (web form only)'; var lbl_destination_field = 'Destination field must be decimal'; var lbl_display_amount_charged = 'Display label with amount charged'; var lbl_default_add_msg = 'Submit your form to complete this transaction.'; var lbl_paypro_amount_charged_opt = '- Select -'; var lbl_cc_icon_text = '
'; var lbl_grid_adjust_width_des = '
'; var lbl_table_adjust_width_des = '
'; var lbl_table_adjust_width_if_smaller_des = '
'; var lbl_num_row_source_bootom_des = 'Number cannot exceed the number of row setting'; var lbl_viewpro_upgrade_viewdata = 'Click here to upgrade to the new version of View data'; var lbl_viewpro_upgrade_dispatch = 'Click here to upgrade to the new version of Dispatch'; var lbl_viewpro_upgrade = 'View pro upgrade'; var msg_viewpro_not_admin_upgrade = 'Please contact your doForms Administrator or System Manager and request that they click this link to upgrade your account to a new version of View data that features improved speed, filtering and sorting. Dispatch will also be upgraded to the new version. You can request a return to the old version by contacting ' + CONST_SUPPORT_MAIL_DOFORMS; var msg_viewpro_admin_upgrade = 'Click Upgrade to change your your account to a new version of View data that features improved speed, filtering and sorting. Dispatch will also be upgraded to the new version. You can request a return to the old version by contacting ' + CONST_SUPPORT_MAIL_DOFORMS; var msg_viewpro_admin_upgrade_success = 'Your account has been successfully upgraded.'; var msg_viewpro_dispatch_upgrade = 'Upgrade all users to a new version of View data and Dispatch. You can return to the previous version by contacting doForms support.'; var msg_viewpro_upgrade = 'Upgrade all users to a new version of View data. You can return to the previous version by contacting doForms support.'; var msg_viewpro_not_upgrade = 'You do not have permission to upgrade this account. Please contact your doForms administrator.'; var msg_sent_records = 'Are you sure you want to send $1 record(s)?'; var msg_unlock_invalid_status_value = 'This record is not locked'; var msg_unlock_invalid_status_column = 'Could not find "Status" column'; var msg_error_ecurity_required = 'Security code is required'; var lbl_form_field = 'Form field'; var lbl_action_save_incomplete_status = 'Save as incomplete status'; var lbl_incomplete_status = 'Status'; var lbl_incomplete_status_1 = 'Needs parts'; var lbl_incomplete_status_2 = 'Needs signature'; var lbl_incomplete_status_3 = 'Awaiting approval'; var lbl_use_action_btn = 'Action button only'; var msg_user_variable_required = 'You have to input all required fields'; var msg_user_variable_fields_required = 'Caption, Type, Data name are required.'; var lbl_parse_nfc = 'Parse by delimiter'; var lbl_parse_barcode = 'Parse by delimiter'; var lbl_uppercase_lock = 'Uppercase lock'; var lbl_show_symbols = 'Show symbols'; var err_exceed_min_max = 'Cannot exceed minimum/maximum'; var err_select_incomplete_for_bulk_signature = 'Please select a form to sign'; var lbl_show_date_button_text = ''; var lbl_show_date_button_icon = ''; var lbl_show_time_button_text = ''; var lbl_show_time_button_icon = ''; var lbl_show_datetime_button_text = ''; var lbl_show_datetime_button_icon = ''; var lbl_remove_today_icon = 'Remove icon'; var lbl_remove_now_icon = 'Remove icon'; var lbl_allow_delete = 'Allow delete'; var msg_confirm_fv_save_complete = 'Form saved as complete.'; var lbl_incomplete_status_4 = 'Needs quote approval'; var lbl_show_skip_if = 'Jump to if'; var lbl_allow_sketch = 'Allow sketch'; var lbl_skip_if_cond = 'Jump to if'; var lbl_auto_start_sketch = 'Auto start in sketch'; var msg_found_the_source_account = 'Not found the source account : '; var msg_found_the_source_form = 'Not found the source form.'; var msg_source_form_does_not_belong_account = 'The source form does not belong to source account "$1".'; var msg_not_found_destination_account = "Destination account not found: "; var msg_destination_form_existed = "The destination form name already exists in the account."; var msg_cant_create_task_queue = "Can't process TaskQueue for copying form."; var lbl_action_open_form = 'Load selected form'; var lbl_open_form = 'Pick a form to load'; var msg_error_form_not_permit = 'You do not have the privilege to access this form. Please contact your doForms administrator.'; var lbl_show_arrows = '
'; var lbl_show_stars = '
'; var lbl_show_slider = '
'; var lbl_fit_image_to_screen = 'Fit star image to screen'; var lbl_5_stars = '5 Stars'; var lbl_10_stars = '10 Stars'; var lbl_user_has_been_locked = 'This account has been locked please contact your administrator or doForms directly at 908-505-9020.'; var msg_bf_lbl_range_required = 'Range is required.'; var msg_bf_stars_required = 'Stars is required.'; var lbl_keyboard = 'Keyboard'; var lbl_keyboard_text = 'Text'; var lbl_keyboard_no = 'Numeric'; var lbl_keyboard_none = 'None(Android only)'; var lbl_security_group = 'Security'; var lbl_encrypt_field = 'Encrypt field'; var lbl_action_open_form_preview = 'Load form from review'; var lbl_show_in_list_group = 'Show in list'; var lbl_open_review_incomplete_group = 'Incomplete forms'; var lbl_open_review_complete_group = 'Complete forms'; var lbl_open_review_sent_group = 'Sent forms'; var lbl_incomplete_status_none = 'None'; var lbl_pls_select_record = 'Please select a record to open.'; var lbl_icon_action = 'Icon action'; var lbl_action_today = 'Current date'; var lbl_action_picker = 'Picker'; var lbl_remove_icon = 'Remove icon'; var lbl_year_number = 'Year'; var lbl_sketch_group = 'Sketch'; var err_mobile_locked = 'This mobile has been locked please contact your administrator or doForms directly at 908-505-9020.'; var lbl_action_jump_group = 'Action'; var lbl_jump_after_scan = 'Jump after scanJump after retrieve'; var lbl_jump_next_after_scan = 'Jump to next question'; var lbl_report_excel_template = 'Excel template'; var err_requires_8_digit_pin = 'This account requires an eight (8) digit pin. Please contact your administrator.'; var msg_error_security_code_invalid = 'Security code invalid'; var lbl_pod_stop_filter_column = 'Stop column'; var msg_bf_destination_fields_required = 'Destination fields is required when Action button only is used.'; var msg_bf_compare_condition_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_no_saved_form = "There are no saved forms to open."; var lbl_open_form_project = 'Pick a project to load'; var msg_bf_rel_cand_ctrl_changed = 'The following value is not valid'; var lbl_pod_ds_dispatch = 'Dispatch'; var lbl_excel_report_type = 'Report type'; var lbl_report_type_structure = 'Report layout
'; var lbl_report_type_column = 'Column layout
'; var lbl_report_type_custom = 'Use custom template'; var lbl_report_convert_pdf = 'Convert to PDF'; var lbl_excel_sheet_name = 'Sheet name'; var lbl_action_current_time = 'Current time'; var lbl_action_current_date_time = 'Current date/time'; var lbl_replace_header = 'Replace repeatable header'; //CO-1322 var msg_newDispatch_trigger_on_empty = 'Please choose Column mapping.'; var msg_newDispatch_mobile_number_empty = 'Please choose Mobile number mapping.'; var msg_no_item_found = 'No items found.'; var msg_no_boxes_available = 'There is no boxes available'; var lbl_use_fowarded_only_grp = 'Forward recipient'; var lbl_pod_reject_qty_err = 'You cannot reject more than $1.'; var lbl_pod_none_actual_qty_err = 'Actual Qty: Input number must be greater than or equal to $1.'; var lbl_pod_default_name = 'Delivery manifest'; var lbl_display_first_matching = 'Display first matching record'; var lbl_choose_one_radio = 'Radio buttons'; var lbl_choose_one_switch = ''; var lbl_switch_on_off = 'On Off'; var lbl_switch_1_0 = '1 0'; var lbl_switch_yes_no = 'Yes No'; var lbl_switch_custom = 'Custom'; var lbl_switch_underlying = 'Values'; var msg_osm_fromdate_todate = "From date must be before to date."; var lbl_switch_custom_on = 'Selected value'; var lbl_switch_custom_off = 'Not selected value'; var lbl_required_option_group = 'Required columns'; var lbl_excel_template_name = 'Report name'; var lbl_actual = 'Actual'; var lbl_actual_qty = 'Actual QTY'; var msg_sync_and_save_required = '"Sync and save licenses type" is required if "# of sync and save licenses" > 0.'; var msg_replenish_credits_required = '"Credit package" and "Quantity of packages" is required if "Automatically replenish credits" is checked.'; var msg_error_limit_to_mdt_users_email = "Limit to MDT users not valid."; var lbl_print_page = 'Select page(s) to print'; var lbl_sel_page_all = 'All'; var lbl_action_print_mobile = 'Print mobile'; var lbl_hide_company_logo = 'Hide logo'; var lbl_secure_email_report_ctrl = 'Secure email'; var lbl_inputSecureEmailReport_tip = 'Email the completed form securely.'; var lbl_support_devices = 'Supported printers'; var lbl_printer_brother_773 = '- Brother PocketJet 773'; var lbl_printer_brother_763_MFI = '- Brother PocketJet 763 MFi'; var lbl_printer_brother_773_763 = '- Brother PocketJet 763'; var lbl_secure_email_body_default = 'Please click the link below to retrieve your document.'; var msg_ps_email_subject_custom_text_default_for_secure_email = 'Secure document from $1'; var error_secure_email_name_empty = '(*) Name can not be empty'; var error_secure_email_code_empty = '(*) Validation code can not be empty'; var error_secure_email_term_uncheck = '(*) Please accept the terms of service'; var lbl_secure_forward_ctrl = 'Secure forward'; var lbl_lookup_ds_required_text = 'Must be a form based datasource'; var lbl_inputLookupRetrieve_tip = 'Retrieve values from a lookup table.'; var lbl_lookup_retrieve_ctrl = 'Retrieve / Modify'; var lbl_modify_fields = 'Modify fields'; var lbl_donot_modify_on_dispatch = 'Do not modify on dispatch'; var lbl_donot_modify_on_forward = 'Do not modify on forward'; var lbl_choose_one_underly = 'Use underlying value for choose-one fields'; var lbl_update_time_zone = 'Update time zone of data source record'; var lbl_button_type = 'Button type'; var lbl_btn_text = 'Button text'; var lbl_lookup_value = 'the following'; var msg_bf_lookup_value_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_custom_template_success = '{Template} successfully {action}'; var msg_custom_template_not_change = 'There are no changes.'; var msg_custom_template_save = 'Report templates successfully saved'; var msg_custom_template_form_used = 'Note: this $1 is currently being used in a form!'; var msg_record_not_found = 'No record found'; var msg_no_internet = 'Unable to retrieve record. Please check your internet connection and try again.'; var msg_bf_destination_required = 'Destination fields is required.'; var msg_this_dispatch_has_been_recall = 'This dispatch has been recalled by [$1].'; var lbl_acknowledge = 'Acknowledge'; var msg_dispatch_has_been_recall = 'Dispatch [$1] has been recalled by [$2].'; var lbl_allow_running_totals = 'Allow running totals'; var lbl_show_as_hhmmss = 'Display time values as hh:mm:ss'; var lbl_show_as_date = 'Display date values only'; var msg_dispatch_submit_not_pending = 'Submit pending record only.'; var msg_dispatch_submit_confirm = 'Are you sure you want to submit this dispatch as Completed?'; var lbl_gps_verify_address = 'Verify address'; var lbl_gps_compare_field = 'Compare field'; var lbl_gps_destination_field = 'Variance field'; var msg_bf_gps_compare_field_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_gps_destination_field_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_compare_field_ctrl_move_down = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_destination_field_ctrl_move_down = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_cannot_geocode = 'Sorry, we were unable to geocode the first address'; var msg_time_zone_required = 'Please select a "Time zone" or check "Use account time zone."'; var lbl_verify = 'Verify'; var lbl_verify_min_range = 'Minimum range(Minutes)'; var lbl_verify_max_range = 'Maximum range(Minutes)'; var msg_bf_time_compare_field_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_time_destination_field_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_time_verify_min_range_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_time_verify_max_range_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_mobile_app_recall_invalid = 'Recall is only supported from the app version 5.6 or newer.'; var lbl_display_distance_as = 'Display distance as'; var lbl_distance_as_meters = 'Meters'; var lbl_distance_as_feet = 'Feet'; var lbl_distance_as_miles = 'Miles'; var lbl_display_label = 'Display label'; var lbl_in_range_message = 'In range message:'; var lbl_display_label_default = 'Time is in range'; var msg_not_in_range = '$1 Minutes not in range'; var msg_in_range = '$1 Minutes in range'; var msg_submit_all_finished = 'Successfully submitted $1 of $2 record(s)'; var lbl_retrieve_grp = 'Retrieve'; var lbl_on_retrieve = 'On retrieve'; var lbl_clear_group = 'Clear'; var lbl_rem_field = 'Remove field'; var lbl_send_values = 'Send values'; var msg_bf_send_values_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_current_field_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_new_form_field_required = msg_bf_required_error; var lbl_return_values = 'Return values'; var msg_bf_return_values_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_website_icon_color_require = 'Website icon color requires at least one color value less than 225'; var lbl_show_button_location_text = ''; var lbl_show_button_location_icon = ''; var lbl_is_show_compare_type = 'Show types'; var lbl_is_choose_one_field = 'Choose-one lookup field'; var lbl_show_btn = 'Show button'; var msg_fv_validate_different_warning = 'Value of "$1" can not be different $2'; var msg_too_many_index_properties_or_entity_is_too_big = 'Too many fields in the file/form. Please remove unnecessary fields from the file' + ' or check the Ignore fields in tables and repeatables option to reduce the number of fields!'; var lbl_printer = 'Printer'; var lbl_printer_brother = 'Brother'; var lbl_printer_zebra = 'Zebra'; var lbl_print_fields = 'Print fields'; var msg_bf_print_page_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_print_field_required = msg_bf_required_error; var lbl_setup = 'Data lookup'; var lbl_lookup_key = 'Lookup key'; var lbl_bluetooth_key = 'Bluetooth key'; var lbl_is_hide_btn_after_scan = 'Hide buttons after scan'; var lbl_is_hide_counter_after_scan = 'Hide counter after scan'; var lbl_bluetooth_lf_ctrl = 'Bluetooth Low Energy'; var lbl_inputLFBluetooth_tip = 'Capture information from a Bluetooth Low Energy device.'; var msg_bf_bluetooth_field_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_bluetooth_key_required = msg_bf_required_error; var lbl_parsing = 'Parsing'; var lbl_parsing_custom = 'Custom'; var lbl_parsing_oem = 'OEM Controls BT Beacon'; var lbl_show_device_list_type = 'If multiple devices are detected'; var lbl_show_device_list_type_one = 'Select one device from a list'; var lbl_show_device_list_type_many = 'Populate a table with all devices'; var lbl_start_scanning = 'Start scanning'; var lbl_stop_scanning = 'Stop scanning'; var lbl_payment_type_square = '
'; var lbl_square_note = '
Click here to sign up for a Square account.
'; var lbl_allow_replace = 'Allow replace'; var lbl_allow_clear = 'Allow clear'; var lbl_suppress_keyboard = "Suppress keyboard (Android only)"; // CO-2559:Suppress keyboard setting - Text Field || // CO-2560:Suppress keyboard setting - Numeric Field var msg_incomplete_loading_please_wait = "Loading process is running..."; var lbl_auto_start_scan = 'Auto start scan'; var msg_form_lookup_not_assign = 'This form does not have lookup data source.'; var lbl_show_accout_variable = 'Show account variables'; var lbl_show_user_variable = 'Show user variables'; var lbl_gps_display_map_in_mobile = 'Display map in mobile and web'; var lbl_gps_display_map_in_report = 'Display map in standard PDF report'; var lbl_auto_run_group = 'Auto run'; var lbl_action_del_form_job_list = 'Reject job and remove from jobs list'; var lbl_auto_collapse_repeat = 'Automatically collapse repeat'; var msg_open_form_restrictions = 'To protect your data, it is not possible to delete a field or change a field\'s data name in edit mode. If you need to delete a field we recommend that you hide it instead. If you need to drastically change your form by deleting many fields, then we recommend that you use the open option and save your form changes as a new form.'; var lbl_text_char = 'Text character'; var lbl_num_char = 'Numeric character'; var lbl_text_char_n_num_char_the_same = 'Text character must be different numeric character'; var lbl_verify_duplicates = 'Verify duplicates'; var lbl_allow_duplicate = 'Allow duplicate'; var lbl_duplicate_columns = 'Select columns'; var msg_duplicate_columns_value = '$1 is a duplicate!'; var lbl_ctrlSchedule_tip = 'Generate a schedule of dispatches.'; var lbl_schedule_ctrl = 'Schedule'; var lbl_dispatch_group = 'Dispatch infomation'; var lbl_pick_a_project = 'Pick a project to load'; var lbl_pick_a_form = 'Pick a form to load'; var lbl_dispatch_date = 'Date'; var lbl_dispatch_form_map_group = 'Dispatch form mapping'; var lbl_send_dispatch = 'Send dispatch'; var lbl_on_submission = 'On submission'; var lbl_on_schedule = 'On schedule date/time'; var lbl_schedule_date_time = 'Schedule date/time'; var lbl_dispatch_mobile = 'Dispatch mobile'; var msg_bf_dispatch_date_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_dispatch_mobile_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_pick_project_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_pick_form_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_field_mappings_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_schedule_date_time_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_contact_reseller_to_upgrade = 'Please contact your reseller $1 .' var msg_contact_partner_to_upgrade = 'Please contact your partner $1 .' var lbl_schedule_label = 'Schedule label'; var msg_square_info_empty_message = 'Square information is empty. Please, contact admin for more info.'; var lbl_square_total_amount_paid_opt = '- Select -'; var lbl_square_total_amount_paid = 'Total amount paid'; var lbl_square_transaction_client_id_opt = '- Select -'; var lbl_square_transaction_client_id = 'Transaction client id'; var lbl_click = 'click'; var msg_export_max_row_per_file = "Max row per file must be between 100 and 5000."; var lbl_fax_ctrl = 'Fax'; var lbl_inputFaxWidget_tip = 'Send a fax.'; var msg_fax_number_empty = 'Fax number can not be empty.'; var msg_fax_number_not_selected = "Please select a record to fax."; var msg_fax_number_send_selected = "Do you want to send fax all selected records?"; var msg_fax_send_done = 'Fax has been sent.'; var lbl_cover_sheet = 'Cover sheet'; var lbl_tbl_auto_add_new_row = 'Dynamically add rows'; var lbl_tbl_auto_add_new_row_max = 'Max number of rows'; var msg_bf_cdata_kw_error = 'Please do not use "]]>" in Caption or Hint.'; var lbl_pick_a_form_refresh = 'Refresh'; var msg_all_asterisk_fields_required = 'All (*) fields are required.'; var lbl_header_connections_page = 'Manage > Integrations > Connections'; var msg_select_conn_name = 'Please select a name!'; var msg_select_conn_type = 'Please select a type!'; var msg_select_conn_db = 'Please select a database!'; var msg_select_conn_site_url = 'Please select a site url!'; var msg_confirm_delete_this_connetion = 'this connection ?'; var msg_confirm_remove_this_target = 'this target ?'; var lbl_show_comma = "Show commas"; var lbl_text_parse = 'Parse'; var msg_bf_required_destination_field = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_destination_field_move_up = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_destination_field_not_found = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_destination_field_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_destination_length_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_select_conn = 'Please select a connection!'; var lbl_action_launch_garmin_directions = 'Navigate with Garmin'; var lbl_hide_after_parse = 'Hide after value is entered'; var lbl_update_form_field_refresh = 'Update fields'; var lbl_facings_ctrl = 'Facings'; var lbl_jump_when_not_empty = 'Jump when not empty'; var lbl_action_zebra_print = 'Print label'; var lbl_printer_zebra_qln_420 = 'Zebra Qln 420'; var lbl_printer_zebra_qln_320 = 'Zebra Qln 320'; var lbl_printer_zebra_qln_220 = 'Zebra Qln 220'; var lbl_print_zebra_column = 'Columns'; var lbl_zebra_column_one = 'One'; var lbl_zebra_column_two = 'Two'; var msg_bf_print_field_type_required = msg_bf_required_error; var lbl_printer_font_size = 'Font size (default)'; var lbl_show_print_ctrl_caption = 'Show the caption text of the question (default)'; var msg_order_form_fields_changed = 'This lookup table can not be updated because the order of fields in' + ' the form have been changed. Please create a new lookup table based on this form instead!'; var lbl_printer_paper_style = 'Paper style'; var lbl_paper_black_bar = 'Black bar'; var lbl_paper_style_gap = 'Gap'; var lbl_paper_style_continuous = 'Continuous'; var lbl_number_of_copy = 'Number of copies'; var lbl_show_print_ctrl_caption_colon = 'Show colon'; var lbl_show_duplicate_value = 'Show duplicate values'; var lbl_auto_type_on_device = 'Requested'; var lbl_dispatch_start_time = 'Start time (Scheduler)'; var lbl_dispatch_start_date = 'Start date (Scheduler)'; var lbl_dispatch_start_date_time = 'Start date/time (Scheduler)'; var lbl_dispatch_duration_hour = 'Duration hours (Scheduler)'; var lbl_dispatch_duration_minute = 'Duration minutes (Scheduler)'; var lbl_dispatch_duration_total_hour = 'Total duration in hours (Scheduler)'; var lbl_dispatch_duration_total_minute = 'Total duration in minutes (Scheduler)'; var lbl_dispatch_start_date_time_text = 'Start date/time'; var lbl_dispatch_duration_text = 'Duration'; var msg_bf_ite_cmp_type_required = msg_bf_required_error; var lbl_auto_num_trigger = 'Trigger type'; var lbl_auto_num_trigger_select_opt = '- Select -'; var lbl_auto_num_trigger_2a = 'When a specified question is answered'; var lbl_auto_num_trigger_2 = 'When a specified question is answered for the first time'; var lbl_auto_num_trigger_4 = 'When a specified page is displayed for the first time'; var lbl_auto_num_trigger_8 = 'When the form is opened for the first time'; var lbl_auto_num_trigger_16 = 'When the form is saved as complete'; var lbl_auto_num_trigger_ques = 'Question trigger'; var lbl_auto_num_trigger_pages = 'Page trigger'; var lbl_is_enable_as_collect_if_no_connect = 'Use Generated number if no connection'; var msg_upload_file_size_limit_form_json = "Upload file size can not be larger than 5MB."; var msg_warning_import_json_form_ext = 'Please upload files with the valid extensions: json'; var msg_please_type_form_name = 'Please type the name.'; var msg_please_select_json_file = 'There is no json data to import'; var err_could_not_import = 'Could not import the form. Please try again in a moment.'; var lbl_hide_retrieve_button_auto = 'Hide Retrieve button'; var lbl_hide_retrieve_button = 'Hide button after retrieve'; var lbl_is_retrieve_ds = 'Retrieve'; var lbl_is_modify_only = 'Modify'; var msg_add_10_days_trial = 'Are you sure you want to add 10 days to this trial?'; var msg_from_account_not_valid = 'From account is not valid.'; var msg_to_account_not_valid = 'To account is not valid.'; var lbl_show_scheduler_variable = 'Show scheduler variables'; var lbl_action_open_file = 'Open attachment'; var lbl_file = 'File'; var msg_open_forms_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_choose_file_now = 'Choose a file now'; var msg_choose_file_in_dispatch = 'Choose a file in dispatch'; var msg_not_required = 'Not required'; var msg_source = 'Source'; var msg_source_upload = 'Upload a file'; var msg_source_web_url = 'Paste a web URL'; var lbl_inputOpenFile_tip = 'Open an attached file.'; var lbl_open_file_ctrl = 'Open file'; var lbl_display_image = 'Display barcode image'; var lbl_barcode_type = 'Barcode type'; var lbl_barcode_qr = 'QR Code 2D'; var lbl_barcode_upc_a = 'UPC-A 1D'; var lbl_barcode_ean_13 = 'EAN-13 1D'; var lbl_barcode_ean_8 = 'EAN-8 1D'; var lbl_barcode_itf = 'ITF 1D'; var lbl_barcode_code_39 = 'Code 39 1D'; var lbl_barcode_code_128 = 'Code 128 1D'; var lbl_barcode_codebar = 'Codabar 1D'; var msg_bf_barcode_type_requred = msg_bf_required_error; var lbl_is_modify_add = 'Add to data source if not found'; var lbl_hide_scan_val = 'Hide scan value'; var lbl_start_day = 'Start day'; var lbl_num_of_day = 'Number of days'; var err_num_of_day = 'Number of days must be less than or equal 7.'; var lbl_contains = 'contains'; var lbl_starts_with = 'starts with'; var lbl_length_is = 'length is'; var lbl_text_direction = 'Text direction'; var lbl_report_date_filter_all = 'All'; var lbl_report_date_filter_all_msg = 'Please be aware the depending on the number of records in your form your report may not run due to the report being too large.'; var lbl_action_set_destination_fields = 'Set destination fields'; var msg_bf_destination_field_duplicate_error = "Can not add duplicate destination field."; var msg_bf_destination_all_field_required = msg_bf_required_error; var lbl_delete_rep_when_var_change = 'Clear repeats when variable changes'; var msg_excel_template_dynamic_row_max = 'Dynamic rows can not be larger than {max}'; var lbl_is_modify_delete = 'Delete from data source if found'; var msg_bf_des_tbl_fill_dif = 'We don\'t support filling data from multiple tables into one table'; var lbl_printer_brother_rj_2150 = 'Brother'; var lbl_week_number = 'Week'; var lbl_week_name = 'Week'; var lbl_show_read_only_if = 'Read only if'; var lbl_read_only_if_cond = 'Read only if'; var lbl_counter_tip = 'Enter a number without using a keyboard.' var lbl_of_dispatch_required = 'Required'; var lbl_of_dispatch_caption_text = 'Caption text'; var lbl_url = 'URL'; var msg_of_choose_in_dispatch_caption_text = msg_bf_required_error; var lbl_printer_setting_file = 'Printer setting file (.bin)'; var msg_file_format = 'Invalid file type. Only [$1] files are accepted.'; var msg_info_duplicate_name = "You can't add duplicate name."; var msg_bf_printer_setting_file_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_no_bin_file_to_select = '
There is no bin file.
'; var lbl_br_bin_files = 'Brother printer setting file'; var lbl_paper_width = 'Paper width'; var lbl_pw_2_inch = '2 inch'; var lbl_pw_3_inch = '3 inch'; var lbl_pw_4_inch = '4 inch'; var lbl_lookup_cond_field = 'Lookup condition field'; var lbl_lu_condition_group = ''; var lbl_lu_condition_opr_group = 'Equals'; var lbl_not_display_rec_not_found = 'Do not display record not found'; var lbl_parse_by_delimiter = 'Parse by delimiter'; var lbl_parse_by_num_of_char = 'Parse by number of characters'; var msg_delete_account_successful = "Delete account successfully!"; var lbl_login_web_client_denied = 'Could not log you in with those credentials. Please contact your system administrator.'; var lbl_group_rules_permissions = 'Rules & Permissions'; var lbl_action_group_des_for_text = 'Tips
1) Use the layout grid to improve how items are arranged on your form.
2) Use the parse action when working with barcode scanners, RFID and NFC devices that utilize keyboard interrupt as an input method.'; var lbl_show_relevance_condition_page = 'Only display this page if'; var msg_square_permission_warning = 'Please contact doForms or your sales rep for additional information and assistance in setting up payment with Square.'; var lbl_action_group_des_for_autonumber = 'Tips
1) Used Generated to create a unique number on the device. This number will be sequential but is based on a combination of variables.
2) Use Submitted if you need the next number in a specific sequence. The number will be generated before emails are sent.
3) Use Requested if you want a specific sequential number, but you need it on the device for printing purposes. Requires an internet connection.'; var lbl_set_destination_fields = 'Set destination fields'; var msg_form_already_set_as_component = "This form has already been added to the component manager."; var msg_delete_component = "Are you sure you want to delete component?"; var lbl_hide_button_after_click = 'Hide button after click'; var msg_bf_modify_all_field_required = msg_bf_required_error; var lbl_nfc_btn_type = 'Type'; var lbl_duplicate_check_field = 'field'; var msg_bf_required_duplicate_field = msg_bf_required_error; var lbl_trigger_kind = 'Trigger'; var msg_fv_duplicate_value = 'Value of "$2" cannot be the same as $1'; var msg_fv_duplicate_value_4_table = 'Value of "$2" cannot be the same as column $1'; var lbl_set_hide_fields = 'Hide field(s) if clicked'; var msg_bf_hide_if_all_field_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_hide_if_ctrl_deleted = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_hide_if_field_duplicate_error = "Can not add duplicate field in hide if."; var lbl_hide_if_checked = 'Hide field(s) if checked'; var lbl_hide_if_cpm_val = 'Hide field(s) if'; var lbl_hide_if_field_list = 'Hide fields'; var lbl_gps_get_address = 'Address destination fields'; var lbl_gps_destination_field_4_get_address = 'Destination field'; var lbl_is_hide_answer_radio = 'Hide answers'; var lbl_is_hide_answer_checkbox = 'Hide answers'; var lbl_action_open_mfr = 'Open map of route'; var lbl_action_rs = 'Route summary'; var lbl_action_open_mfr_n_rs = 'Open map of route and route summary'; var lbl_driving = 'Driving'; var lbl_walking = 'Walking'; var lbl_bicycling = 'Bicycling'; var lbl_transit = 'Transit'; var lbl_route_type = 'Route type'; var lbl_route = 'Route'; var lbl_distance_units = 'Distance units'; var lbl_travel_time_format = 'Travel time format'; var lbl_miles = 'Miles'; var lbl_km = 'Kilometers'; var lbl_feet = 'Feet'; var lbl_m = 'Meters'; var lbl_hours = 'hours'; var lbl_minutes = 'minutes'; var lbl_hhmm = 'hh:mm'; var lbl_hhmmss = 'hh:mm:ss'; var msg_bf_distance_unit_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_travel_time_format_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_route_type_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_route_required = msg_bf_required_error; var lbl_send_route_distance = 'Route_Distance'; var lbl_send_route_travel = 'Route_Travel'; var lbl_send_route_map = 'Route_Map'; var lbl_address_type = 'Type'; var lbl_complete_address = 'Complete address'; var lbl_street = 'Street'; var lbl_city = 'City'; var lbl_state = 'State'; var lbl_zip = 'Zip'; var lbl_web_user_lu = 'System web users'; var lbl_mobile_user_lu = 'System mobile users'; var lbl_route_distance = 'Distance'; var lbl_route_travel_time = 'Travel time'; var lbl_route_map = 'Route map'; var lbl_location_style = 'Style'; var lbl_map_n_coor = 'Map & coordinates'; var lbl_advanced = 'Advanced'; var lbl_kind_text = 'Text'; var lbl_distance_as_km = 'Km'; var lbl_location_lat = 'Latitude'; var lbl_location_lon = 'Longitude'; var lbl_location_alt = 'Alitude'; var lbl_location_acc = 'Accuracy'; var lbl_location_date = 'Date'; var lbl_location_map = 'Map'; var msg_bf_address_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_address_value_required = msg_bf_required_error; var lbl_action_close_and_open_form = 'Close, open selected form'; var lbl_map_route_error_origin = 'Invalid request. Missing the \'origin\' parameter.'; var lbl_map_route_error_destination = 'Invalid request. Missing the \'destination\' parameter.'; var lbl_map_route_error_empty = 'Start and end values cannot be empty.'; var lbl_map_route_geolocation_not_support = 'Geolocation is not supported for this Browser/OS.'; var lbl_checklist_cond = 'Checklist filter'; var msg_bf_checklist_field_required = msg_bf_required_error; var lbl_modify_all_matches = 'Modify all matches'; var lbl_lock_screen = 'Lock screen'; var lbl_week_ending_date = 'Week ending date'; var lbl_end_day = 'End day'; var lbl_current_date = 'Current date'; var lbl_other_field = 'Other field'; var lbl_week_ending_date_type = 'Date field'; var lbl_number_copy_warning = 'If the field is empty or 0 one copy will be printed.'; var lbl_paper_length = 'Paper length (inch)'; var msg_finish_order_process = 'Please check your email to complete your purchase.'; var lbl_case_sensitive_cmp = 'Case sensitive'; var msg_bf_jump_to_cond_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_confirm_send_to_subscriptions = 'Send changes to Zoho Subscriptions? The customer will be charged immediately for any changes.'; var msg_confirm_send_to_subscriptions_change_plan = 'Change plan to $1'; var msg_confirm_send_to_subscriptions_add_licenses = 'Add $1 licenses'; var msg_confirm_send_to_subscriptions_add_web_users = 'Add $1 web users'; var msg_confirm_send_to_subscriptions_remove_licenses = 'Remove $1 licenses'; var msg_confirm_send_to_subscriptions_remove_web_users = 'Remove $1 web users'; var msg_confirm_send_to_subscriptions_add_credits = 'Add $1 credits'; var msg_clear_required_id_successful = 'Clear required device ID successful!'; var msg_account_is_empty = 'Account can not be empty.'; var msg_account_not_found = "This account is not found."; var msg_does_not_use_zoho_sub = 'This account does not use Zoho Subscriptions.'; var lbl_retrieve_oldest_rec = 'Oldest record'; var lbl_modify_n_delete_submission = 'Modify and delete submission'; var lbl_auto_num_trigger_32 = 'On retrieve'; var msg_update_fail = 'Update failed!'; var msg_bf_retrieve_question_trigger_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_modify_question_trigger_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_confirm_restore_all_deleted_records = 'Do you really want to restore all deleted records for the form "$1"?'; var msg_bf_retrieve_required = 'Please setup the retrieve session.'; var lbl_geofence_ctrl = 'Geofence'; var lbl_geofence_latlong = 'Latitude / Longitude'; var lbl_address_ques = 'Address question'; var lbl_latitude_ques = 'Latitude question'; var lbl_longitude_ques = 'Longitude question'; var lbl_arrived_time_des = 'Arrived time destination'; var lbl_departed_time_des = 'Departed time destination'; var lbl_duration_minutes_des = 'Duration minutes destination'; var lbl_geofence_input_type = 'Input type'; var lbl_description_ques = 'Description question'; var msg_bf_description_field_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_input_type_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_address_field_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_lat_lon_field_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_arrived_time_field_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_departed_time_field_required = msg_bf_required_error; var lbl_action_set_status_to_gps = 'Send time status to map'; var lbl_status_text = 'Status text'; var lbl_status_type = 'Status type'; var lbl_on_duty = 'On duty'; var lbl_on_break = 'On break'; var lbl_on_lunch = 'On lunch'; var lbl_on_other = 'On other'; var lbl_off_duty = 'Off duty'; var lbl_off_break = 'Off break'; var lbl_off_lunch = 'Off lunch'; var lbl_off_other = 'Off other'; var msg_bf_status_text_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_status_text_ques_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_status_type_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_add_geofences = 'Add geofence'; var msg_edit_geofences = 'Edit geofence'; var msg_warning_cancel_form = 'Are you sure you want to cancel? All changes will be lost.'; var lbl_radius = 'Radius'; var lbl_radius_des = 'meters'; var lbl_printer_bixolon = 'Bixolon'; var lbl_printer_bixolon_l310 = '- Bixolon L310'; var lbl_holding_until_depart = 'Hold dispatch on device until departed'; var lbl_send_dispatch_after = 'Up to'; var lbl_send_dispatch_after_des = 'minutes'; var err_retrieve_search_not_found = 'We’re sorry, we are unable to locate the data record due to the criteria or no Internet connection. Please check the spelling and values of the “Answer” search criteria as well as checking Internet connection.'; var msg_no_more_data_found = 'No more data found'; var lbl_select_all = 'Select all'; var lbl_deselect_all = 'Deselect all'; var lbl_inv_ctrl = 'Inventory'; var lbl_inv_label = 'Inventory label'; var lbl_method = 'Method'; var lbl_method_enter = 'Enter'; var lbl_method_barcode = 'Barcode scan'; var lbl_method_nfc = 'Read NFC'; var lbl_option_grp = 'Options'; var lbl_show_found_not_found = 'Show found and not found report'; var lbl_show_comment_column = 'Show comment column'; var lbl_show_image_column = 'Show image column'; var lbl_actions = 'Actions'; var lbl_no_inv_label = '[no inv label yet]'; var lbl_transaction = 'Transaction'; var lbl_shippo_icon = '
'; var lbl_get_rate = 'Get rates'; var lbl_create_label = 'Create label'; var lbl_shippo_send_note = 'Send to shippo'; var lbl_shipping_ctrl = 'Shipping'; var lbl_shippo_note = '
Click here to connect to shippo.
'; var lbl_from_address = 'From address'; var lbl_to_address = 'To address'; var lbl_length = 'Length'; var lbl_width = 'Width'; var lbl_height = 'Height'; var lbl_distance_unit = 'Distance unit'; var lbl_weight = 'Weight'; var lbl_mass_unit = 'Mass unit'; var lbl_service_carrier = 'Carrier'; var lbl_file_format = 'File format'; var msg_bf_from_address_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_to_address_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_size_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_weight_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_service_carrier_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_file_format_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_ctrl_move_down = msg_bf_required_error; var lbl_shippo_destination_note = 'Destination fields'; var lbl_carrier = 'Carrier'; var lbl_service_level = 'Service level'; var lbl_tracking_number = 'Tracking number'; var lbl_tracking_url = 'Tracking url'; var lbl_rate_amount = 'Rate amount'; var lbl_rate_currency = 'Rate currency'; var lbl_estimated_days = 'Estimated days'; var lbl_label_url = 'Label url'; var lbl_select_parcel_template = 'Add a parcel template choose one'; //'Clear  Select a parcel template'; var lbl_parcel_template = 'Parcel template'; var err_rates_not_found = 'No rates were found.'; var lbl_purchase_btn_text = 'Purchase button text'; var lbl_purchase = 'Purchase'; var lbl_parcel_template_dimensions = 'Parcel template dimensions'; var lbl_from_name = 'From name'; var lbl_to_name = 'To name'; var lbl_custom = 'Custom'; var lbl_has_gps_destination_field = 'GPS destination fields'; var lbl_shippo_note_disconnect = '
Click here to disconnect from shippo.
'; var lbl_audit = 'Audit'; var lbl_audit_input_question = 'Input question'; var lbl_audit_data_lookup = 'Data lookup'; var lbl_audit_destination_field = 'Destination field'; var lbl_audit_found_in_lu = 'Found in data lookup'; var lbl_audit_not_found_in_lu = 'Not found in data lookup (over)'; var lbl_audit_not_entered_but_in_lu = 'Not entered but in data lookup (under)'; var msg_error_max_rows_permitted = 'This exceeds the maximum number of rows permitted.'; var msg_warning_table_max_rows_limit = 'The maximum number of rows has been reached.'; var lbl_add_parcel_template_choose_one = 'Add a parcel template choose one'; var lbl_label_image = 'Label image'; var lbl_is_modify_only_des = 'Modify requires a form based lookup'; var lbl_round = 'Round'; var lbl_get_directions = 'Get directions'; var lbl_get_route = 'Get route'; var lbl_map_action = 'Action'; var lbl_open_route_in_google_map = 'Open route in map'; var lbl_route_destination_field = 'Destination field'; var lbl_route_destination_unit = 'Unit of measure'; var msg_bf_route_travel_time_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_route_travel_time_field_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_route_distance_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_route_travel_distance_field_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_route_map_required = msg_bf_required_error; var lbl_on_demand = 'On demand'; var lbl_user_selects_project = '- User selects project -'; var lbl_payment_type_mipos = '
'; var lbl_mipos_tax = 'Tax'; var lbl_mipos_opt = '- Select -'; var lbl_mipos_tax_pecentage = 'Tax is percentage'; var lbl_mipos_description = 'Description'; var lbl_cardholder_name = 'Cardholder name'; var lbl_payment_method = 'Payment method'; var lbl_reference_number = 'Reference number'; var msg_mipos_permission_warning = 'Please contact doForms or your sales rep for additional information and assistance in setting up payment with MiPOS.'; var msg_error_load_project_form = 'Sorry, unable to load this form because it is not in your project(s).'; var lbl_brother_template_type = 'Brother :'; var lbl_brother_template_bin = 'Use .bin file'; var lbl_brother_template_ptouch = 'Use P-Touch Designer file'; var lbl_ptouch_setting_file = 'P-Touch setting file (.pd3, .pdz, .blf)'; var lbl_ptouch_template_name = 'Template name'; var lbl_ptouch_template_key = 'Template key'; var msg_bf_ptouch_setting_file_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_ptouch_template_name_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_ptouch_template_key_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_ptouch_map_field_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_ptouch_map_field_name_required = msg_bf_required_error; var lbl_ptouch_files = 'PTouch setting file'; var msg_no_ptouch_file_to_select = '
There is no P-Touch file.
'; var lbl_display_first_matching_scan_bc = 'Display first matching record on scan'; var lbl_grid_type_center = '
Center grid
'; var lbl_grid_center_left_padding = 'Left padding'; var lbl_grid_center_right_padding = 'Right padding'; var lbl_no_captions = 'No captions'; var lbl_add_as_space = 'Add as space'; var lbl_clear_all_setting = 'All settings/properties would be cleared by selecting this setting.'; var lbl_label_image_justify = '
'; var lbl_paper_style_custom = 'Custom'; var lbl_zebra_pages_pad = 'Space between each label (inch)'; var lbl_zebra_print_type_pdf = 'File PDF'; var lbl_zebra_print_type_png = 'File PNG'; var lbl_zebra_print_type_zpl = 'File ZPL'; var lbl_zebra_print_type_manual = 'Manual'; var lbl_print_zebra_type = 'Print type'; var lbl_rem_file = 'Remove file'; var msg_bf_print_file_required = msg_bf_required_error; var lbl_when_retrieve_has_data = 'When a retrieve question has data'; var lbl_when_retrieve_has_no_data = 'When a retrieve question has no data'; var lbl_stamp_group = 'Stamp'; var lbl_auto_stamp_image = 'Auto stamp image'; var lbl_auto_stamp_gps = 'GPS location'; var lbl_auto_stamp_direction = 'Direction'; var lbl_auto_stamp_date_n_time = 'Date and time'; var lbl_auto_stamp_description = 'Description'; var lbl_action_close_and_retrieve = 'Close, retrieve form'; var lbl_submit_action = 'Submit action'; var lbl_retrieve_project = 'Project'; var lbl_retrieve_form = 'Form'; var lbl_retrieve_cond = 'Condition'; var lbl_retrieve_create_date = 'Answer'; var lbl_retrieve_ques = 'Question'; var lbl_retrieve_answ = 'Answer'; var lbl_submit_action_upd = 'Update'; var lbl_submit_action_new = 'New'; var lbl_retrieve_cond_and = 'And'; var lbl_retrieve_display = 'Display'; var lbl_retrieve_cond_between = 'Between'; var lbl_retrieve_cond_equals = 'Equals'; var lbl_retrieve_cond_begin = 'Begin date'; var lbl_retrieve_cond_end = 'End date'; var lbl_retrieve_cond_date = 'Date'; var lbl_display_fields = 'Display'; var lbl_action_send_and_retrieve = 'Save, send, retrieve form'; var lbl_all = '- All -'; var lbl_device_mobile_email = 'Mobile user email'; var lbl_web_user_email = 'Web user email'; var msg_fv_select_record_required = 'Please select records to retrieve.'; var lbl_is_refresh_on_retrieve = 'Refresh on retrieve'; var lbl_project_form_access_denied = 'Project access denied.'; var page_break_per_group_by = 'Page break per group by'; var lbl_if_screen_smaller_than = 'If screen is smaller than'; var lbl_size_options_medium = 'Medium'; var msg_retrieve_confirm = 'Do you want to retrieve "$1"?'; var lbl_button_size = 'Size'; var lbl_select_carrier_template = 'Add a carrier choose one'; var lbl_select_service_level_template = 'Add service level choose one'; var lbl_trigger_action_n_Logic = 'Trigger actions & logic'; var lbl_evaluate_erf = 'Evaluate on edit, retrieve and forward'; var lbl_restrict_by_mobile = 'Restrict by mobile device'; var lbl_remove_from_review = 'Remove from review if no changes are saved'; var lbl_rounding_up = 'Up'; var lbl_rounding_down = 'Down'; var lbl_rounding_up_down = 'Standard'; var lbl_rounding = 'Rounding'; var lbl_show_all_when_blank = 'Show all when filter question is blank'; var lbl_add_mobile_user = 'Add mobile user'; var lbl_edit_mobile_user = 'Edit mobile user'; var lbl_retrieve_date_question = 'Date question'; var lbl_re_run_calculations = 'Re-Run calculations'; var lbl_action_attach_form = 'Attach form'; var lbl_action_attach_form_pls_select_record = 'Please select a record to continue.'; var lbl_auto_stamp_altitude = 'Altitude'; var lbl_app_group = 'App'; var lbl_limit_user_to_interval_value = 'Limit user to interval values'; var msg_attach_form_confirm = 'Do you want to attach “$1”?'; var lbl_action_attach_form_btn = 'Attach'; var msg_out_memory = 'The out of memory error occurred, please reduce number of records and try again.'; var msg_confirm_recall = 'Are you sure you want to recall this dispatch?'; var msg_recall_success = 'Recall successfully'; var lbl_destination_field_group = 'Destination fields'; var lbl_hide_pdf_web = 'Pdf'; var lbl_send_report = 'Send report'; var lbl_send_report_first_time_submit = 'Every time the form is submitted except for an edit by a web user'; var lbl_send_report_every_time_submit = 'Every time the form is submitted'; var lbl_shippo_account_connect = 'Click here to connect to Shippo account.'; var lbl_shippo_account_connected_info = 'Connected to $1.'; var lbl_shippo_account_disconnect = 'Click here to disconnect from Shippo.'; var lbl_printer_brother_pj863 = '- Brother PocketJet 863'; var lbl_save_cur_form_as_incomplete = 'Save current form as incomplete'; var msg_retrieve_action_ot_support = 'Retrieve action is only supported in the web client and the mobile app.'; var msg_data_save_successfully = "Data saved successfully"; var msg_email_already_existed_in_account = 'New email address already existed in the account.'; var lbl_retrieve_newest_rec = 'Newest record'; var lbl_retrieve_all_rec = 'All (Retrieve may fail for a large number of records.)'; var lbl_last_trip_miles = 'Last trip miles'; var lbl_last_trip_km = 'Last trip kilometers'; var lbl_last_trip_start_time = 'Last trip start time'; var lbl_last_trip_stop_time = 'Last trip stop time'; var lbl_only_modify_on_new_record = 'Set when adding'; var msg_copy_account = 'Are you sure you want to copy projects, forms, user variables and account options?'; var msg_copy_account_success = 'Transfer account successfully!'; var msg_run_report = 'The selected report has been sent!'; var msg_select_report_to_run = 'Please select a report!'; var lbl_ios_context_camera = 'Context Camera'; var lbl_ios_flir_one = 'FLIR ONE'; var msg_required_password_change = 'Your account administrator requires that you change your password upon first login attempt.' + ' Please enter a new password with a minimum of 8 characters'; var msg_required_complex_password_change = 'Your account administrator requires that you change your password upon first login attempt.' + ' Please enter a complex new password (at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase and 1 special character (!,$,#,$,%,&)) with a minimum of $1 characters.'; var lbl_ios_app_name = 'iOS app name'; var lbl_printer_brother_pj883 = '- Brother PocketJet 883'; var lbl_action_get_geotab_data = 'Get Geotab data' var lbl_vehicle_logged = 'Logged in user is the driver'; var lbl_vehicle_find_name = 'Find by vehicle name'; var lbl_vehicle_fined_licence = 'Find by vehicle license plate'; var lbl_vehicle = 'Vehicle'; var lbl_geotab_speed = 'Speed'; var lbl_geotab_current_status_duration = 'Current status duration' var lbl_geotab_vin = 'VIN'; var lbl_geotab_license_plate = 'License plate'; var lbl_geotab_license_state = 'License state'; var lbl_geotab_vehicle_name = 'Vehicle name'; var lbl_geotab_vehicle_make = 'Vehicle make'; var lbl_geotab_vehicle_model = 'Vehicle model'; var lbl_geotab_vehicle_year = 'Vehicle year'; var lbl_geotab_current_address = 'Current address'; var lbl_geotab_odometer = 'Odometer'; var lbl_geotab_engine_hours = 'Engine hours'; var lbl_geotab_fuel_level = 'Fuel level'; var lbl_geotab_driver_name = 'Driver name'; var lbl_geotab_driver_email = 'Driver email'; var lbl_geotab_current_geotab_zone = 'Current Geotab zone'; var lbl_geotab_is_driving = 'Is driving'; var lbl_print_on_one_page = "Don’t print page breaks"; var lbl_required_repeat = 'Required repeat'; var lbl_required_repeat_fields = 'Required fields'; var msg_status_sent = 'Status sent'; var msg_error_geotab_optional_module_is_not_check = 'Please contact support to enable Geotab.'; var lbl_repeatable_summary_ctrl = 'Container summary'; var lbl_repeatable_summary_label = 'Caption'; var lbl_repeatable = 'Container'; var lbl_columns = 'Columns'; var lbl_repeatable_opt = '- Select -'; var msg_bf_repeatable_field_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_columns_field_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_column_field_required = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_contact_to_enable_feature = 'Please contact ' + CONST_MDTADMIN_USER_EMAIL_SALE + ' to enable this feature.'; var lbl_image_viewer_ctrl = 'Image viewer'; var lbl_image_url = 'Image URL'; var lbl_fit_image_to_screen = 'Fit image to screen'; var lbl_add_as_space = 'Add as space'; var msg_bf_image_url_ctrl_move_down = msg_bf_required_error; var msg_bf_image_url_required = msg_bf_required_error; var lbl_android_app = 'Android app'; var lbl_action_send_text_message = 'Send text message'; var lbl_send_message_text = 'Message text'; var lbl_month_ending_date = 'Month ending date'; var lbl_month_ending_date_type = 'Date field'; var lbl_attachment_ctrl = 'Attachment'; var lbl_attachment_allow_edit = 'Allow edit'; var lbl_select_attachment = 'Select attachment'; var lbl_include_attachments = 'Include attachments'; var lbl_btn_icon = 'Button icon'; var lbl_too_many_failed_login = 'Too many failed login attempts. Please try again later.'; var lbl_send_report_every_time_when_dispatched = 'When a dispatched form is sent'; var lbl_result = 'Result'; var lbl_arrival_time = 'Arrival time'; var lbl_arrival_time_destination_field = 'Destination field'; var msg_bf_arrival_time_required = msg_bf_required_error; var lbl_load_immediately = 'Load immediately'; var msg_reupload_lookup = "There was an unknown error. Please try to upload the file again. If the problem persists, please contact our technical support."; var msg_not_found_project_form = 'Not found project-form'; var msg_not_found_project_form_not_active = 'Project-form is not active'; var msg_not_found_project_form_deleted = 'Project-form was deleted'; var msg_upload_file_size_limit_N_MB = "Upload file size can not be larger than $1MB."; var msg_delete_dispatch = 'If the user submits a deleted dispatch it will appear again here, but will not generate a submission.'; var lbl_send_report_every_time_when_dispatch_add_as_pending = 'When a dispatched form is added as Pending'; var lbl_condition_case_sensitive_hint = 'Use only case sensitive equals conditions for best performance'; var lbl_do_not_use_picker = "Keyboard only (no picker)"; var lbl_has_filter = 'Filter'; var lbl_filter_cond = ''; var msg_bf_filter_required = msg_bf_required_error; var lbl_action_clear_quote = 'Inspect with ClearQuote'; var lbl_send_to_clear_quote = 'Send to ClearQuote'; var lbl_registration_number = 'Registration number'; var lbl_returned_from_clear_quote = 'Returned from ClearQuote'; var lbl_cq_ret_message = 'Message'; var lbl_cq_ret_quote_id = 'Quote ID'; var msg_not_valid_shedule_link = "Schedule link is not valid."; var msg_global_search_tip = "Search in all data centers"; var password_not_allowed_some_chars = 'Password is not allowed to contain some special characters : " \''; var lbl_cq_ret_public_url = 'Public URL'; var lbl_cq_ret_status = 'Status'; var lbl_is_refresh_on_dispatch = 'Refresh on dispatch';